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Proper feeding of children 6 months

The optimal nutrition for a child in the first year of life is breast milk. Such a simple truth is confirmed not only by WHO, but also by centuries of experience, as well as by the sensations of millions of mothers. However, sooner or later, in the life of every crumb, there comes a time when he will need to try new food. There are many different methods of introducing products into the baby's diet, which plunge young parents into a state of chaos. How exactly should the children be fed for 6 months?

Rules for the introduction of foods into the diet

The rules for the introduction of new products include a number of recommendations and limitations that will help parents to acquaint the child with new flavors without problems. To begin with, a number of general taboos should be explored that will make the lure of children 6 months easier:

  • Do not start taking new dishes in the hot season or intense heat.
  • Vaccinations, diseases, malaise and lure - do not combine.
  • Do not rush, observe the rule "do no harm"! An immature digestive system can not quickly perceive various foods.
  • Do not enter two or more products at the same time, the complementary food must be one-component.
  • Do not force the baby to any particular dish forcibly, better offer an alternative solution that will suit the two sides.

The first meal, as a rule, is tried in the morning to track the reaction of the baby to it. For starters, you can give one teaspoon a try, the next day two, bringing the amount of the product to a full serving. After the child regales with mashed potatoes or porridge, offer him a mixture or breast milk, the sequence of actions should be exactly this. Be sure to follow the chair of the baby, at the first sign of constipation or a disorder, adjust the diet.

How to understand that the time has come?

The feeding of a child by months is considered the most correct and adapted to the children's digestive system. We start with vegetables, then we introduce porridge, cottage cheese and yolk, as well as meat and bread. However, each kid is individual and develops according to his own schedule. How can you understand that your beloved child is ready to start eating new food? Pay attention that the child should demonstrate food interest, be able to keep the head in a vertical position and sit confidently, in case of unwillingness can refuse the proposed product. As a rule, all these conditions are met not earlier than six months. In some cases, on the advice of a pediatrician, the introduction of products may be prescribed later or earlier.

The first new dish

Lure baby 6 months must begin with vegetable dishes. The exception is the case of a significant underweight weight toddler, in this case, the doctor will certainly advise you to begin acquaintance with the world of new flavors from porridge.

Why are vegetables considered to be the optimal product for starting complementary foods? The thing is that they have a very beneficial effect on the digestive process, because they contain fiber and vitamins, and also have a texture that is easy for the stomach. Begin to feed your baby with zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli. A little later, the daily menu can be supplemented with colored products, pumpkin or carrots, they are considered more allergenic, so they are introduced after a short time after the beginning of complementary feeding.

You can buy a baby canned vegetable puree for a child, or you can make it yourself from fresh or frozen vegetables. Just boil the product in water, and then bring it to a single state with a blender, grater or meat grinder. At the beginning, salt or vegetable oil should not be added to such a dish.

Getting acquainted with porridge

The main task of porridge is food. A hearty dish will allow the child to gain necessary weight quickly enough. However, you should approach the choice of porridge with the utmost care. So, the product chosen by you in the store must be one-component, that is, contain only one cereal, for example, buckwheat or rice. Please note that the package should contain a note on the absence of gluten, a similar protein often provokes allergic reactions in young children. Do not also choose porridge in the composition, which includes milk, yogurt or sugar, any additives will be appropriate only a few months. This is how the baby's lure begins 6 months, porridge is a very important part of it.

About cottage cheese and eggs

After the first lure of a child of 6 months is introduced, it is time to expand its nutritional interests. You can offer baby curds or chicken yolks. In the use of such products it is extremely important to observe the norm. So, do not give the baby yolks more often once a day and twice a week, and cottage cheese is calculated according to the scheme - a maximum of 5 grams per kilogram of the child's weight. This product should also not be given every day at the beginning. The overabundance of such dishes can lead to serious health problems, allergy development, kidney damage.

We begin to eat meat

The correct feeding of the baby for 6 months does not include meat, it appears much later, after 60-90 days. It can be a rabbit, a turkey or a chicken, a little later a lean beef or veal, the main thing - a minimum of fats. Meat should be present in the baby's diet daily, but at a certain dosage (about 3 - 5 grams per kilogram of baby weight). You can use minced meat or grind the fillet with a meat grinder, for the baby's nutrition, special baby cans are also suitable. In no case, it is not necessary to prepare meat broths, in modern pediatrics they are under strict prohibition.

Approximate diet for a baby 6 months

So, let's repeat how the child's lure should look like 6 months. The menu for one day can be represented as follows:

  • First breakfast: breast milk or age-appropriate mixture.
  • The second breakfast: porridge (starting from one spoon and up to 200 grams).
  • Lunch: vegetable puree (starting from one spoon and up to 200 grams).
  • Snack: breast milk or adapted according to age, mixture.
  • Dinner: breast milk or age-appropriate mixture.
  • Second supper: breast milk or age-adapted mixture.

As you can see, the lure of children for 6 months is still quite monotonous, but in the very near future your baby will be able to eat kefir, fermented milk, and later fish (closer to 9-10 months). By the year in the diet the child can be added cheese, bread, crackers, milk, vegetable and butter.

Available sweet: fruits and juices

Feeding children 6 months allows the introduction of fruits and juices, although this issue is for many experts quite controversial. It is known for certain that such food additives can not replace a full meal, dinner or breakfast, but only serve as a snack. During the Soviet era, these products began to be introduced already from 3 months, but the latest methods in this area state that this is not necessary. Deciding to sweeten the baby's diet, start with natural children's juices, at first they should be diluted with boiled water, in proportion 1 to 1. After 20-25 days after the introduction of drinks, you can start with apple or pear puree, they are considered the most hypoallergenic, but berries And exotic dishes should be postponed in the end.

A couple of simple recipes

Now you know how to form a child's lure for 6 months. The recipes for the first courses for babies are quite simple. Here are two popular dishes:

  • Fruit puree. Take one large green apple and rinse it thoroughly, then bake in the oven. With the finished fruit, you need to remove the peel, and chop the pulp to a homogeneous state. It is not recommended to use fresh apples, they can provoke intestinal colic in the baby.
  • Nourishing vegetable mashed potatoes. Boil 50-100 grams of cauliflower inflorescences and chop the blender to a porridge condition. Dilute the water in the required proportions of 50 ml of the mixture and mix it with the vegetable puree.

Consequences of the introduction of early supplementary feeding for premature infants

The lure of premature babies is associated with a large number of difficulties and is necessarily determined by the pediatrician individually, if necessary, it can be postponed for several months. Remember, adult food in this case, can lead to:

  • Allergies and diathesis;
  • Frequent eructations;
  • Suffocation.

Carefully studying the lure of a child by months, do not always strive to adhere to science. Remember, in many ways the vision of new food is determined by the individual characteristics of your child's body. To instill a craving for a baby to eat properly, do not forget to set a good example by your own behavior.

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