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Herpes on the lips: how is it transmitted? The remedy for herpes on the lip. Is herpes dangerous?

Most of the world's population is familiar with the trouble associated with the appearance on the lips of one or more transparent bubbles. Some do not attach much importance to them. Others suffer from an unfortunate cosmetic defect and try to "fix" the matter with the help of lipsticks. And few people think about whether herpes is transmitted on the lips to other people and how these innocuous vesicles are fraught. Let's try to clarify the situation a little.

Insidious aggressor

The eruption on the lips provokes the herpes virus. It is microscopically small, but very cunning. Once in a perfectly healthy cage, the herpes is attached to its membrane by its shell. At this stage, he is still vulnerable, therefore he tries to allocate his DNA as soon as possible into the cytoplasm of the occupied cell and transport them to the human nerve nodes , the so-called ganglia. There, viral DNA is introduced into the nucleus of a foreign cell and immediately begins to divide. All. From this point on, the virus can not be liquefied. He remains in the host's body until his last breath. Usually, in the first few days after infection there are no symptoms. In the future there are rashes. Many know what the herpes looks like on the lips. It's one, more often a few bubbles that can merge. They contain a transparent liquid, infested with young viruses. Vesicles are itchy, sometimes causing pain. Over time, they turn into a dark crust. If it accidentally touches and tears, blood is allocated.

Ways of infection

Unfortunately, not all people who have herpes on their lips think about precautions. As this "contagion" is transmitted, not everyone knows and associates an unpleasant rash with a common cold. This is partly true. Herpes virus leads a cyclic life. That is, its active phases alternate with the phases of rest. A cold is one of the factors that motivate him to work. Fortunately, the structure of herpes does not allow it to penetrate into the human body through undamaged skin. But if there are wounds on the hands, and in them, for example, with saliva, a virus gets infected, infection is inevitable. Many people care if herpes is transmitted through a kiss. Of course, it is transmitted. Also it can be picked up through household items, for example, dishes that the patient used. At room temperature, the virus is active for 24 hours. The temperature above +50 degrees Celsius kills it. But in the cold even at -70 degrees he can live 5 days. But on metal surfaces, for example, door handles, herpes persists only 2 hours. Even on sterile bandages and cotton wool it lasts longer, namely until they dry completely.

Infection with the virus of newborns

If a pregnant woman has popped herpes on her lips, how is it transmitted to the fetus? The answer depends on the gestation period at which the infection occurred. If it happened in the early period, then it's okay. Usually in this period only 1-3 percent of babies become infected. But if the disease fell on the 6th month and later, the indicator increases to 60 percent. In this case, the doctor can prescribe a woman antiviral drugs. There are two types of simple herpes virus. The first affects the lips, eyes, nose, mucous of the mouth, CNS. The second is only the sex organs. Pregnant women, who have two types of herpes, can transmit them to their children twice as often as those in whose body only one type of virus is present .

Hidden danger

Almost 95 percent of the earthlings are infected with herpes simplex. The remaining 5 percent can easily pick it up if they do not follow the precautionary measures. Unfortunately, such a cure for herpes on the lip, which can kill him forever, has not yet been invented. There are only drugs that support herpes in an inactive state. If you do not take measures to strengthen your health, the activity of the virus can begin to manifest not only on the lips, but also in the eyes, causing inflammation of the cornea. Sometimes the infected have rashes in the mouth, gingivostomatitis occur. If the virus enters the brain, meningitis or encephalitis may develop. From the infected to the still healthy, herpes is transmitted through a kiss or household items. But the patient himself can transfer his own virus from the lips to other parts of the body. This happens if you touch the bubbles with your hands, and then touch the eyes, genitals with the same hands. If the fingers are wounded, the virus through them easily enters the body. On the fingers it appears like a rash on the lips. The vesicles are strongly itchy, the skin turns red, sometimes it splits, giving the person pain.

Risk groups

Is herpes dangerous for everyone? Maybe the devil is not as terrible as he is painted? Unfortunately, anyone can get herpes. But the greatest probability in people with low immunity, who have suffered any disease, weakened the body. Also at risk are HIV-infected people and people who have undergone organ transplants. Those who are exposed to stress, who live in constant tension or work a lot, unable to rest, are also easily picked up by the insidious virus. Scientists have absolutely accurately established that heredity affects the susceptibility of a person to a given strain of viruses. This means that if one of the parents in the family is infected with herpes, their child may be more likely to get sick than the one whose parents are healthy. The immune system of children, as a rule, is weak. For them, herpes on the lips is especially dangerous. How is he transferred to a baby who has already been born? Most often airborne from a sick mother. She is in contact with the baby almost the whole day, and in the saliva, the virus is also present.

Treatment: External

Most often, the medicine for herpes on the lip is offered in the form of ointments. They effectively function only on the affected area, removing itching, burning, pain, drying out the vesicles. On the Russian market are offered funds "Acyclovir", "Zovirax", "Fenistil" and others. The active substances present in these ointments disrupt the course of dividing the DNA of the viruses, leading to their death. But the viruses that are in the human ganglions, they have no effect. Some patients blisters on the lips with iodine or alcohol. These drugs, although they have bactericidal properties, herpes viruses do not kill, but can cause a burn of the delicate skin of the lips. Therefore, they should not be used. You can only dry the already formed crust. Also, do not pierce the bubbles and squeeze out liquid from them. This "treatment" leads only to an additional infection.

Treatment with tablets

As already noted above, the medicine for herpes on the lip or other parts of the body has not yet been invented. Created only drugs that help reduce the activity of the virus or reduce symptoms. For example, "Lidocaine", "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen" and similar medications relieve pain, itching, fever. Available in the arsenal of physicians, antiviral drugs can reduce the activity of the virus and transfer it from the active phase to a calm one. Vaccines against herpes are only being developed and tested. Fortunately, a person himself is able to develop immunity against this "infection". Our body produces special lymphocytes, called natural killers. With their receptors, they recognize the "enemy", enter into its cells and kill. It is thanks to them that the herpes, which appears on the lips, rarely shows activity on other organs. These lymphocytes, as well as antibodies, produce immunity, which prevents the occurrence of relapses. That is, the herpes virus remains in the person, but is in an inactive state.


Knowing what herpes is on the lips, how this virus is transmitted from the patient to the healthy one, you can take measures so that they do not become infected or even avoid relapses. These measures are very simple and consist of basic hygiene:

  1. Do not kiss and do not use one dish, a towel, lipstick with a man who has rashes on his lips.
  2. Be sure to wash your hands after returning from the street.
  3. Strengthen and improve immunity in all available ways. It can be teas and tinctures with Echinacea and ginseng, herbal teas, fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins. Also here are the tempering of the body and exercise.
  4. To lead a way of life so that the body does not experience stress and excessive overload.
  5. If relapse occurs very often, consult a doctor.

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