HealthDiseases and Conditions

Children's Alcoholism

The scale of this problem is great. Unfortunately, drinking children every year becomes more and more, and chronic alcoholism, whose treatment is always difficult, is found in young people very often. Why do children drink? In fact, there are many reasons. Not all of them are associated with a poor social environment or with any problems in the family.

Children's alcoholism and factors contributing to its development

Most often, children begin to drink alcohol at a time when their personality begins to form. In this case, they begin to drink for self-assertion, trying to prove that there is no power over them. In the same way, children try to prove that they grew up.

Often a factor in the development of child alcoholism is a bad company. The child begins to drink, imitating his friends (especially the elder). He believes that he will not be friends with him if he behaves differently. Also in this case, he can drink, trying to break into the leaders, or just gain credibility.

At risk are children who have grown up in a family of alcoholics. The child from the earliest years sees that everyone is drinking around. Gradually, he begins to consider this the norm, the standard of life. Children's alcoholism in such cases can be very strong, since the problem is deep in the subconscious.

Children's alcoholism develops even through the media. On TV screens and on the Internet, we constantly see people drinking, who almost always seem happy. Of course, this affects the perception of the reality not only of children, but also of adults. Many people have heard about the dangers of alcohol , but not everyone still believes that chronic alcoholism can develop even among those who drink rarely. Often people take up their heads too late.

What is this problem?

Children's alcoholism, as a rule, is much stronger than the adult's alcoholism. This is due to the fact that it is formed at a time when the body is intensively developing, and the psyche is just starting to get stronger. Personality degradation at this age is the cause of irreversible consequences. Often, against the background of alcoholism, other serious diseases begin to develop.

Alcohol affects the liver, brain, blood and much more. Perhaps, the strongest blow falls precisely on the nervous system. What does this lead to? To the fact that thinking begins to slow down, the intellect ceases to develop, and there are problems in the emotional sphere.

Physiological functions are only being formed. At this age, the danger of alcohol poisoning is great, a coma can develop , the likelihood of intoxication is high.

Children's alcoholism leads to the fact that blood pressure, as well as body temperature, increase. In the blood, the level of glucose and leukocytes decreases. This leads to convulsions, hallucinations, a possible fatal outcome.

Children's alcoholism: stages

Traditionally, five stages of the development of this disease are distinguished. At the very first one gets used to alcoholic beverages. It lasts about six months. The second stage lasts about a year. Here the child begins to drink constantly, increasing the dose. His worldview is changing, there is aggression. At this stage, treatment can be effective.

At the third stage, psychic dependence appears. This stage can last several years. Alcohol is already taken uncontrollably, the body gets used to ethanol, the first stage of chronic alcoholism is formed.

At the fourth stage the abstinence syndrome becomes pronounced. At the fifth stage, intellectual degradation is observed. Children react aggressively to everything that happens around. In most cases, children also use drugs. Among alcoholic children, substance abuse is very common.

To treat children's alcoholism is very difficult. This is due in particular to the fact that it is difficult to find a strong motivation that would help the patient return to normal life.

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