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Azoospermia - what is it? Azoospermia - treatment

There are many diseases, which are embarrassing and unpleasant to say, for example, hemorrhoids, erosion of the cervix, paraproctitis or azoospermia. For many, the latter disease is incomprehensible, but a fairly large number of men face it. Let's try to understand, azoospermia - what is it?

What is azoospermia?

This is an unpleasant male disease that makes a man unable to fertilize an egg. At the physical level, this disease is not felt, there is no pain, injury or damage to the skin. But a man who has this disease can not make a woman happy with motherhood, but he has no opportunity to become a father. Azoospermia (which is known to a few) is biologically manifested by the lack of mobile spermatozoa in the sperm of a man. In the ejaculate, there may be cells produced by the prostate gland, spermatogenesis. It is not necessary to say that this disease can lead to psychological problems of a married couple, and sometimes even cause it to burst. Proceeding from this, the disease must be treated immediately. In total, there are two types of this disease.

Obstructive azoospermia

This species is characterized by difficulty in the conductivity of the seed in the penis. From the testes, the seminal fluid should enter the genital organ, but in the presence of obstructions, obstruction, this fluid is not enriched by mobile, fertilizing cells - spermatozoa. When carrying out the spermogram, it is possible to determine the main parameters: fructose in a liquid, the presence of an alkaline medium. However, the volume of sperm can not be changed. If an experienced doctor examines such a patient, then at the first examination will draw attention to the fact that the appendage of the testis is enlarged in volume (swollen). Because of this, the output of spermatozoa overlaps. If visual and laboratory diagnostics are performed, then the diagnosis is "obstructive azoospermia". Causes of the disease can be different: mechanical damage that a man received in the most vulnerable place, various kinds of injuries, neglected inflammatory processes, birth defects, as well as surgical interventions, and operations on the genitals.

Another type of azoospermia

Secretory azoospermia differs in that in this case the work of the testes is directly damaged. This type of disease does not produce sperm. The most common cause of this phenomenon is the hormonal imbalance in the body of a man. Secretory azoospermia is characterized by the presence of unripe germ cells in the sperm. The hormonal imbalance that causes such a manifestation lies in the low or high level of the testosterone hormone in the blood. Also, the cause can be various hereditary disorders.

The main causes of the disease

Like many other diseases, azoospermia occurs both suddenly and due to previously transmitted diseases associated with the functioning of the reproductive system of men and not only. To answer the question about azoospermia - what is it, it is necessary to determine the following reasons:

  1. Postponed syphilis.
  2. The use of alcohol, as well as the impact on the body of other chemicals.
  3. Presence of diabetes mellitus.
  4. Inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs.
  5. The failure of the genetic code, the problems inherent in childhood.
  6. The male hormonal background failed.
  7. The process of violation of the functioning of the reproductive system, which is called "retrograde ejaculation" - the ejection of sperm is not in the penis, but in the bladder.
  8. If a man takes strong antibiotics, steroid drugs, as well as painkillers for cancer.

These reasons are basic, because of which the stronger sex can develop this disease. Naturally, azoospermia and pregnancy are incompatible.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is impossible to determine from the first examination such a disease as azoospermia. Treatment of it directly depends on the diagnostic tests. There are some tests that allow you to make a conclusion about the diagnosis.

  • First of all, it is necessary to examine the blood of a man. Our blood is a very informative agent of the body, so a clinical and biochemical blood test will answer the question of whether there are violations of the endocrine system, and information about the status and balance of hormones in the body.
  • To determine the type of disease you need to do a testicular biopsy. This procedure will make sure whether the testicles perform their function - whether they produce enough sperm. This study consists in the fact that the doctor enters the needle into the scrotum and takes the biomaterial from there. The procedure is unpleasant, but informative.
  • An analysis is carried out to determine the damaged genes that affect the reproductive system.
  • Investigation of the veins of the testicles and the reproductive organ, that is, duplex scanning of the testicles.
  • It is possible to conduct magnetic resonance imaging. This method of diagnosis will identify the causes of the disease, not available in the reproductive system, but in other body systems.
  • Ultrasound of the scrotum to exclude the presence of tumors and various changes in the testicles.
  • Conduction of the spermogram makes it possible to determine the fertility of sperm.
  • Analysis of urine after ejaculation. One of the causes of infertility is the incorrect excretion of sperm (into the bladder), this analysis will exclude or confirm this variant.

These diagnostic options will provide information on the causes of azoospermia, and very detailed and informative.

How can I cure azoospermia?

Men psychologically experience very hard when they diagnose such a disease as azoospermia. How to treat the disease, if it is found in you? There are different approaches to its treatment, which need to be considered in detail.

Conservative therapy

This concept implies a medical treatment. But it is not used in all cases, but only when the causes of the disease are the inflammatory processes of the reproductive system, as well as the imbalance of hormones is diagnosed. Special antibiotics are used to prevent inflammation, and hormonal drugs that stabilize the work of hormones.

Operations with azoospermia

At certain indications the doctor is compelled to prescribe an operation. Most often, it is assigned to return functionality to the seminiferous ducts. To achieve the effect, the seed is extracted using some special medical methods.

Help of folk remedies

After the man has learned his diagnosis - azoospermia - treatment with folk remedies can reassure him. There are several proven recipes that will help in overcoming the disease.

Given that there are two types of disease, and one of them is a mechanical obstacle to the excretion of sperm, the effectiveness of folk remedies is possible only in the second case - with secretory azoospermia. It is checked that sometimes traditional medicine can not cope with this disease, and people's methods helped. Let's consider the main recipes.

  • If the disease is only found, you need to eat 1 pomegranate per day or drink its juice (1/3 cup).
  • Pour one teaspoon of common wormwood seeds with a glass of boiling water. Proportions must be observed! During the day, drink this infusion.
  • In one glass of boiling water add 3 tbsp. L. Lopsided one-sided. This liquid is kept in a thermos for 12 hours. After this, you can take an infusion after eating 150 ml each.
  • Also for the treatment of this disease, the mummy is used - for a month it is taken on an empty stomach with carrot juice (1:20).
  • Phytotherapy is also effective in this case. In the same quantity are collected: the leaves of white mulberry, leaves of the tops of pine, leaves of walnut, Irish sokh. Grind the mixture, prepare a serving: add 2 tsp to two tablespoons of the mixture. Crushed flax seeds, 0.5 liters of water. To keep on fire and to drink 3 times a day instead of tea, it is possible with a lemon or honey.
  • The next recipe for folk medicine is the addition of one glass of boiling water to 0.5 tsp. Hooves. Take tincture 5 times a day. The grass of the hoof has long been famous for helping to improve the quality of sperm.
  • Eating such foods: pomegranate, seafood (except shrimp), nuts, spinach, sour cream with beer (mix and 2 weeks to drink, sour cream - 200 g, beer - 1 glass).
  • In addition, hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches (this procedure should be done only by specialists).
  • Stimulates motility of sperm plantain. 1 tbsp. L. Seeds of plantain is poured with 1 glass of boiling water, it is insisted 15 min. Take 2 tbsp. L. 4 times a day. This course lasts 3 months.

We have considered in detail such a disease as azoospermia. What is it, you now know, so you can cope with this ailment, if necessary.

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