
Victoria (strawberry) as a household name for the garden berry

In those ancient times, when botanists were not yet subject to the desire to classify all vegetation growing on the Earth, there lived-whether it was a shrub or a strawberry grass. It was known as fragaria, which in Latin meant "fragrant". Over time, it was divided into species such as Fragaria moschata, Fragaria vesca, Fragaria orientalis and Fragaria colliana. In this case, dioecious strawberries, ie, the one with female and male flowers on different bushes, was called a strawberry . The round shape of the berries of this species and gave it the name: club - ball - club - strawberry.

Excursion to the history

Somewhere in the beginning of the XVII century. From the eastern part of North America to the territory of Europe brought meadow strawberries, later named virgin (Fragaria virginiana). A century later, the Frenchman A. Frezio to Europe from Chile brought a few bushes of unprecedented strawberries (Fragaria chiloensis) with sweet fragrant berries of light pink color. One of the bushes was donated to the Paris Botanical Garden, where he crossed himself with a virgin strawberry. As a result of such crossing, that garden strawberry appeared that is well known to us from our personal plots and is mistakenly called Victoria. The name "Victoria" took root and acquired the significance of the common noun for the whole cultivated strawberry.

Thus, not every strawberry is a strawberry, not every strawberry is Victoria, but Victoria herself is a strawberry, just like any other strawberry, in fact. In fact, Victoria is a sort of strawberry, named after an English monarchical person. In Russia, was introduced one of the first in the late XVIII century, and therefore acquired the value of the common noun. In fact, in the species of these varieties, more than two thousand are allocated! Among them - Alexandria, Baron Solimacher, Yellow Miracle, Lord, Victoria, Zenga Zengana, Queen Elizabeth, Bagot, Red Gontlet, Festival.

What distinguishes a strawberry from Victoria

Variety Victoria is cold-resistant and resistant to pests and other diseases. Plants are decorated with wide leaves of deep green color, form large and strong bushes. The berries are large, sweet, fragrant, bright red.

Victoria fruit (strawberry) with a frequency of 1 times a year. On the territory of Russia, strawberry variety is widely distributed in the southern part, cultivated on household plots and horticultural farms for a long time.

Due to the rich taste it is actively used in cooking, and the ability to preserve useful substances for a long time has become a reason for popularity among the owners during the conservation period

Soil Preparation

Transplant strawberries begin with the preparation of land. Plant the seedlings in pre-dug up land. For planting plants choose a flat area, preferably with a slight slope to the west. The site should not be blown by winds, otherwise in winter there will be little snow on the bed, and the plants themselves will freeze in the spring.

Victoria (strawberry): the secrets of reproduction

For the ripening of the berries on the bushes, and also to avoid their decay, the seedlings are recommended to plant in rows at a distant distance from each other. You can design the beds with a rope attached to both sides of the pegs, so that the beds will be even and neat. Along the rope, holes are made into which the selected rosettes are planted. For convenient care of plants and berries, plantings are made in a crest 10-15 cm high.

Experts in the breeding season recommend Victoria in May, and not in August, when a rosette is planted in the ground.

In order to get large berries in summer, it is necessary to take out sockets with large inflorescences. Empty flowers do not need to be used.

The rosette is dug out with a clod of earth in order not to damage the root system of the plant. Due to this the plant does not get sick and quickly gets accustomed to a new place. The first two or three sockets from the mother plant are among the most qualitative for reproduction.

Strawberry Victoria: description of care of plants

Victoria (strawberry-strawberry) is very fond of watering, for a season it is necessary to water it at least 10 times. To obtain a good crop, beds with seedlings need care and treatment, namely the removal of weeds in the process of weeding.

The earth around the bushes is better to be covered with straw, sawdust or wood shavings. This method will keep the berries from contamination and contamination with gray mold. It is necessary to loosen the soil around the plants, to make hilling in the event that their root system is bare. Care for strawberries consists in digging and planting sockets with large inflorescences, throwing out unusable sockets with a small inflorescence, without inflorescence or rosettes with stiff roots. Following the recommendations of experienced gardeners, every year you and your family will rejoice at the abundant harvest of home-made fragrant strawberries!

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