
Radish Chinese: Appearance, Taste, Growth and Health Benefits

Radish Chinese is a two-or one-year-old plant. This vegetable-root crop belongs to the Cabbage family. Most actively it is grown in Japan, Korea and China. In our country, Chinese radish grows well in the Far East.

The most common varieties are the Red radish (crimson ball) and Lobo (elephant fang).

Appearance of the vegetable

The shape of the "body" depends on the variety. It is round, fusiform and elongated (oval). The color of the root can be white, green, yellow, red and purple. Also sometimes there is a mixing of colors and then the vegetable has a double, and sometimes a triple color (yellow-green, violet-white and so on). The flesh also has different colors and transient shades. Usually its color depends on the color of the peel and can be either saturated or lighter. Radish Chinese weighs from 250 grams to 1 kilogram.

The plant is mainly grown for 2 years. In the first year, leaves are formed (usually their number does not exceed 16 pieces) and root crops. It has a small mass (not more than 300 grams). In the second year the radish starts to bloom and the seeds ripen. Root crop increases size and weight.


In these grades of radish contains not so much oil as in Russian. Due to this, it does not have an off-tasted aftertaste and bitterness. They contain many minerals and are rich in vitamins, as well as various enzymes, fiber and essential oils. Due to this they have a tender and juicy pulp.

The photo shows the Chinese radish Lobo, or the elephant fang.


Usually it is grown in fields, after picking cucumbers, tomato, legumes and potatoes. Planting the vegetable after other representatives of the Cabbage species is not recommended. If this is not taken into account, then the Chinese radish may be affected by the whale and other diseases peculiar to this species. It can also be grown after garlic, onions and other early crops.

Before sowing, it is necessary to differentiate the soil. To do this, you can use mineral fertilizers and, if necessary, organic fertilizers, except manure. With its use, the radish of the Chinese Loba cracks, is poorly stored and rotten, and also becomes tasteless and often sick. The most suitable "organic" is humus. You can also use wood ash.

It is better to sow radish in the second half of July. If the Chinese radish was planted in the first half of the month, then there is a possibility of overgrowing the root crops, which will lead to a decrease in marketability. If the weather in the cultivation area is suitable, then it grows until November.

These varieties tolerate cold weather well, they begin to rise at a temperature of 2-4 degrees Celsius above 0. When freezing to -5 degrees, they do not freeze and do not perish.

Watering the radish should be abundant and regular, so it will give a good harvest.

An interesting fact: if you plant Chinese radish in late July or early August, the amount of harvest will be greatly reduced, but the marketability and safety will improve.

The photo shows a red Chinese radish, or a crimson ball.

Beneficial features

Radish Chinese red and Lobo is used to remove harmful substances from the body and treat certain diseases. They can prevent the appearance of fatty degeneration and other liver diseases. They also have diuretic properties, so they are used to purify the renal system from deposits consisting of sand and small stones. It is well suited for the prevention of urolithiasis.

Tip: if you constantly consume salads, which include these varieties, then the appetite increases. This increases the production of gastric juice and accelerates the digestion of food.

The pulp contains components with a soothing and analgesic effect. Therefore, it is used during neuritis, muscular pain and radiculitis.

The juice of fresh roots is widely used for the prevention of colds and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Who should not eat radish?

Doctors do not recommend eating these radish varieties to pregnant and lactating women. Some components of vegetables accumulate in the body, and with their overabundance, the uterus may come into tonus. This is unacceptable when carrying a child, as this can provoke abortion early in pregnancy and premature birth. Red radish can trigger the emergence of allergies in the mother and child, as its components can penetrate into breast milk.

Radish is contraindicated and people who have heart disease, ulcers, gastritis, enterocolitis and other ailments of the gastrointestinal tract.

These radishes are very popular in cooking.

Application in Cooking

There are a large number of dishes in which these radish varieties are used. They are mainly used in making different salads, less often they are used in the preparation of soups, meat dishes and side dishes.

Root crops help to get food an unusual taste and aroma. Taste quality of the vegetable does not change during thermal processing. They can be stewed, boiled, fried and steamed.

Red radish and Lobo are very juicy and delicious. Their coloring is diverse, because of what they look unusual. In cooking they are used widely, thanks to their taste. They have no bitterness and sharpness, so they have a tender taste. They are also used to treat and prevent many diseases. However, some people are not recommended to eat them.

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