
Pear Age: description, photos, reviews of gardeners

The dacha is a place of mental rest and peace. Here you are distracted from the city bustle, you breathe fresh air, you taste all the delights of suburban life. But this world is not without hassle, you need to fertilize the land, plant fruits and vegetables, get rid of parasites, harvest. Now we will talk about what the pear of the Century is - a description of the photos, reviews of gardeners will be presented in this article.


It was withdrawn more than twenty years ago by crossing the Ukrainian pear and variety number one hundred and forty-three. The seeds of the Ukrainian pear were selected. This species is familiar to experienced gardeners and beginners. What is the difference between a pear and a century old? The description, photos, testimonials we suggest you to consider further in the article.


She won the hearts of many gardeners. Variety of pears Century (reviews about it are mostly positive) refers to trees of medium size. The indicators of winter hardiness are relative. The first fruits can be eaten four years after planting. Collect them in the autumn time.

Despite all the positive aspects that the Pear tree has, the reviews of gardeners include the following disadvantages:

  • Defeat scab;
  • Mites;
  • Bacterial burns.

But at the same time, it is favorably distinguished by a very high annual yield. Pear Age, the description of the features of which is presented above, has the fruits of regular shape. They differ in that one-third of the fruit is covered with a bright blush, and the main color is yellow.

From businessmen a grade of a pear Century responses has too positive. The thing is that its fruits are of high-quality appearance, the mass of one fruit is about 150 g.

Pear Age (description, photos, reviews about it you can see in the article) has a cut in the cut white, very juicy, having a sweet and sour taste. Some fruits reach a mass of half a kilogram.

Fruiting Pear Century (the description of the variety will not be complete without these data) in the autumn. The peak of harvesting falls on the middle of autumn.


The most important thing is to plant the tree correctly. If all of the following rules are observed, the seedling will give the first fruits after four years. Pear Age, description, photo, reviews about which we briefly studied, very fastidious in this matter. We offer you step-by-step instructions:

  1. Treat the plant so that it looks like an ordinary stick without branches and leaves. To do this, cut thick thick roots about ten centimeters, cut off the top. The height of our planting material should be about eighty (plus / minus five) centimeters. Put a seedling for an hour in a bucket of water.
  2. After the hour has passed, dig a hole, mix the soil with the ash evenly, dilute it with water until the consistency of sour cream. The resulting composition carefully treat the roots of the plant.
  3. There is one more feature of how the pear is planted. Comments gardeners say that the tree took root, it is necessary before the process to prepare the bottom. To start loosen as much as possible the land, send there ten raw eggs (do not need to break them). After this, pour out the mixture of ash and soil, and sprinkle dry earth on top. Only after all actions we plant a tree, thus not strongly condensing the earth.

Variety of pears Century (photo and description of the variety we already know) very fastidious. After planting the tree will remain a lot of trouble. Along the perimeter lay a dozen more chicken eggs, tie the barrel to the peg. Water the tree with plenty of water. In order for the sapling to overwinter well, a piece of land around the trunk should be mulched with peat, sawdust or paper, some use pine needles and compost.

Season Selection

Pear Age, description, photos and rules of landing which we have already considered, also requires a choice of the landing season. It is necessary to calculate the most favorable time. The main thing is that the tree has time to settle down and adapt, in order to survive the winter.

Most gardeners prefer the fall and spring. Experienced masters of their business choose September - October, because then you can choose a good, live seedling. In the spring, however, weaker and less viable. But there are pluses, for example, during the summer, autumn, the tree will adapt and take root. A novice inexperienced gardener should give preference to April. The more experienced will have time to prepare the plant for wintering, so it will go to the nursery in August or in September. The main thing is to have time to plant a pear until the middle of October - until the first frosts.


Variety of pears Century, like other varieties, requires care and care. Plant a tree - still very little, it is susceptible to many pests. So, you need to know how to treat it from parasites.

How will the old pear feel? The description of the variety confirms that it clearly does not cope with the disease. And we will give examples of salvation exclusively by biological materials, discover the secrets of experienced gardeners.

So, according to their feedback, the most dangerous disease for a pear is a moniliosis. Surely you noticed that the pear in the shortest time seemed to burn out in front of your eyes, this is a moniliasis burn. We struggled with this problem for a very long time, more than five years, but the result was worth it. The best thing at the moment is phytolavin. Note that the treatment should be done in the early spring or autumn, in the evening.


What is it? Phytolavin is an antibiotic of biological origin. Spraying with this drug should be done on a flowering tree, that is, in the early spring. It is very important that this drug is not phytotoxic. The action is that it will restrain the development of the fungus in about three weeks. Given that it is non-toxic, the treatment is repeated after flowering. The bees pollinating the pear will not do any harm.

It can be noted that the molybroid scald often receives young twigs. This occurs as a result of pest bites. Infection begins at the site of the bite, spreading the rot all the farther along the branch. Given this fact, you can defeat the infection with the help of a secateur, just getting rid of the shoots affected by the fungus. If the rot has covered most of the tree, then it's time to take the saw to save the pear.


Above it was said that the affected branches should be cut off, but how to do it you will find out below.

In diseased branches, the bark turns black, it will be hard to see first. It is necessary to practice, and further finding the sick shoots will not bring much trouble. In addition, that the bark is black, it is also slightly depressed inwards. Crop must be about three centimeters below the rot. Remains must be disposed of, namely, to burn them.

In order to encounter fewer problems, consider and follow the following rules:

  • Handle the plant in early spring, during flowering.
  • Conduct a second spray after flowering.
  • Mandatory prophylaxis against parasites occurs in late autumn, after the dumping of foliage.

Between treatments it is necessary to additionally spray the tank mixtures. This must be done in order to prolong the action of phytolavin. It increases threefold, and even more.

If financially you can not pull such an expensive product, then treat it with any available means containing a biofungicide. It not only helps in the fight against pests, but also contributes to the growth of the tree.

Other diseases

In addition to the above, there may be other problems:

  1. Black cancer.
  2. Fruit rot.
  3. Scab.
  4. Cytosporosis.
  5. Rust.
  6. Powdery mildew.
  7. Milky shine.

All these diseases affect the quality of the product, and in addition, they threaten the continued existence of the tree itself. We suggest you get acquainted with each of them. The disease usually manifests itself in the early spring. Green, tender leaves are covered with an incomprehensible coating, turn yellow and dry up. This is the first manifestations of the disease. Next, consider the most dangerous of them.

Black Cancer

In another way, it is called anton fire. The lesion can be noticeable along the trunk, branches, leaves and fruits. It can be calculated from black spots, which eventually grow larger. In addition, small red spots appear around the lesion. If you do not fight this disease, then, according to observations, pears will not be able to eat. The spots appear on the fruits, then the fruit withers and mummifies.

What to do? These ulcers are cut out and burned, the resulting wounds treated with special solutions for disinfection, for example, copper sulfate. For prevention it is necessary to spray trees, be sure to burn the leaves in autumn.

Fruit rot

Pear Age, whose photo has been repeatedly presented in this article, according to gardeners, is subject to another danger. Now we are talking about fruit rot. Calculate it is not difficult even for a beginner - all the fruits begin to rot. The peculiarity of the disease is that the fruits do not fall off, but remain on the branches, spreading the infection.

It is worth removing all the affected branches, fruits and necessarily burn them. For prevention, spraying in autumn and spring, for example, with chloride copper. The peak comes about in mid-summer. But if you notice that the pear begins to rot, act immediately, do not wait for the height of the illness, otherwise it will be much harder to get rid of it.


This is a very dangerous and insidious enemy of the pear. According to the gardeners, it is not difficult to detect the disease - small spots appear on the leaves, in the course of time they increase in size.

Getting rid of scab is quite difficult, especially if the trees are planted close to each other - this worsens ventilation. In addition, the disease affects the fruits themselves. They are covered with spots, burst and coarsen. Such a fruit is recyclable, it will not go to the table any more.

For prevention, you need to spray the pear and the earth around it with a seven percent solution of urea.


This disease has another name - stem rot. It is not difficult to guess that the problem can be found on the trunk of a tree. The peculiarity of the disease, as the gardeners say, is that it affects all trees regardless of age. The appearance is promoted by sunny and frost burns, drought and some other factors.

In this case, the color of the trunk changes its usual coloration to a dark red color, and gradually the tree begins to dry up. In this case, only a sharp knife will help. Damaged areas need to be cut out, and the places of sections should be treated with copper sulfate. Do not pull with treatment, otherwise the pear will simply dry up. Prevention is the fact that in the spring you need to whitewash the tree trunk and get rid of dry branches in a timely manner.


Pear Age, reviews, photos and features of which are presented in the article, is prone to this disease. It is found exclusively on the foliage, but reflects on the general condition of the tree.

Rust affects leaves, while they become orange and fall prematurely. This affects the immunity of the tree. To get rid of rust, gardeners are advised to remove all the junipers in the garden - they are the bearers of the infection. Bad fruits and leaves must be disposed of.

For prevention twice a year, in the spring and in the autumn, do treatment with both biological and chemical preparations. Once again, we remind that spraying is carried out in the spring before flowering or during, and in the autumn after the fall of the fall.

Powdery mildew

Talking about how the pear of the Century variety is sick, do not forget the powdery mildew. Most often this infection attacks young leaves and shoots. Less often, powdery mildew appears on the flowers and fruits themselves.

Leaves become bloated and cease to develop. Many of them fall off. If inflorescences are affected, then those left on the tree do not bear fruit, and eighty percent of them simply fall off. If the powdery mildew struck a young shoot, then it deforms and withers.

Since this is a fungal disease, the drought contributes to its spread. For pest control, water the tree more often, get rid of dry branches in spring and autumn. A good helper will be spraying with chemicals.

Milky shine

The disease can occur both in the young plant and in the old plant. The reasons, according to experts, can serve:

  • Improper care;
  • Dryness of soil;
  • Temperature changes;
  • Direct sunlight.

When the disease leaves do not change its shape, but covered with a cloudy film. The leaves have a slightly metallic hue, they become more fragile and fall earlier. To avoid this disease, you need, in the first place, the correct and timely care of the tree and timely agricultural measures. If everything is done correctly, the illness will soon pass.

Pear Age - this, according to gardeners, capricious plant, which requires a lot of attention. Having the experience to grow such a variety is a mere trifle. A beginner gardener should study a lot of materials for processing and care for this tree.

Do not make your dacha katorga, it should be a place of rest, both spiritual and physical. And useful tips on growing were given in this article - we studied all the dangerous diseases, learned how to get rid of them. Now it is not difficult for anyone to grow a named pear. In this case, the main thing is love and patience, as there will be a lot of time spent, but the result is worth it. The fruit of this tree is very pleasant to taste and has a high-quality presentation.

As for the reviews of gardeners, the pear called "Century" is an excellent dessert, which is better to eat raw. To taste it resembles the southern varieties of this plant.

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