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Punctuation marks in BSP: table with examples, rule

Unconnected are called such complex sentences, in which parts are connected only with the help of intonation. The main feature of such complex designs is the lack of alliances. Instead, they use punctuation marks in the BSP.

general characteristics

Between sentences in the BSP, semantic relations are established, similar to the relations in the proposals of the allied: compounded and compound.

For example:

  • The night was coming, the forest was moving closer to the fire. The sentence reveals the semantic relations of enumeration of simultaneously occurring events.
  • One day pickets, getting off their feet from the running, bring news: the fortress is being surrendered. In this sentence, the semantic relations are analogous to the relations in the compound sentence with the subordinate explanatory.
  • He spoke the truth - they did not believe him. The sentence combines temporal, concomitant and adversarial relations.

Depending on how the parts relate to each other in meaning, there are BSP with different punctuation marks. The examples given above serve as proof. Depending on this, complex union sentences are divided into three groups.

BSP with semicolon and semicolon

There are several punctuation features associated with the unionless proposals. In particular, there are two rules governing the statement of a comma and a semicolon in the sentence.

Punctuation marks in BSP. Table with examples



The comma in the BSP is put, if there is a listing of certain facts, you can use the union and . In this case, the intonation at the reading will be enumerating, and before each comma it is necessary to sustain a small pause.

My head began to spin, and the stars danced in my eyes.

My head began to spin, and the stars danced in my eyes.

If the sentence is common and has inside its commas (homogeneous members, isolated members, introductory words and plugins, references), then it is separated from the other part by a semicolon.

Green frogs jumping on rocks near the creek; On the biggest stone lies, basking in the sun, golden already.

Do you choose the comma or semicolon?

If the rule is well understood and learned, then you can easily cope with the following exercises:

1.Explain the statement of the semicolon:

1) The sun rises, from the cold, cheerful and radiant; Gleams the window.

2) All morning, clean and bright, the colors glittered; Half a day silver frosted chrysanthemums on the window.

2. What are the punctuation marks in BSP in brackets missing?

Happy irrevocable time - childhood! How not to love the memories of her? They are so refreshing and elevating my soul.

(...) it's already too late (...) it's been long since drunk a cup of milk (...) the dream covers your eyes (...) but you do not move ... (...) everything is sitting and listening. Mom is talking to someone (...) her voice is so sweet (...) so affable. The sound of my mother's voice speaks so much to my heart, so it resonates in my soul!

With blurred eyes I gaze intently into her pretty face (...) all of a sudden she becomes all small - her face becomes no more than a button (...) but I see it all as clearly. I like to see her so tiny. I narrow my eyes even more (...) she is no more than those boys (...) that are in the pupils (...) when you look closely into the eyes (...) but here I moved - and the miracle disappeared (...) I narrow my eyes again ... ) In every possible way I try to renew the vision (...) but in vain.

BSP with dashes

Punctuation marks in the BSP directly depend on the semantic relationships of its parts. In order to set up a dash in alliance offers, one of the conditions given in the table is necessary.

Punctuation marks in BSP. Table of setting dashes with examples

Conditions for using a dash


The content of one proposal contradicts the content of the other proposal. You can put a comma and union BUT.

I understand you, understand me, too. (I'm glad to understand you, but you understand me too).

One sentence concludes with an indication of the time or condition of what is said in another sentence. You can put a comma and unions IF and WHEN.

It will rain - cancel the trip. (If it rains, we'll cancel the trip.) When it's raining, we'll cancel the trip).

In the second sentence is concluded the conclusion or consequence of what is said in the first sentence. You can put a comma and alliances for THIS or SO.

Tomorrow we have a lot to do - we need to get up early. (Tomorrow we have a lot to do, so we need to get up early).

If the proposal draws a quick change of events. You can put a comma and union I.

There was a loud clatter - everything was silent. (There was a loud footstep, and all was silent).

Dash or not dash?

Next, let's talk about examples in which different punctuation marks are allowed.

1. What punctuation marks are placed in the BSP, given below?

1) The teacher told me to file a diary (...) I did not have a diary.

2) There is a terrible stuffiness (...) by nightfall there will be a thunderstorm.

3) She sat in a tent near the hussar (...) the driver whistled (...) the horses rushed.

4) He heard a shout (...) he rushed to run.

5) For a big chase (...) you will lose a little.

2. In the text there is a BSP with different punctuation marks. With which?

A song was heard (...) the voices ceased immediately (...) the urges (...) subsided and the whole convoy moved on in silence ... only the rattle of wheels and the chattering of dirt under horse hooves could be heard at these moments (...) when the words of a sad song sounded.

3. In which of the proposals is a dash?

1) The sun has already set, but in the forest it is still light (...) the air is so clean and transparent (...) the birds chirp and whistle (...) the young grass glitters like emerald.

2) In my heart, I have fun and festive (...) in the courtyard of spring (...) and the air is so clear and transparent (...) the birds chirp and the young grass breaks out joyfully (...).

BSP with a colon

Intensity plays an enormous role in determining the connection between parts in the BSP. If at the end of the first part you need to increase the tone of the voice, then surely you need to put a colon. So it turns out that the punctuation marks in the BSP depend on the intonation. But the semantic relations are of the utmost importance. Consider the conditions for setting the colon.

Punctuation marks in BSP. Table with examples of setting a colon

Conditions for setting the colon


The second sentence refers to the reason for what is said in the first sentence. You can put a comma and a union BECAUSE.

I did not like rainy weather: she drove me into anguish. (I did not like rainy weather, because it drove me into melancholy).

One sentence serves to explain the other, reveals its content. You can put a comma and the introductory word A NOW, then the colon will stand after this word.

In the field there is a riot of colors: among the bright green of the grass, the daisy bushes whiten with fragrant snowdrifts, small pinks of carnation are aroused, occasionally the shy cornflower's eyes are seen through. (There is a riot of colors in the field, namely: among the bright green of the grass, the chamomile bushes whiten with fragrant snowdrifts, the small stars of carnation are aroused, occasionally the shy eyes of a cornflower look through).

The second sentence serves to supplement the first. In this case, you can put a comma between the sentences and the union AS THAT or SEE THAT.

I feel: gently, as if afraid of something, fingers slowly move up to the shoulder. (I feel how carefully, as if afraid of something, my fingers slowly move up to the shoulder).

Colon or not colon?

In this case also has its own rules.

1. What punctuation marks are missing in the sentence?

Somehow it happened so (...) that before the time Vera left (...) but now it did not frighten Sergei (...) he knew (...) that the father and everyone else will return by evening.

2. Arrange the punctuation marks in the BSP. Examples of suggestions are given below.

1) The picture has changed (...) already on the white tablecloth of the fields there and then were black spots and streaks of thawing earth.

2) I really liked listening to the girl (...) she was painting me about a world unknown to me.

3) Even slightly (...) her eyes will come alive, a smile will blossom on her face.

4) I looked out the window (...) in the clear sky, the stars flared brightly.

5) How many years have I served (...) this with me yet was not.

Let us generalize the studied

BSPs are a complex system that includes four types of sentences, depending on the punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence-a comma, a semicolon, a colon, and a dash.

Punctuation marks in BSP. Table with examples





The shot slammed, then the machine gun crackled.

Near the doors I saw a boy, from the cold of everything blue; On it was a wet, stuck to the body clothes; He was barefoot, and his little feet were in mud, like in socks; A shiver pierced me from head to foot at the sight of him.

In the summer the trees merged into one green mass - in the autumn each one stands alone, in itself.

Began to break the dawn - we woke up and went out into the street.

Life without joy is a day without a sun.

You will give - I will not take it.

That's what I'll do: at night I'll come with the detachment, set fire to the explosives and raise that house, that is, the research station, into the air.

About himself, he thought: you need to call a doctor.

The bird could not fly: it had a broken wing.

BSP with punctuation marks. Rule

A comma is placed if the sentence is with a connection relationship.

A semicolon is put if the sentences with the connection relations have their commas inside.

Dashes are put if offers with oppositional, temporary, comparative, conclusive, investigative relations.

Put a colon, if the sentence with explanatory, additional, causal relationship.

What is the difference between punctuation marks in the MTP, WBS, BSP

Between the parts of the BSP, relations are established that are similar to those found in allied sentences: compounded and complexly subordinate.



A floorboard creaked in one corner, the door creaked.

In one corner the floorboard creaked and the door creaked (SSP).

It was already evening, the sun disappeared behind the pine grove, which was beyond the garden; The shadow from it lay endlessly through the fields.

It was already evening, the sun disappeared behind the pine grove, which was beyond the garden, and the shadow from it lay endlessly through the fields.

He felt ashamed of killing an unarmed man - he thought about it and lowered his gun.

He felt ashamed to kill the unarmed, so he thought about it and lowered the gun.

I went into the hut: two benches on the walls and a large trunk near the stove accounted for all of its surroundings.

I entered the hut and saw that the two shops on the walls and the large trunk near the stove accounted for all of its surroundings.

As can be seen from the table, punctuation in BSP is much richer than in union sentences, which use only commas. But in allied constructions the semantic relationships of parts are clear and clear, thanks to the unions:

  • Simultaneity, consistency - union AND;
  • Cause is the union BECAUSE;
  • Consequence - union for this;
  • Comparison - union AS;
  • Time is a union WHEN;
  • Conditions - union IF;
  • Addition - the union WHAT;
  • Clarification - the union IE;
  • Opposition is the union of A.

Punctuation in the BSP is needed to express the semantic relationship between proposals, they perform the role of unions.

BSP examples

Examples illustrate BSP options:

  • With conditional relations: You will visit here day - then you will know.
  • With a temporary relationship: You'll manage - we'll translate it into leaders.
  • With the meaning of the effect: The rain is over - you can move further.
  • With conditional relations: the sun shines - we work, the rain goes - we have a rest.
  • With ceding relationships: I would have such a dog - no cows.
  • With an antagonistic relationship: Beautiful city - I'm a village mile.

  • With a connecting relationship: A man sitting at a table, talking on the phone; The child still slept on the couch.
  • With an explanatory relationship: I advise you: do not raise other people's wallets.
  • With relationship effects: The land was needed for crops: had to plow the garden.
  • With explanatory relations: Voices were heard from time to time: the late pedestrians returned home.
  • With the relations of the cause: We must give him his due - he was very hot, bold and persistent.
  • With the relations of comparison: It's not the wind that rushes in the open, the sea is raging in the storm - my heart yearns for my homeland, there is no peace and happiness in it.

An example of the OGE task

Among the proposals one must find complex ones with an unrelated connection between the parts:

1) The Holy Sea is the name of Baikal from ancient times. 2) We will not begin to assure that there is nothing better than Baikal in the world: everyone is free to love something of his own, and for the Eskimo his tundra is the crown of creation. 3) We from the childhood love the pictures of our native land, they define our very essence. 4) And it is not enough to consider that they are dear to us, they are our part. 5) You can not compare icy Greenland with the red-hot sands of the Sahara, the taiga of Siberia with the steppes of the Central Russian strip, the Caspian with Baikal, but you can convey your impressions of them.

6) But nevertheless Nature has its own favorites, which she creates with special care and gives a special appeal. 7) Such a creation is undoubtedly Baikal.

8) If you do not even talk about its wealth, Baikal is famous for its other - its wonderful power, not subject to time reserved power.

9) I remember how my comrade and I went far along the shore of our sea. 10) It was the beginning of August, the most gracious time when the water warmed up, the hills are raging with multicolored, when the sun makes the snow fall on the far mountains of the Sayan, when Baikal, having water from the melted glaciers, is full and calm, gathering strength for the autumn storms, when it's fun Splashing under the screams of the gulls fish.

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