
Weakness in the body with anemia

There are moments when you feel a strong weakness in the body, drowsiness and bad mood. What is the reason for this condition? Such symptoms can accompany numerous diseases. One of them is anemia, one of the most common human diseases. The main symptoms of it are not only weakness in the body and drowsiness, but also irritability, sharp mood swings, problems with concentration and physical exercises, rejection of bright sun rays. The reason is very simple: oxygen starvation of the body, which a person does not even guess.

There are three main reasons for anemia:

- In the human body there was a massive death of red blood cells for various reasons (autoimmune process, thalassemia, sickle anemia) ;

- perhaps there was a great loss of blood;

- the bone marrow produces erythrocytes in an amount insufficient for the body.

If during a certain time you feel weakness in the body, which is accompanied by other symptoms characteristic of anemia, and do not contact the therapist, this can lead to extremely serious consequences. Lack of oxygen will be compensated for by increasing blood flow. In this case, weakness in the body will not go anywhere. To her will be added palpitation, increased sweating and severe shortness of breath, which appears with any physical exertion. The result will be heart failure.

Particular attention should be paid to this problem if there is weakness in the body during pregnancy. Anemia in this period will adversely affect not only the future mother, but also the child. Oxygen starvation will cause slow development of the fetus, intrauterine infections and premature birth.

If the cause of anemia is the loss of a significant amount of blood due to an accident, then coping with it is quite simple. It is necessary to make an additional infusion of blood.

To weakness in the body, drowsiness and a sharp change of mood you do not pursue, you need to balance the diet. These symptoms can also say that the body lacks iron.

Women are most affected by anemia. Monthly during menstruation there is a significant loss of blood, and the body has to work in a strengthened mode to make up for the damage.

After consulting a therapist and having passed the necessary blood tests, you can see the level of hemoglobin. These results will accurately show the presence or absence of anemia.

If the hemoglobin level is lowered, the doctor will recommend the taking of special preparations containing iron and a full complex of vitamins. You should know that their deficiency will become an obstacle to the assimilation of iron. I'll have to adjust my menu. It is necessary to increase the consumption of any greens, especially spinach, raisins and red meat. These products are a deposit of iron. Reduce the amount of strong coffee and tea drunk during the meal, or enjoy these drinks between meals, as they significantly slow the process of absorption of iron from food.

To erythrocytes formed in the right amount, in addition to iron, vitamin B12 is required. It can be obtained from dishes with a liver or vitamin complexes. Folic acid is also needed. It not only helps to produce red blood cells, but also positively affects the vessels, strengthening their walls, which means it is a preventive for heart attack. Folic acid can be obtained from any fresh fruit and vegetables or buy a vitamin preparation with it in the pharmacy.

If, at the same time as weakness, severe dizziness occurs, body aches and fever, you should consult a doctor without delay. Perhaps, the body is struggling with some kind of infectious disease or in this way reacts to constant stress.

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