
Seizure of the sebaceous gland

Seizure of the sebaceous gland (atheroma) is considered a kind of tumor-like formation. It can be seen on those parts of the body where the hair grows. However, most often there is a blockage of the sebaceous glands on the face, on the head, back, neck and next to the genitals.

Atheroma is represented by an oval soft formation. Its transverse size is up to five centimeters. Blockage of the sebaceous gland is the formation of a mobile, painless. It is characterized by clear contours. In a number of cases, it grows almost unnoticeably, sometimes for several years its dimensions do not change at all.

Sometimes a blockage of the sebaceous gland is accompanied by suppuration with pain, swelling, redness and fever. In many cases, pus breaks out in combination with fat contents.

It is believed that the blockage of the sebaceous gland occurs as a result of a metabolic disorder, accompanied by a change in the nature of glandular secretions. The development of atheroma is also promoted by increased sweating, manifested, mainly, with the hormonal changes characteristic for a young age.

The diagnosis should be made by a specialist. In order not to harm your body, it is not necessary to diagnose the disease yourself at home. This is due to the fact that most of the atheroma is similar to other benign formations. That is why, when diagnosing in a hospital, specialists distinguish atheromas from other tumors in soft tissues and epithelial cysts.

The occlusion of the glandular ducts provokes the appearance of acne on the face (acne). When athere, sebum accumulates in the duct, causing inflammation. In many cases, the process is exacerbated by microbes. A common form is acne vulgaris, not only on the face, but also on the upper chest area, on the back and neck.

With the development of acne, blockage of the ducts is associated with hereditary predisposition, puberty, diseases of the endocrine system, which are accompanied by an increase in the level of male hormones. In addition, the disease can provoke the use of cosmetics with fatty emulsions in the composition or oily substances (olive oil, petrolatum and others). According to experts, the emergence and development of acne on the face is not related to the nature of nutrition and the lack (presence) of sexual contacts. However, the use of individual medicines, psychotropic drugs, anabolic agents, B vitamins, food additives, and so on can enhance the process.

Seizure of the sebaceous gland. Treatment

Mainly therapeutic measures should be aimed at preventing the disease.

Depending on the severity and prevalence of the disease, various drugs can be prescribed. So, for example, for the treatment of acne on the face, agents that suppress the bacterial flora and reduce inflammation are used. To such preparations of internal and external application carry azelaic acid, benzoyl peroxide and antibiotics. Also, the doctor can prescribe the use of combined drugs that combine an antibiotic and a component that reduces the activity of the sebaceous gland. In cases of hormonal failure, hormonal therapy is possible .

Particularly severe forms of development by athe suggest surgical intervention.

The desired result with the application of conservative methods, usually occurs after three months from the start of therapy. With a decrease in the prevalence of rashes, maintenance therapy is recommended.

In some cases, cosmetic procedures are used. However, their therapeutic effect is not proven.

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