
Heartburn. Symptoms and Disposal

Quite often we deny ourselves the pleasure of enjoying this or that product, as we know - after this action, heartburn will inevitably appear. Symptoms of it are quite unpleasant, but nevertheless, many consider them quite normal and rarely think about the consequences. And they can become very serious, provoke the development of other diseases, many of which are cured only through surgical intervention. Doctors believe that even the infrequent occurrence of heartburn may well lead to the appearance of stomach cancer.

One of the common ailments that occur in many people is heartburn. Symptoms of it are expressed in the sensation of a sharp burning sensation in the stomach. The most part of people at the first occurrence of unpleasant sensations is rescued from them by means of a glass of milk or a spoon of baking soda. Note that in this way we are only deceiving ourselves and our organism, and leaving the situation unresolved.

Experts are sure that for an ideal solution of the problem it is necessary to identify the causes, the consequence of which was heartburn. Its symptoms are characterized by sensations of severe burning in the area of the stomach and throat, which means, in the presence of dyskinesia of the biliary tract, gastric emptying, malfunction in the liver or increased acidity. All these problems need to be identified and addressed through various methods.

It is worth noting that in the stomach initially there is an acidic environment. It is hydrochloric acid, due to which digestion takes place. If the pylorus does not close properly, the acid can get on the esophagus mucosa and cause symptoms of heartburn. When such seizures occur regularly, there may be another co-morbid condition, such as gastritis, hiatal hernia, or gastroesophageal reflux disease. At the slightest suspicion of any of them, immediately consult a doctor and take a thorough examination.

What causes heartburn? Experts identified a number of factors provoking its imminent development. This is the wrong position of the head during sleep, severe pressure on the abdominal region, excessive alcohol abuse, excessive and very frequent eating, the presence of excess weight and the impact of certain foods. If we talk about why heartburn can start to bother us, we should definitely mention smoking and drinking coffee in large quantities. Sometimes its appearance can cause some medications: ibuprofen, aspirin. Peppermint, chili, curry, pizza, chocolate, onions, tomato and tomato based products, citrus fruits - all of these products may cause or even exacerbate heartburn.

Symptoms of it are unpleasant, but if they are rare enough, you should not worry. It can easily be eliminated with antacid preparations: Maalox, Phosphalugel, Rennie or Gastal. They quickly reduce acidity and relieve burning, but before using them, do not forget to read the instructions. No less effective eliminate the symptoms of heartburn and folk methods. Forget about the solution of soda, which violates the water-salt balance in the body and can lead to the appearance of polyps. Better drink a small spoonful of sunflower oil. The effect will be rapid, and most importantly, absolutely safe.

It is helped by a fresh apple or carrots, milk, potato juice and infusions of various herbs. Chamomile, lobster, yarrow, dill, St. John's wort and mint quickly normalize the level of acidity and relieve burning. Try not to overeat. The diet should consist of foods that contain little fat and a lot of protein. Do not wear too tight belts. If you want to take a nap after lunch, it's better to do it in a chair or slightly raise the edge of the bed at the head of the bed. Get rid of excess weight. Try to identify those foods that you are provoking heartburn, and exclude them from your diet.

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