
Who is the "dominant"? Chickens "dominant": a description of the breed, characteristics and reviews

Czech breeders brought out a special egg, resistant to viral diseases, unpretentious breed of chickens. It received its name from the company "Dominant", where it was received.

Source rocks

Who is the "dominant"? This is a specially bred egg-laying hen. It was created according to a certain pattern, crossing the well-known breeds "cornish", "leggorn", "plymutrok", "rod-ayland", "Sussex". Even some resemblance to these rocks can be seen.

The breed "Leggorn" is very productive, "Cornish" - a lot of meat with a small amount of food. Chickens of the universal breed "Plymutrok" - large, stocky, variegated, "rod-island" - have dense plumage, "Sussex" - differ in the different coloration of chickens chickens and males.

External signs of the breed

Externally, the breed "dominant" is distinguished by a large massive body and magnificent plumage, because of which it seems larger than it actually is. Visually even more stocky it is made by short light yellow feet. With a large body, the head is small, a scallop, earrings and a face of bright scarlet color. Earrings are round, small even in males, the chickens are very small. The wings fit tightly to the body.

Breeders excelled the breed not only highly productive, but also differing in a beautiful exterior. Therefore, the "dominant" consists of twelve colored hybrids. According to the owners, the most beautiful species of the breed is the "blue dominant".

Characteristics of the breed

Since the "Czech dominant" - chickens, first of all, egg-bearing, then their main characteristic is productivity. It is (of course, with the right content) 300 eggs per year for one hen. A large egg "dominant" can weigh about 70 g. This is a fairly large figure, usually an egg weighs about 55 g. Eggs, by the way, have all the colored hybrids of about the same brown color.

Another important characteristic of the "dominant" - in a day one individual eats about 120-125 g of feed. That is, during the year one hen needs only 45 kg of feed. In 18 weeks (4.5 months), the laying hen weighs 1.6 kg, and by 72 weeks it has reached 2.5 kg. Rooster for a year and a half weighs about 3 kg, depending on the conditions of detention, of course. Chickens "dominant" have high immunity, almost do not get sick, their survival rate is 94-99%.

At home, no one weighs chickens and eggs. Few people are engaged in counting eggs. According to reviews, only the number of livestock or the number of birds killed for various reasons is recalculated (for example, the neighbors in the cage pecked, strangled the dog).

Testing of egg production is carried out at an independent International Certification Station in Ustrashitsy in the same Czech Republic. The test period is 74 weeks (one and a half years). During testing, the number and average weight of eggs from one laying hen per year and the cost of compound feed per egg are determined.

It was on the basis of the test results that the main characteristics that distinguish the breed "dominant" were determined.

Description of the breed

Chickens of the breed "dominant" have practically no shortcomings. These are the ideal layers, from the first year of productivity bearing around 300 eggs per year. High productivity continues for another two to three years, then goes into decline.

"Czech dominant" - chickens unusually hardy, can survive in different conditions, do not require special care neither in the heat, nor in the frost, nor at high humidity, nor in a drought.

Chickens of this breed are unpretentious in food. Their body can get all the necessary substances, even from the lowest grade feed. In addition, during the walk they independently extract feed and missing useful substances.

Chickens "dominant" have an interesting distinctive feature. Their sex can be determined immediately after hatching by the color of the fluff. Those that are darker will be laying hens, lighter - roosters. Even babies easily tolerate colds and temperature changes.

Strong immunity saves "dominants" even from infectious diseases. True, with timely and proper treatment.

High survival rate (more than 94%) allows them to live to the age of 10 years. This is the chickens old age. Nesushki continue to carry eggs, although productivity drops to 15%.

Feeding the Breed

Characteristics of the breed are remarkable, but to obtain high productivity, you need to ensure that the feed contains calcium and protein in sufficient quantities.

Who is the "dominant"? Let the hardy and egg, but the chicken. And to feed the bird of this breed you need ordinary chicken feed. This grain (barley and wheat), corn, sunflower meal, boiled potatoes and carrots, yeast, pumpkin, millet, chalk, bone meal, greens. You can add feed. Fresh chickens will be made by themselves.

Proteins are found in cakes and meal not only of sunflower, but also of soy and rapeseed, in bone and fish flour, and dairy products.

Calcium is contained in the eggshell, stern chalk, small shells, crushed bones.

Rock content

Until late autumn, chickens can walk in small enclosures. Since they do not fly, then the fence can not be made high. The bird is wintering and wintering, as are the chickens of other breeds, in poultry houses with thick litter of hay, straw, sawdust, dry leaves.

Birds are viable, even if there are no conditions for walking. But in order for chickens to receive the necessary vitamins, including vitamin D, it is better to provide them with a place to walk in the fresh air.

According to the opinions of many owners of chickens of the breed "dominant" in close cages birds are fighting, pecking to death the weaker. Therefore, we should not neglect the generally accepted norms of the area of the premises per individual.

Yaytsenoskost of "dominants", of course, is high, but it is impossible to violate the basic rules necessary to maintain that indicator. Lighting here plays an important role. Therefore, in the poultry house will need artificial lighting in the fall and winter to extend the light day.

Experienced poultry farmers, judging by the reviews, insulate the house and hang lamps in it, because unpretentiousness, of course, is good, but productivity is still important.

The main species of the breed

Who is the "dominant"? How to correctly identify the characteristics of the breed, if it has a variety of species, different color plumage? Inexperienced poultry farmers can not cope with such a task. Therefore, it is better to buy poultry for breeding in specialized farms in order to avoid deception.

The most popular are:

  • "Dominant Sussex D 104", reminiscent of externally the original breed, only productivity is much higher - 300 eggs per year;
  • "Dominant black D 109" gives 310 eggs per year from one layer;
  • "Blue D 107 dominant" differs in that it adapts remarkably in severe weather conditions with a productivity even higher than that of the black "dominant";
  • "Dominant brown D 102" can yield more than 315 eggs per year.

For cultivation in large poultry farms specialists recommend using "D 102" or "white D 159"; On a personal farmstead or in a small farm - "gray-gray D 959", "D 109", "D 104", "D 107".

The digital code is a kind, and the letter "D" is a breed of "dominants".

"Dominant black"

The breed with the designation "D 109" is unpretentious to climatic conditions and content, popular in cool Europe and sultry Africa, Asia and Latin America. Nesushki easily tolerate a change of climate. Productivity is confirmed in the International Station. Petushki are distinguished by a white spot on the head, in laying hens the head has a dark color.

One layer can carry a little less than 220 kg of eggs a year. The feed consumption per egg is 151 g. These data allow even an inexperienced farmer to compose a business plan and calculate the cost of eggs. It is easy to understand that this is a profitable business, knowing the price of the sale and the profit that the breed can bring "dominants". Description of the breed always includes a calm friendly nature of poultry. "Black D 109" is not an exception.

The farmers' comments confirm the remarkable characteristics of the breed, but rational nutrition and favorable conditions help to keep the livestock and its high productivity.

"Dominant brown"

"Dominant D 102" is used in conditions of intensive poultry farming. This variety is popular in Asia and Africa, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Slovakia, Poland and Switzerland. She feels great in unpretentious conditions of farms. Strictly speaking, the brown is only the layer "dominant 102", the cockerel is white.

Feed consumption per egg is slightly less - 149 g. One adult will need only 122 grams of feed per day.

"Dominant Blue D 107"

Many poultry breeders like a kind of "dominant" (the reviews confirm this) for the spectacular color of the plumage. But this is not its only merit. In the extreme climatic conditions of Africa in industrial poultry farming, it shows remarkable resilience and productivity. Perfectly adapts to household plots in Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Switzerland, Latin America and Asia. It is characterized by good immunity.

One kilogram of egg-mass consumes 2.6 kg of feed. Eggs are usually medium in size with a strong brown shell .

"Red striped D 159"

Very beautiful plumage and this breed has a "dominant". At the same time, high productivity is maintained - about 300 eggs a year. This hybrid is grown mainly on private plots. Nesushki operate quickly, males - much slower.

By the consumption of feed and for one individual and one egg, the parameters are approximately the same as in other species. Therefore, in the household they are chosen by fans of bright colors.

"Spotted D 959"

Very similar to the characteristics and another hybrid with a very interesting, perhaps, the most unusual mottled plumage - "dominant speckled D 959". The points on the feathers are arranged in a certain order.

It is grown in almost all countries of Western Europe, in Latin America and Asia.

High egg production - more than 310 eggs - confirmed in the International Certification Station.

This hybrid is ideal for industrial breeding. It easily tolerates a change in climatic conditions and transportation.

But, like many species of the breed, "D 959" is not suitable for meat. A young hen at the age of 18 weeks already starts to carry eggs, but weighs no more than 1.5 kg.

So, who is the "dominant"? They are friendly, unpretentious, with beautiful coloring of chickens, which are remarkably suitable for keeping in private farms and private gardens. They do not require large expenditures for maintenance and feeding, but they are very productive and longevity. They carry eggs not only for home use, but also for sale. The implementation of eggs "dominant" - the business is highly profitable and affordable even for beginning farmers.

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