
Spermotoxicosis. What is this: a serious diagnosis or a comic term?

First you should answer the question: "Spermotoksikoz - what is it?" If you try to explain this phenomenon in scientific language, then it turns out that spermotoxicosis is the process of poisoning the body with the remains of dead spermatozoa and the sperm that has not been excreted in time. And, more simply, spermotoxicosis is more a contrived psychological state of the male organism, incessantly thirsting for sexual intercourse with individuals of the female, less often male.

Mechanism and history of "disease"

Characteristic features of this "disease" are excessive concern with the opposite or similar gender; Constant conversations, the essence of which is reduced directly to this topic; Frequent physical contact with the object of their adoration; In some cases, edema of the genitals, itching and irritability. And everything is explained by the fact that the allegedly lost sperm, not having fulfilled its mission, is gradually dying and detrimental to the body's decomposition products, while creating a hotbed of inflammation. As a result, the body is forced to mobilize the immune system to destroy this focus and purification. If to say in simple words, spermotoxicosis is nothing more than a painful nervous state as a result of prolonged sexual abstinence in men. In women, it can occur with frequent changes in sexual partners.

If we go into history, we better understand the meaning of the term "spermotoxicosis". What is it, determined the ancient Greeks. They classified such a thing as a poisonous seed. This disease manifested itself most in the era of religiosity and prohibitions (X-XIV century). At that time, all priests were strictly forbidden to perform sexual acts. For the first time, the Roman Pope Clement VII drew attention to the problem of spermotoxicosis. He went into the study of unexplained outbursts of rage and madness, which began to appear more and more in monasteries, but after his death, studies ceased.

The main symptoms of spermotoxicosis

Before you put yourself or inadequate surrounding "diagnosis" - spermotoksikoz, symptoms are better to check. One can not categorically deny the fact that from prolonged sexual abstinence, women have pronounced bitchiness and constant physical stress, and men tend to suicidal and violent. It is rumored that if you ignore this fictitious disease for a long time, you may develop a disruption in the activity of the cerebral cortex. This, in turn, will affect mental ability and behavior in society. There are cases of complication of spermotoxicosis, smoothly turning into manic syndrome. Treatment of this kind of "diseases" is complicated by the psychologically unstable state of the "patient". Like addiction, sperm-toxicosis causes dependence not only on the physical, but also on the psychological level. Obsessed with these "symptoms" should himself be aware and understand the essence of his actions, and most importantly, desire his "rehabilitation."

Amoral prevention?

Spermotoxicosis in adolescents is one of the most common phenomena. One popular men's magazine conducted a survey, and it turned out that 68% of young people in the world are subject to spermotoxicosis. Spermotoksikoz - what is it? Justification of teenage masturbation? After all, in the countries of Europe and America this percentage is even greater, since the moral relations and morals of the inhabitants of these countries are more conservative. In this direction, prevention is becoming very popular in the form of masturbation propaganda, as one of the options for removing "tension." Attention is paid to sexual education among schoolchildren, additional classes are introduced. According to psychiatrists, thanks to this method, relations in groups are normalized and less conflict situations are created.

The method of "prevention" and "treatment" of spermotoxicosis is very simple - it is the maintenance of a constant sex life or in especially severe cases - masturbation. Now, when you hear the question: "Spermotoksikoz - what is this?" - boldly answer: "Uneasy psychological condition!"

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