
The drug "Novalgin": instructions for use, price. Feedback on the use of "Novalgin" with monthly

In what dose do they prescribe the drug "Novalgin"? Instructions for the use of this medicine will be presented below. Also in the materials of this article you will find information about what features are inherent in this medicine, how much it costs, what patients are saying about it and at what indications it is used.

Composition, packaging, description and form

In what form is the "Novalgin" medication manufactured? The instruction for the medicine is placed in a cardboard box. The preparation itself can be contained in blisters or polymer containers.

The active ingredients of the white biconvex tablets "Novalgin", whose reviews are mostly positive, are substances such as paracetamol, propiphenazone and caffeine. Also, the composition of the medicament includes additional elements in the form of corn starch, magnesium stearate, lactose, microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium and silicon dioxide.

Pharmacology of the drug

What is a "Novalgin" medication? Instruction for use says that it is an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, psycho-stimulating and antipyretic. Its therapeutic effectiveness is due to the active elements that make up the drug.

Experts say that this medication is a combined medicine. Paracetamol has antipyretic, mild anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It also slightly slows the synthesis of prostaglandins and affects the thermoregulatory focus located in the hypothalamus.

Propiphenazone is an analgesic.

As for caffeine, it enhances the tone of the vessels of the brain and promotes stimulation of the respiratory and vasomotor centers. In addition, this substance reduces platelet aggregation and dilates the vessels of the muscles, heart and kidneys.

It's not a secret for anyone, and the fact that caffeine suppresses drowsiness, stimulates physical and mental performance.


Where is the drug "Novalgin" absorbed? The instruction says that this drug is completely and fairly quickly absorbed from the digestive tract. The active substances of this drug react relatively weakly with blood plasma proteins. After using the drug, a small amount of paracetamol is converted into a highly active intermediate metabolite, called N-acetyl-benzo-quinonimine. It is inactivated by the glutathione system of cells.


When do they prescribe the medicine "Novalgin"? Reviews about this drug report that it is often used when:

  • Treatment of pain syndromes of medium and low intensity with dysmenorrhea (that is, painful menstruation, but under the condition that there are no organic changes on the part of the genitals);
  • Febrile syndrome (used as an antipyretic agent);
  • Painful syndrome of moderate and mild intensity of various origins: migraine, headaches, toothache, myalgia, arthralgia and others.


When do not recommend the drug "Novalgin"? Instructions for use indicate such contraindications as:

  • Deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, acute hematoporphyria;
  • Failure (severe) kidney or liver, intracranial hypertension ;
  • Oppressed hemopoiesis in the bone marrow, respiratory depression;
  • Bronchial asthma, alcohol intoxication;
  • Recurrent polyposis, arterial hypertension;
  • Intolerance of "Aspirin" or other anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs, glaucoma;
  • Myocardial infarction in acute period, breastfeeding;
  • Arrhythmia, age 12 years;
  • Malabsorption glucose-galactose, the period of pregnancy;
  • Lack of lactase, lactose intolerance;
  • Sensitization to drug substances.

With special caution this drug is recommended for use in old age, with peptic ulcer in the acute stage, moderate violations of the kidney or liver, bronchial asthma.

The preparation "Novalgin": instructions for use

The medicine in question is taken only inside after eating, washed down with plain water.

Adult patients prescribe this drug in the amount of one or two tablets up to four times a day. The daily dosage of the drug should not be more than six tablets.

As for teenagers, they are recommended to take one tablet no more than 3 times a day.

The duration of this medication should not exceed three days when it is used as an antipyretic agent and for five days as an analgesic.

Adverse events

Does the drug "Novalgin" cause undesirable reactions? Instructions for use (the price of this medication is indicated below) indicates the following side effects:

  • Insomnia, increased excitability, dizziness, impaired orientation;
  • Skin hyperemia, skin rash, erythema, skin itching, urticaria, angioedema, bronchospasm, rhinorrhea, anaphylactic shock;
  • Vomiting, hepatonecrosis, nausea, increased activity of liver enzymes, abdominal pain, discomfort in the epigastric region;
  • Erythema multiforme exudative, necrolysis toxic epidermal;
  • Papillary necrosis, renal colic, interstitial nephritis;
  • Palpitation, increased pressure;
  • Neutropenia, leukopenia, sulfgemoglobinemia, methemoglobinemia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, leukopenia, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia.

An overdose of a drug

In case of paracetamol overdose , patients have: skin pallor, anorexia, nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, impaired glucose metabolism, liver function abnormalities, metabolic acidosis, hepatic insufficiency, arrhythmia, encephalopathy, acute renal failure, coma, pancreatitis.

To treat such conditions, donors of SH-groups, as well as precursors of biological synthesis of glutathione-methionine and "Acetylcysteine" are used.

When an overdose of caffeine in the patient noted: agitation, delirium, gastralgia, anxiety, motor anxiety, frequent urination, confusion, ringing in the ears, dehydration, nausea, tachycardia, tremor, hyperthermia, arrhythmia, increased pain sensitivity, headache, convulsions, vomiting .

To eliminate such conditions, the patient is washed with the stomach, gives laxatives and enterosorbents.

Price, analogues

How much is the drug "Novalgin"? The price of such tablets varies between 210-230 rubles.

As for the analogs, the following can be distinguished among them: Rinza, Aksagripp, Antiflu, Ascopar, Vokasept, Ketanov, Gripeks Aktiv, Gripflu, Dolaren, Kaffetin, Kombigripp, Padeviks, Spazgo, Paralen Ekstra, Hitflu.

Patient Reviews

Is "Novalgin" effective for menstruation? Feedback from the fairer sex is reported that this drug really removes all the pain associated with premenstrual syndrome. After applying one or two tablets, the woman's condition improves noticeably (pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lower back go away).

It should also be noted that this medication effectively copes with other pain syndromes.

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