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Incision of the eye

The eyes of different people differ significantly in the location of the axis, which gives them a number of features and makes them unique. It can be a straight line, passing through the outer or through the inner corners of the eyes. Depending on this, almond-shaped, slanting, oriental and lobate eyes are distinguished. Each type is characterized by a number of special features.

The most common section of the eyes is almond-shaped, in which they resemble, in shape, the core of the almond nut. They are wide open, do not narrow to the corners, which are on the same line (horizontal). With this incision, the upper eyelid covers the eye until the iris begins.

The alveolar incision of the eyes is considered ideal from the point of view of external attractiveness. Such eyes had Nefertiti and many other universally recognized beauties of all time. Oblong form of this type is combined with a fairly pronounced transition from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, which gives similarity to the core of the almond. The upper eyelid is slightly heavy. Usually such eyes are dark in color: black or brown. The combination of such a section of eyes with light color is not just beautiful, but truly unique. For this type of easiest to pick up makeup.

The eastern incision of the eyes is characterized by a narrowing to the corners of the eye slits and a rather weak expression of the eyelids. It resembles almond-shaped in that the corners of the eyes in it are also located on the same level. Owners of such eyes, living in Europe, often seek to adjust their shape through cosmetics, sometimes resort to a more radical means - plastic surgery.

Rasskosye eyes slightly widening to the inner corner and narrowing to the outer one. In this case, the angles themselves are not at the same level: the inner one is slightly lower than the outer one. The line connecting the corners of the eyes with the horizontal forms an angle of up to 12 degrees, due to which the effect of a rift is created.

The lobate incision of the eyes is the opposite of the eastern one. Such eyes are distinguished by lines of incisions directed outward (outer corners below inner ones).

On the basis of the physiological typology, psychologists have identified such characteristic groups that have a number of characteristics inherent only to them that determine the incision of the eyes. The species are distinguished by the following: the eyes are "expansive" (wide open, with massive eyelids), "cold" (large, convex with an eastern incision, closely planted and prone to watering), "heroic" (deeply set, with a sharp penetrating gaze) Sensual "(located close, several" skilled ") and" incredulous people "(deeply planted, almond-shaped or slanted).

"Expansive" type characterizes the owners of such eyes as shy, courteous, polite, optimistic in nature, not ambitious and not stingy, cautious in actions and judgments, conservative and gravitating toward stability in life.

People of the "cold" type differ indifference, lethargy, coldness, seem indecisive, ambition, jealousy and envy are not peculiar to them, they pass before difficulties, are balanced.

The "heroic" section of the eyes is characteristic of the brave and dreamers, reliable, energetic, risky, not afraid of difficulties and dangers. Such people aspire to be leaders, seek adventure, while they are unsettled and often unpredictable.

"Sensual" type speaks of a well-developed system of spiritual values, delicacy, nobility, empathy of their owners. Such people are guided in their actions by emotions, they depend on their own moods, they are inconsistent.

People of the "distrustful" type are silent, cautious, ambitious, do not forgive offenses, are quick-tempered, tend to loneliness. These are strong personalities with a strong position in life.

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