BeautySkin care

Face mask from "Hercules": recipes, results, reviews

Everyone knows about the porridge "Hercules", the composition of which is filled with a lot of vitamins. But not many know that it can be used not only for cooking. "Hercules" and oatmeal oatmeal (flour from cereals) are often used to create useful face masks. Such remedies are useful for any type of skin, they are completely safe and easy to prepare.

The secret of action

The whole secret of masks is that there are a lot of trace elements in oatmeal . In it there is ascorbic acid, which returns flabby skin to youth. Thanks to retinol, croup helps to quickly heal scratches, cuts and other similar injuries. Thiamine eliminates dryness, returns elasticity to the skin, and also speeds up the regeneration process.

Face mask from "Hercules" has a rejuvenating effect. It also nourishes the cells, exfoliates, tones, regenerates, moisturizes the skin, improves color, cleanses the pores and removes redness.


If there is a contraindication when using "Hercules", then there are no contraindications for its use in cosmetic purposes. You need to monitor the skin condition when you add allergenic components to the mask. And if there is a chance of a reaction, then check the remedy on a small area of the skin. This is necessary to avoid a strong allergic reaction.

The best recipes

Before applying any mask, cleanse your face. Time of impact of funds is about fifteen to twenty minutes. After that, rinse your face with warm filtered water.

Popular masks:

  • Avocado facial. Smash the flesh of one fruit, mix with two tablespoons of honey and oatmeal (3 tablespoons). Dilute with olive oil until desired consistency.
  • Mask for the face of oatmeal and honey. This tool is truly miraculous. Two of its main components have a mass of useful properties. A facial mask made of oatmeal and honey will make any skin perfect. First, the bee product must be warmed up, so that it becomes liquid in consistency. Then take one teaspoon of oatmeal flakes. Mix with honey. As a result, you will get a sticky and thick mass;

  • Cherry Mask. To make this product, mix a tablespoon of flakes and two tablespoons. Spoons of cherry juice. Allow the product to infuse for about ten minutes, then apply on face.
  • Mask for face made from oat and milk. A spoonful of cereal is required. Pour hot milk (a small amount). When the Hercules flakes swell, apply them on the face. This mask is perfect for dry skin. Such a product will perfectly moisturize and nourish it. If there are problems on the skin, then replace the milk with the usual boiling water. The resulting remedy will help to overcome pimples.
  • Corn mask. Take a teaspoon of corn and oatmeal. Dilute them with vegetable oil (preferably take olive oil). Mix it. In the end, you should get a sticky mass. Such a tool is universal. It is suitable for all skin types.
  • Kefir means. Take a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of Herculean flakes. Add one art. Spoon of low-fat kefir. Stir, then apply on face.
  • Coffee mask. Such a tool deeply cleanses the pores, besides it has a toning effect. This mask is desirable to do once a month. Initially, the melted grains mix with the Herculean flakes in proportions one to one (for example, 1 tablespoon of one component and the same amount of the second one). Then add warm water. Allow the product to infuse for about ten minutes, and then apply it to the face.
  • Grape mask. Mix one tablespoon of cereal, grape juice (you need 2 tablespoons of it) and yolk. As a result, you will get a mask for dry skin type. Such a tool will perfectly moisturize the face.
  • Tea mask. Pour hot tea over a tablespoon of oatmeal. After cool down. Then apply on the face. Note that if you added green tea, it will rejuvenate your skin due to the fact that it contains antioxidants. If you chose black tea, this component will give the skin a beautiful matte tone.
  • Lemon mask. It will take Art. A spoonful of honey (pre-heated) and as much oatmeal. Stir the ingredients. Then add freshly squeezed lemon juice (one tablespoon will be enough).

Hollywood Mask

This is a very good tool. It whitens the skin and dries it. Another advantage - this mask has the effect of lifting. For preparation it is required:

  • Oat oatmeal (fifty grams);
  • Whipped protein.

Mix the ingredients. The received weight put on the person of minutes on twenty. After the procedure, wash off the mask. Then moisturize your face with cream.

Mask of cinnamon and apple

This product is ideal for problem and oily skin. First remove the apple from the apple, then grind it on a small grater. In the end, you will get a mashed potatoes.

To him, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon, a tablespoon of oatmeal (chopped). Then pour a teaspoon of cream and the same amount of honey. Stir the mixture well. After apply on face. Hold the mask for ten minutes, then rinse it off with water.

Remarkable remedy for wrinkles

Keep this mask is an average of thirty minutes. This should not be too liquid in consistency:

  • Mix fifty grams of "Hercules" with half a yolk of raw.
  • Then add 10 grams of thymol, five grams of glycerin and 15 grams of camphor. If the result is too thick, pour in a little water.
  • Apply on the skin.

Here is another recipe:

  • Fill 100 grams of "Hercules" with milk.
  • Add 1 tsp. Olive oil and sour cream.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face for half an hour.

Remedy for pimples and for cleansing pores

Now let's talk about how the facial mask made from Hercules cleanses the pores. Keep such a remedy on the skin for about thirty minutes. First mix two st. Tablespoons flakes with soda (1 tbsp.).

Add the warm water to the mixture, in order to make a mass of a suitable consistency. This composition should not just be applied to the skin, it should be literally rubbed, especially it should be done in places where the pores are heavily soiled.


Masks from the "Hercules" will help make the skin perfect. Such remedies are priceless for skin rejuvenation. This natural cosmetics perfectly copes with the problems on the face. After application the pimples, small wrinkles disappear, the skin color improves.

Reviews of women who used funds on the basis of "Hercules"

Mask for the face of the "Hercules" is very effective. But, as the girls who used it say, the variant with sunflower oil is not suitable for a fatty skin type. It is better to add honey instead of fat, then, as they notice, much more effect is observed.

If we talk about the mask of wrinkles, then it is quite effective. The face looks younger, the skin is more well-groomed. Therefore, all the women who tried the facial mask from the "Hercules", advise her to her friends.

A remedy with oatmeal and soda is an excellent help in coping with pimples. Girls who used this drug, were satisfied. Redness and pimples, they say, passes quickly enough. With each mask, the face becomes more and more perfect.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make a mask from "Hercules" from wrinkles, pimples and other problems. Also, we looked at the recipes of various useful products for the face. We hope that these masks will help you to cope with the problems.

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