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What to do under reduced pressure and why it occurs

Low blood pressure occurs quite often, many people live with it all their life and do not experience any particular problems. There is hypotension in people of all ages - both elderly and young.

Physiological hypotension

Before deciding what to do under reduced pressure, it is worthwhile to find out the reasons for its occurrence.

Hypotension can be of a physiological nature, associated with the characteristics of the body. Such people feel perfectly normal under reduced pressure, and they do not need to do anything. All functions and the brain of a person work for him in normal mode. In addition, low pressure may be in athletes, as a reaction to training or load. Pressure may fall during acclimatization and adaptation. The climate sometimes has quite a strong effect on the body - the temperature, humidity, atmospheric pressure act. Symptoms under reduced pressure in such people are simply absent, they are not tormented by headaches, weakness, chronic fatigue, nausea, or apathy.

Low blood pressure as a manifestation of diseases

Things are much worse if hypotension is not due to physiological, but pathological causes, and in this case you need to know what to do under reduced pressure.

Hypotension can become a normal condition of a person if it has vegetative-vascular dystonia, the thyroid gland does not work properly, or a brain injury is obtained. The cause may be the improper functioning of the adrenal cortex. Low blood pressure may appear after serious operations or in people who suffer from any chronic illnesses.

The pressure may drop dramatically if a person loses a lot of blood or experiences severe stress, gets a heart attack, is badly poisoned, or as a result of using certain medications (in this case, you should always look for side effects before using drugs).

What to do under reduced pressure?

First of all, calm down and measure this very pressure. If the indicators are not too low for each individual, you can simply try to drink coffee or a cup of strong tea. Then the symptoms of the illness will disappear: lethargy, weakness, worsening of the condition and activity of the brain, even memory impairment, shortness of breath and swelling. Those who suffer from low blood pressure often can not sleep properly, are emotionally extremely unstable. More unpleasant symptoms of the disease are frequent constipation, pain in the heart, headaches, heartburn and even sensitivity to light and loud sounds.

Treatment program

It is fairly easy to remember what to do under reduced pressure. In the process of treatment it is necessary to establish a mode of work and rest for oneself. To sleep it is necessary not less than eight hours a day, to interrupt work and rest, to eat properly and fully, not to forget about taking vitamins. With courses you can drink special means to stabilize and raise the pressure. This is, first of all, a tincture of Eleutherococcus, Schizandra or Rhodiola rosea, as well as a special tea with an extract of ginkgo tree.

Regimen is an important factor, regulating blood pressure

Mode and special means stabilize the state and prevent sudden pressure surges. Disappear shortness of breath, fatigue, pain and all other symptoms. Food under reduced pressure should be reasonable, no frills. It is necessary to eat cheese, slightly increase in food the content of vitamins and animal proteins. It is useful to drink tea and coffee. And, of course, do not forget about physical activity, often walk and breathe fresh air.

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