HealthHealthy Eating

"Dr. Kerner": what is it and what does it eat?

Everyone has long known how much harm products and health such as buns, cookies, bread, crackers and chips cause. But just at the moment when you need to bring yourself in shape for the New Year or summer vacation, when the attending physician strongly recommends to limit yourself to sweet and flour, when you are intensively engaged in the gym, all this high-calorie food you want most.

How to be?

All people who are monitoring their health and appearance are in constant search of products that meet the principles of healthy eating. In many shops, entire departments with dietary and healthy products have already appeared, and it is there where you will see the wonderful product "Dr. Kerner". What is it, what is it, what is the harm and benefit? This and much more you will learn further.

Bread "Kerner". What it is?

Crispy, round and square, thin or thicker, sweet or salty, cereal and even cheese. Breadsticks "Dr. Kerner" surprise us with their assortment.

In fact, the name "bread" can embarrass us a little. This is not just a substitute for traditional bread for sandwiches. "Dr. Kerner" is more likely even an alternative to crackers, chips, liver and other snacks. And all thanks to the variety of tastes.

"Kerner": what is it? This is almost a mess, according to the manufacturer. And indeed, if we look at the composition, we will not see absolutely nothing harmful, genetically modified, chemical or unnatural there. Only the benefits of whole grains.


Let's consider more in detail such products, as breads "Kerner". What is it, we have already found out, consider the assortment:

  • Lovers of the sweet producer are offered round loafs with fructose, as a sweetener also uses sucralose (with the taste of cinnamon and apple, lemon and ginger, cranberries, blueberries, honey and lemon).
  • For those who like round bread and salty, there are products with salt (rice, corn and taste of Borodino bread).

  • For lovers of thin light products in the form of a square and exquisite tastes, there are such "Dr. Kerner" breads, the benefits of which are even greater. Due to the fact that the weight of one piece is half the size and the number of them in the package is twice as large (in comparison with round loaves) you can "deceive" your body and learn to consume even fewer calories (in this category, the tastes of salt corn, oatmeal With wheat, provencal grasses and salted from brown rice);
  • Kashi. It is impossible to lose sight of such a wonderful product as porridge. Dr.Körner produces a surprisingly tasty and useful product, which besides all, can also be cooked very simply and quickly (Buckwheat with aloe, from seven cereals with pineapple, with green tea and forest berries).

What is the use?

Dr.Korner products are designed to support the body, give it extra strength and energy, and stimulate immunity. Here are the main tasks of bread:

  • Saturate the body with useful microelements, amino acids, proteins and vitamins of group B, PP and E.
  • To help the intestines work. Thanks to a large amount of coarse fiber they are indispensable in dietary and therapeutic nutrition.
  • Protect the body from excess fats and toxins.
  • Being a substitute for regular bread, they rid the body of harmful yeast, which are used in the manufacture of ordinary bread, rolls and other baked goods.
  • To help reduce the daily calorie content of a person's diet. One loaf contains less than 30 calories. If you replace sweets and cookies with tea with different loaves, you can easily eat 500-800 calories a day less than usual.

Loss of bread

It all depends on your chosen diet or diet. Everyone knows the simple truth: in the ration there should be equally dairy products (kefir, milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt and the like), protein (meat, fish, poultry), vegetables and fruits, as well as carbohydrates (cereals, pasta, bread).

Therefore, if you eat only bread, there will of course be no benefit to the body. They belong to the category of carbohydrates, which should not be more than ¼ of the total daily menu of a person.

Also it is worth considering that people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are advised not to eat more than two pieces per day because of the high fiber content. And diabetics and hypertensors should limit the use of sweet and salty products.

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