HealthHealthy Eating

Red, round and sharp radish: what is it useful for health?

Radish is a rather popular vegetable in Russia. He came to us from Holland, from where he was brought by Peter I, subjugated by his taste in the house of an Amsterdam merchant. Many people like this vegetable for the sharp taste associated with the fact that the root vegetables contain mustard oil. However, your place on the table radish should take not only because of the pleasant taste, but also because of its usefulness. What should be a good radish, what is it good for health? We read further.

In the world a huge number of radish varieties is grown, so the appearance of root crops can vary greatly. They can have a round or oblong shape, pink, red, white or even purple. However, good root crops must be smooth peel, without black spots, which indicate that the vegetable rot. Soft radish will be fibrous and tasteless. If the vegetable is sold with the tops, the shelf life in the refrigerator is 2-3 days, the cropped roots are stored for about a week. But do not rush to cut the tops of the purchased vegetables and throw it in the trash. It is also useful. Let's see how useful radish is and what is of great benefit - "tops" or "roots".

Roots contain many useful substances. These are potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamins B, C, and PP, nicotinic acid. Is the radish is useful? Yes. Radish juice has a beneficial effect on metabolism and digestion. The use of vegetables in food has choleretic, anti-edematous effect, improves peristalsis and bowel movements. A radish is especially recommended for suffering gout and obesity. What is it useful for diabetes? In the root crops, substances stabilizing the level of sugar in the blood were found. Therefore, eat more radish if you have a predisposition to the disease or are already suffering from it.

Even completely healthy people will not be harmed by radishes. How useful is it, besides what has been said? Its use in food gives cheerfulness and a good complexion. Vegetables strengthen the vessels and improve the work of the heart. The presence in its composition of phytoncides, peculiar natural antibiotics, allows lovers of radishes to avoid colds and inflammatory diseases. But do not abuse the radish with diseases of the stomach or intestines. It is enough once a week, otherwise the disease can worsen.

Root crops can be used in cosmetology. To prepare a nourishing mask, you need to rub 2-3 radishes, add a little bit of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of starch. The resulting gruel is applied to the face for 10 minutes.

Not only the root vegetables are good radishes. What is useful for her tops? Same. It contains no less useful substances. Do not throw out the tops. It is better to cut it and add it to the salad, okroshka, cook the green cabbage soup from it or extinguish it, as it is done with cabbage. Infusion of the tops can be used for constipation. A glass of boiled water is added to a glass of boiled water and a stand is allowed to stand for one hour. Take 20 minutes after eating three times a day. The effect is achieved if the treatment continues for 2-3 days.

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