BeautySkin care

How to steam your face at home? Face Mask for Face

Steam procedures have long been used to treat a variety of diseases and health. Skin ripening is also popular in cosmetology. How to steam out a face at home, and is it useful?

The benefits of steam

Most often, steaming is a preparatory procedure. Under the sparing effect of high temperature, the pores of the skin open. After which they are easily cleaned of contaminants. It is also useful to apply active ingredients - creams and masks. How to steam out your face at home so as not to harm your skin? It's very simple - be guided by your health. If the skin burns - lean a little farther away from the container with water or stop the procedure. It is important to observe and the exposure time, the more oily the skin, the longer it can hold your face above the steam. For a dry type, ten minutes is enough, for all others - fifteen or twenty. Similarly, the intervals between sessions are calculated. Dry skin is enough 3-4 times a month, for oily, normal and mixed skin steaming can be done once or twice a week.

Aromatherapy with cosmetic procedures

A steaming face mask will be more pleasant if you use not ordinary water, but a decoction of herbs. When there is nothing at hand, the procedure should not be postponed, you can warm up the skin and boil the previously clean liquid without additives. Some housewives secretly say that they even prefer to steam their faces over a pot with boiled potatoes or other vegetables. But if you approach the issue of beauty responsibly, there is nothing better than broths of herbs and essential oils. For dry skin, a linden, a yarrow, a wormwood, a rosemary, a rose or grapes will suit. If the skin is oily, try peppermint, lemon, horsetail, thyme or chamomile. For normal skin, you can use any plant, but the most useful are nettle, rosemary, sage, lavender and rose. Use dried herb or essential oil of one plant or make a mixture in arbitrary proportions.

How to steam out a face at home: a traditional option

It will take a medium-sized pan and a large dense towel. In the chosen container we pour water, add dry grass or a few drops of the selected oil. After this, put on the fire and bring to a boil. In advance, equip a place for the procedure. You should put the most comfortable position so that you can tilt your face at a distance of 20 cm from the pan. Prepare pre-dry clean wipes. Before the procedure, remove from the skin make-up and dirt, you can use special tools or just to wash yourself well. When the liquid in the saucepan boils, hold it on medium heat for a few minutes, then put it in the chosen place and start the procedure. Lean over the steam and cover with a towel, the hair should be collected. Sweat soak with swabs during and after the procedure.

Dispensing with a cloth

This version of the procedure is not entirely convenient to carry out alone. It is better to ask someone to help. It is necessary to prepare a warm broth and a sterile cloth made of 100% cotton. The napkin needs to be soaked, wrung out and applied to the face. Keep until cooled, then repeat three to four times. It is more convenient to lie during the procedure, and the change of napkins can be entrusted to someone from the home. Remember that the universal answer to the question: "How to properly steam up the face?" - no. By its action this variant of the procedure is completely analogous to the previous one, and only you decide how to work on the skin.

Modern cosmetics and grandmother's recipes

It is not always possible to carry out the procedure even if you know how to steam out a face at home correctly. Express solution will be a special heating mask. Compositions of this type are not difficult to buy in any modern cosmetic store, you can use popular recipes. An excellent result is given by a recipe based on Herculean flakes and soda. To do this, mix the specified components in a proportion of 2: 1 and pour hot water or milk. Cooled to a pleasant warm temperature, spread the ingredients on the skin and hold for about 25 minutes. If you are not allergic to honey, try the following recipe. For one raw yolk, take one and a half teaspoons of honey. Whisk the mixture, stirring thoroughly, warm it up a little and apply to the skin. Wash off after 15 minutes. Such a steaming face mask is suitable even for dry or sensitive skin.

Alternative options for steaming and household tricks

There are special household appliances for cosmetic skinning. In terms of their device, they resemble medical inhalers. In the lower part there is a water tank, smoothly turning into a large funnel, allowing steam to be directed to the face. The cost of such a device is not too high, to acquire it makes sense in the event that you often do steaming. Carry out this procedure in beauty salons, using special equipment. The client at the same time is lying on the couch or in a comfortable chair, and the process is entirely guided by the master. If you do not know how to steam the face of the house, make a useful habit of going to the bath. Suitable and sauna, and Turkish hammam. The most important thing is to take a shower before visiting the steam room, and right after the exit go to skin care. A popular question: "Is it possible to steam out a face if there are pimples and acne?" It is possible, but there should not be active inflammations and wounds. It is advisable to carry out the procedure with good overall health. If you feel very tired or irritated, postpone facial treatment until tomorrow. It is also important to understand that in itself, steaming has no serious therapeutic effect. Improve the skin conditions of exposure, carried out after heating the upper layers of the epidermis. Some manipulations without a primary treatment of the face of the vapor is better not to conduct at all. The most striking example of this is a deep peeling or cleansing of the skin, if the pores are closed, you will not be able to completely clear them all the same. Before steaming, take care of the cleanliness of the hands, be sure to wash them thoroughly and use antiseptic if possible.

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