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Gidrotsele testicles in men, in children: causes, symptoms, photos, treatment at home

The hydrocele of the testicles is a common disease that occurs in adult men and small children. Why does it arise? What treatment is required? The answers to these and other questions can be found in the article presented.

Description of the disease

Hydrocele (a dropsy) is a pathology accompanied by the accumulation of fluid in the cavity of the scrotum. Its volume can vary from 20 ml to 3 liters. Depending on the cause of the disease, two forms are distinguished: communicating and isolated. In the first case, the scrotum is connected to the abdominal cavity via a canal. The communicating form of the testicular hydrocele in children is much more common than in adults. It does not require specific treatment and is self-contained for several months. The isolated form develops as a result of the production of fluid in the shells of the testicles in excess quantities. Its occurrence can be preceded by a trauma to the inguinal region or inflammatory process.

Mechanism of disease development

The main function of one of the testicle shells is to produce a fluid that promotes its free movement inside the scrotum. Between the secretion and its reverse absorption there is a certain balance. When it is broken, the liquid begins to accumulate in the shells, provoking the development of the hydrocele of the right testicle or the left one. During the intrauterine period, iron descends into the lower section of the genital organs. Simultaneously, the so-called vaginal process moves. Its hole is gradually tightened. If this does not happen, the liquid begins to accumulate. On this principle develops hydrocele in young children.

In adult men, the disease, as a rule, is of an acquired nature. Its occurrence can be facilitated by trauma to the inguinal region, irradiation, infectious disease. In the XIX century, the hydrocele of the testicles was most often diagnosed against the background of gonorrhea. Nowadays the main cause of ailment is trauma. The mechanical impact can be so insignificant that the man will not even feel any change. Anomaly usually manifests a few days after injury. Initially, a small seal is formed that does not cause pain. Then it increases in size. Only at this stage the representatives of the stronger sex turn to the doctor.

Features of hydrocele in children

Dropsy shell testicles, as a rule, account for the age of 20-30 years. In young children, pathology is diagnosed in a third of cases, half of which in boys under 5 years. The painful process can last for several years. As a rule, the pathology passes by itself. Every fifth child in a hundred is required to have an operation.

The hydrocele of the testicles in children can be provoked by certain factors:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • infectious diseases;
  • mechanical damage;
  • Small body weight at birth;
  • Inflammatory processes in the scrotum.

The most difficult cases are those when hydrocephalus is formed after a radical treatment of the hernia of the inguinal region. Small patients require continuous monitoring with duplex and ultrasound. If the volume of education interferes with the child and rapidly increases in size, surgical intervention is also indicated. Children very well tolerate surgery, a great effort requires a recovery period. At this time, doctors recommend limiting the load and mobility so that the seams do not part.

Manifestations of the disease in adults and children

The main symptom of hydrocele is an enlarged scrotum. Pathological changes can be observed both on one side and with both. The dropsy is usually not accompanied by painful discomfort, but in small patients a slight increase in temperature is possible.

The hydrocele of testicles in men, as a rule, proceeds in acute form. In the absence of timely treatment, it is transformed into a chronic one. Acute edema occurs suddenly and may be accompanied by symptoms of intoxication (weakness, decreased appetite). The chronic form of the disease is characterized by heaviness in the scrotum, an increase in its size in the daytime and a decrease in the night. The liquid accumulates slowly. However, in some patients, its volumes reach critical levels. Such a hydrocele necessarily affects the quality of life of a man. He can not move freely, education makes urination problematic, leads to a violation of spermatogenesis.

Diagnostic measures

If there is an initial symptom of the disease, you need to see a doctor. As a rule, the diagnosis is not difficult. The doctor should examine the scrotum with bright light (the procedure is called diaphanoscopy). If necessary, assign additional examinations:

  • Ultrasound of the scrotum organs and duplex scanning of blood vessels. The ultrasound examination allows to determine the hydrocele of the testicle, the causes of it, the presence of tumors of the spermatic cord.
  • If there is a suspicion of an inflammatory process, a general and bacteriological analysis of urine is prescribed. The test results also allow the doctor to select the most effective antibiotic for subsequent treatment.
  • Puncture of the scrotum is recommended for suspected oncology. The material obtained during the study is then sent for study already in the laboratory.

It is important to differentiate from watermarks such diseases as varicocele, inguinal hernia and orchitis.

Treatment of hydrocele in children

Until the age of two, doctors prefer to stick to expectant tactics. The vaginal appendage in most children is automatically closed by the first year of life. If the hydrocele does not pass through the testicles, the symptoms increase with each passing day, possibly conservative treatment. In such cases, resort to a procedure to remove excess fluid from the shells by puncturing. All manipulations are carried out in a hospital, so as not to infect an infection. When reaching the age of two years, the only treatment option is surgery.

Conservative treatment in adults

With the development of hydrocele of testicles against the background of inflammation of the scrotum organs in adult men, the leading direction in the treatment is antibacterial therapy. In addition, the patient is recommended complete rest and wearing a special bandage - suspension. In the case of complete cure of the background disease, the testicles are restored, and the blood supply and lymph outflow are normalized.

Treatment of hydrocele at home

Many parents, worrying about the health of the child, resort to the help of the prescriptions of folk healers. It is not an exception in this matter, such a disease as the hydrocele of the testicle. Treatment at home is possible only if the ailment is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations. In addition, it is mandatory to consult a doctor. Below are a few popular recipes from traditional medicine.

  • It is necessary to take a raw camomile grass and pass through a meat grinder. The resulting gruel can be applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day.
  • It will be required to mix a tablespoon of herb-coltsfoot with the same amount of sweet potato flowers . Then the grass needs to be soaked in a glass of boiling water and drain. The resulting infusion can be taken orally 3-4 table spoons several times a day.

Treatment of dropsy in the home is acceptable only as a supplement to the main course of therapy. The complicated course of the disease requires a more serious approach - surgery.

Surgical Options

If the conservative therapy is ineffective and the symptoms of hydrocele are increased, the treatment is performed surgically. For this purpose use:

  • Hydrothelectomy. In total there are several operational techniques. Among them, the most widely used methods were those proposed by Bergman and Winckelmann. During surgery, the doctor makes a cut on the scrotum, after which the hydrocele is removed. For the prevention of postoperative relapse, a special drainage tube may be required. It is removed after a few days with the next preventive examination.
  • Puncture aspiration of fluid. This method of treatment involves the removal of excess fluid by puncture. Aspiration is not widespread, as it has in most cases a temporary effect.

Endoscopic treatment of dropsy was widely recognized. During the operation, the doctor makes several small punctures on the skin, through which he then inserts instruments for surgical manipulation. Endoscopic surgery has several advantages over other methods of therapy. It takes a little time, is distinguished by the absence of scars on the skin and rapid recovery.

Rehabilitation after surgery

After surgery, young children quickly recover. Painful discomfort is usually absent, if necessary, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed (Paracetamol, Nurofen). At school age, children are exempt from physical training for a month. Patients younger doctors recommend to exclude active games.

What should adult adults pay attention to after the operation? Such patients can take a shower after 48 hours. For a while, you should limit physical activity, do not play sports. With severe pain in the scrotal area, you can take "Ketoprofen" or "Ibuprofen".

Why is hydrocele dangerous?

The lack of timely treatment or the impact of certain factors may adversely affect the disease. What is dangerous for the hydrocele of the testicle? Causes of pathology, we considered a little higher, now we need to talk about its consequences. The most common complications include festering and blood clumping between the membranes. This condition is usually accompanied by intoxication of the body, rapid spread of the pathological process to surrounding tissues. In a more mature age, dropsy is fraught with male infertility and erectile dysfunction. These disorders, unfortunately, almost do not lend themselves to treatment. That is why it is so important to monitor your health, and if you have symptoms of an illness, you should immediately go to a doctor.

Prevention of disease

What does the hydrocele look like? Photo pathology can be seen in medical reference books. However, many men are more interested in the question of how to avoid its development. First and foremost, doctors recommend that the scrotum be protected from injuries and mechanical damage. When playing sports, you must use special protection. In addition, it is important to engage in the prevention of infectious diseases and acute inflammation, not to disregard annual medical examination. Be healthy!

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