Food and drinkRecipes

Old recipes of Russian cuisine: a recipe for Guryev's porridge

Kashi - national Russian dishes. They are sweet and ordinary, in milk or cream, vegetable oil, fat or smaltse, or even just on the water. Serve them as separate dishes or as stuffing (minced meat) in game, poultry, milk pigs. Delicious, nutritious, extremely useful porridge can be cooked in Russian cooking in a huge variety of different ways.

The famous Guryevskaya

Recipe porridge Guryevskaya is really very famous and famous far beyond the borders of his native country. It was invented a long time ago, in the beginning of the 19th century. According to one legend, Count Dmitry Guryev, the Minister of Finance of the Russian state, invented a dish and an excellent culinary specialist, who loved to eat deliciously. According to other versions, the honor to create a recipe for Guryev's porridge belongs to the serf chef of one of Guriev's friends. And the Count liked the dish so much that he and the cook together with the family bought it and moved it to Petersburg and made the head of his kitchen. Porridge has since often been served to the count's table as a special delicacy. It became the subject of sincere admiration and envy of gourmet neighbors. However, the recipe for Guryev's gruel was strictly kept secret. And only after a long period of time he became widely known, and the dish itself appeared in other houses, restaurants, taverns and other food establishments. Since then, a little over two hundred years have passed. But the recipe for Guriev's porridge still attracts the attention of the chefs with its simplicity and that very special, wonderful taste that the porridge possesses.

Please go to the table

Nightingale fables do not need to feed, so we'll go straight to cooking. In order for us to get a classic "gurievka", we take milk, mango, sugar, vanillin, butter , almonds in the nucleoli, jam, canned fruit, eggs. In a saucepan pour a liter of milk, bring to a boil. To fall asleep, stirring, a bag of vanillin and 120 gr. Sahara. Boil it for 10 minutes. Then gradually, also stirring, pour into the milk mango (100 gr.) And cook until ready, stirring all the time to avoid lumps. Guryev porridge - an ancient recipe claims - is brewed without oil. It (creamy, 50 grams, but it is possible and more) is added only afterwards, in the finished dish along with raw eggs (2 pieces). The whole mass is again mixed well. Then the contents of the pot are laid out in a frying pan, which must also be previously oiled, and put in the oven (in the 19th century, of course, put in the oven) to make the porridge brown. At this time, you can fry the almond grains. When the porridge is ready, it is poured with syrup or jam, you can make honey, decorate with fruits and berries, sprinkle with almonds and serve as a sweet dish. In the series "Cookbook. Old cookery" recipes with a photo "gurievki" in different versions are presented widely, and there you can find step by step instruction of cooking and decorating. By the way, in many recipes, which have somewhat improved the traditional, they advise you to add, in addition to almonds, also hazelnut, lemon zest, cinnamon, cardamom and other spices. Specially, milk is first recommended to boil a couple of times to remove the foam, which then are separately placed in the porridge when it is transferred to a bowl for baking. And it should be done immediately with jam and other additives. Of course, everyone prepares in the way imagination and taste tell him. The main thing is that the dish is recognized by the cook, and the household!

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