Health, Man's health
Retrograde ejaculation is one of the causes of male infertility.
The process of ejaculation - ejaculation - is controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. When entering the semen extracting ducts of spermatozoa in condensed form and diluting them with fluid from the prostate and seminal vesicles, such a "rattling mixture" according to all the rules of physiology should go to the exit for entry into the vagina and further movement to the egg. At the same time, we note that the male reproductive system is in the immediate vicinity of the urinary ducts, which during the excretion of the sperm are covered by a special seed tubercle, which increases in size during orgasm. Thus, nature took care of the purity of the resulting sperm, which does not mix with urine.
Unfortunately, some men are increasingly experiencing problems with ejaculation, and one of the frequent diagnoses is retrograde ejaculation. The essence of this disease is as follows. When the sperm is released due to the uncovering of the urinary canal, it is thrown into the bladder. Thus, from the outside, sperm does not leave, but remains in the body of a man. In this case, a strong half of humanity receives a full orgasm, not associated with the ejection or ejection of ejaculate. There are external violations that primarily affect the psyche, self-esteem of a man. Often representatives of the strong half of humanity prefer to avoid long-term ties with the opposite sex, because they are afraid to admit infertility. Of course, such a problem should be solved by medical means, so a visit to the doctor is inevitable.
Retrograde ejaculation can occur due to several reasons. First of all, surgical interventions in the bladder zone, pathology in the lumbosacral spinal cord, surgery for prostatic adenoma, hemorrhoids, and postmenopausal changes affect the area.
Separately it is necessary to consider the independent deterrence of a man by orgasm. If there is a premature ejaculation, some men see treatment for it in containing sexual intercourse, without referring to specialists and not solving the cause of the problem. This self-medication can lead to the onset of retrograde ejaculation.
Treatment of retrograde ejaculation should begin with a general analysis of urine. It is there that traces of sperm will be found, which speaks of pathology. At treatment it is necessary to prepare for long therapy - retrograde ejaculation is treated difficultly enough. Here the complex uses physiotherapy, reflexology, electrostimulation of the prostate. In addition, treatment with special medications that restore antegrade ejaculation is also carried out.
Sometimes used for conception is a method such as sexual intercourse with a complete bladder. This is an extreme method, when medicines do not help or there is a pathology of spinal nerves. Usually, with a full bladder and good control of urination, the neck of the bladder is tightly closed. If this method does not work, then you can decide on in vitro fertilization. The essence of the process is the insertion of sperm into the vagina. To do this, urine after orgasm is removed with the help of a catheter and injected into the vagina. This method often does not bring results, because in this case the sperm can be weak (inactive, non-viable spermatozoa). To increase the possibility of fertilization, insemination is carried out during the days of ovulation. For this, the partner must determine its cycle and calculate the ovulation. This helps gynecologists, who can track ovulation by ultrasound.
Retrograde ejaculation is not a verdict, but the disease must be treated under the supervision of specialists who will determine its cause and prescribe an adequate course of treatment.
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