Food and drinkRecipes

Tapeworm for chops in a hurry

Food must be beautiful and appetizing. Even the simplest and trivial mush you need to be able to serve, because it depends on the quality of the dish and its future fate - it will seem a masterpiece or an ordinary dish.

Creative approach to the kitchen does not require special skills and skills, it is enough just to show a little imagination and patience. One of the usual dishes on each family table are chops - juicy, soft, beautiful. But their taste often depends on the batter, in which the meat is fried. Usually egg whites appear in the form of batter, but this is somehow fed up. On how to cook batter for chops originally and delicious, read on.

Stack for chops from flour and eggs

To make such a batter, we need flour, egg, water. If you take one glass of water, then you need to take half the flour. The egg also gives viscosity and a beautiful yellowish color. This claret salt and pepper is not necessary, it is better to thoroughly season the seasonings with meat from both sides and give it a little soaked with spices. All the ingredients must be mixed in one deep dish, but consider the fact that the flour can start to collect in lumps. Therefore, it must be introduced slowly and in parts. Each piece of meat should be lowered into the batter, while you should ensure that the piece is completely covered with a mixture. You can also leave the chops for a few minutes in such batter to make the meat soaked and become even more juicy.

Scorpion for chops with breadcrumbs

For the preparation we need the following products: flour, beaten egg, breadcrumbs (if they are cooked independently, it is advisable to use a loaf instead of bread.) Its texture is softer and tender, so the chops will come out juicier). In different plates we brew the ingredients, that is separately flour, separately the egg, and separately biscuits. Prepared meat first we lower in a flour, then in an egg and at last we well fall in bread crumbs. This type of batter is perfect for chicken chops. Delicate chicken fillet under a golden wonderful crust - what could be better!

Stewed chicken with greens

To prepare such a dairy, the following ingredients will be needed: several eggs, parsley, dill, breadcrumbs. To begin with, we mix eggs and biscuits, a rather thick and viscous mass must be formed. Greens need to be chopped into small pieces, then add to the gruel. From such a batter make cakes, put them on the meat for chops, and then wrap it with a roll and fix it with a match or toothpick. This kind of batter will work if the chops are small enough. This snack can be served both cold and hot.

Scorpion for chops from vegetables

This claret is very interesting and unusual, because both side dishes and meat are in the same dish. To make such a dessert, you will need: Bulgarian pepper, onion, corn, eggs, a little flour. Vegetables should be washed thoroughly, cleaned. Then cut into small pieces, but do not twinkle - a person must see what he eats. Mix in a deep bowl, add corn. Drive in a few eggs and mix well. If the mass is liquid, then you need to add a couple tablespoons of flour. When a homogeneous mass is obtained, the clay will be ready.

Why do you need a claret, you ask? After all, you can just take and fry the meat, it will also turn out delicious and beautiful. This opinion is erroneous, since the claret plays the role of a certain fur coat, that is, protection. When frying meat begins to lose its juices and vitamins, and the crust prevents it, which gives the dish tenderness and beauty.

Now you know exactly how to make a batter for chops. With new dishes you will surprise your guests, but the time will be spent much less than it seems at first glance.

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