
How to make careless ringlets at home: instructions, tips

Most girls with straight hair dream of beautiful curls. But a visit to a hairdressing salon requires free time and considerable financial expenses. Meanwhile, at home, you can easily create such a hairstyle. About how to make careless curls with the help of improvised tools, we will tell in our article.

For whom this hairstyle?

Wavy hair can make the image of the girl more feminine, fervent and attractive to the opposite sex. Careless locks have one weighty advantage - they look beautiful, natural, natural, natural. And what is most pleasant, such a hairstyle suits absolutely all the girls, regardless of the shape of their face. And it does not matter how long your hair is: to the waist, medium or short.

To complete the styling, the stylists recommend taking into account facial features and locating the curls so as to hide the imperfections of the exterior. For example, a round face will look narrower if it is slightly hidden behind the hair. Similarly, other shortcomings, inexpressive eyes or lips are eliminated. And now let us dwell in more detail on each of the known ways of forming a natural wave on the hair.

How to create careless curls with a hair dryer?

Just 15 minutes to create a stylish styling when using this method. You will only need foam, gel or other hair styling remover, comb and hair dryer with diffuser nozzle. But before embarking on a hairstyle, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, get wet with a towel and let it dry naturally.

How to make careless ringlets at home, we will tell in the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. To the roots of hair with massage finger movements apply a small amount of foam or any other means for styling. Gradually it is distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  2. Then the curls are combed in a traditional way with the help of a comb.
  3. Tilting his head down, the hair is dried using a diffuser. During the drying process, hands are formed with careless strands.

The direction and intensity of twisting depends on the desired result. This method allows you to achieve an easy effect of wet curls.

Hairpieces for help

Curling irons are traditionally used to create neat curls. To make such a hairstyle, you need to wash your hair with shampoo, let it dry naturally, then apply thermal protection. This will not spoil them when exposed to high temperatures. To keep the curls healthy and shiny, the hair curler should warm up in accordance with the type of hair. If they are too thin, then temperatures of 100-120 ° C will be enough.

To create a hairstyle with a curling iron, it is enough to separate not too thin strands one by one and twist them clockwise. When all the locks are ready, you need to shake your hair with your hands, giving them some carelessness.

Straighten or curl?

Strangely enough, this sounds, but the well-known flat iron can be used not only to create an ideally smooth hairstyle, but also for the formation of natural waves. By the way, with the help of a straightener it is easy to make careless locks on short hair. This will create a vivacious and playful coquette for the girl.

Curling is performed on dry hair. In order not to damage them, it is recommended to pre-treat each strand with a special means for thermal protection. Further from the clean hair is separated a small bundle, tightly twisted by hands clockwise, after which it "straightens" with a curling iron. The resulting lock must be sprayed with varnish. In the same order, all the hair is wound.

Creating a hairstyle with an invisible stick

How to make careless curls in such an interesting way is described in the following instruction:

  1. The hair is slightly wetted with a spray gun. After that, they are additionally treated with a thermal protection spray.
  2. All hair is divided into 3-4 parts.
  3. Alternately, each thick strand is twisted in one direction in the form of a tight bundle, which is then twisted on the head in an arbitrary shape and fixed with invisibility.
  4. When all the strands are twisted and fixed on the head, the hair is blown by cold air with a hairdryer with a usual nozzle. You can let them dry naturally.
  5. Once all the hair has dried, you can unbutton the strands.

As a result, in just half an hour, light and stylish curls are obtained. To create a hairstyle does not require special tools for styling and tools, and the effect is amazing.

Wet wipes for spectacular curls

This way of winding hair was very popular with our grandmothers. Only instead of wet wipes were used ordinary cotton pieces of fabric, which were previously wetted in sweet water. Simultaneously it was possible to make careless curls and immediately fix a hairdress at the expense of sugar.

The instructions for winding hair with wet wipes are as follows:

  1. Well comb your hair.
  2. Prepare wet wipes. They should not be too small. Best suited children's wet wipes, which are sold in large packages.
  3. Select a thin strand of hair.
  4. Stretch the napkin in your hands and start winding it on your hair, moving from tips to roots.
  5. Fix a wound strand on the head, tying a napkin in a bundle.
  6. Repeat for the rest of the hair.

Once the wet wipes dry, tied strands can be untwisted. As a result, you will get beautiful and light careless waves.

Natural waves with the help of braids

The presented method is considered one of the most sparing. At the same time, it allows to achieve a natural effect of wound hair without using curling irons or a straightener.

In order to get light careless ringlets, you must first apply any clean stylized hair with a styling styling product. Next, you need to braid a tight braid. The method of weaving can be chosen at your discretion. Someone likes a tight classic braid, some prefer to twist their hair into bundles, and then once again weave them together. But there is a regularity - the thicker the braid, the larger the curl.

Unwind the braid is recommended no earlier than 8 hours later. It is best to start making such a haircut in the evening, and by morning you will be ready to have spectacular curls.

Curlers for beautiful curls

With this proven method, you can effectively and safely wind all the hair. If it is necessary to make light ringlets, it is recommended to use non-thick hair curlers. To create a hairstyle, you need to wash your head, lightly dry your hair with a towel and apply styling. Then, in turn, small strands are separated and wound on curlers-stickers in the direction from the tips to the roots. It is not recommended to use the hair dryer during the drying of the hair, so as not to damage them.

Once the strands wound on curlers, dry, you can begin to form a hairstyle. Careless ringlets, obtained after removing the curling hair curlers, are shaken by hands and fixed with lacquer. This hairstyle can be done at night, because for drying hair requires at least 8 hours. But be prepared for the fact that sleeping on curlers will be quite inconvenient.

General recommendations

The tips below will help you achieve the desired effect of creating a hairstyle and get beautiful careless curls that attract the attention of men and cause envy in women. It is recommended to follow the following rules:

  1. When creating a hairstyle, consider the real state of your hair. Locks with pointed tips will not exactly add to your appeal. Most likely, instead of the desired effect, you will get a neglected appearance.
  2. When using the diffuser in the process of creating careless ringlets, use the cold blowing mode. This will allow you to maintain the health and natural beauty of your hair.
  3. At the end of the installation, always sprinkle the curls with varnish. But do not overdo it. Otherwise your hair will look just awful.
  4. Use a curling iron or a straightener only to create a wave on dry hair. Otherwise, you will do much harm to them.

The proposed ways to create curls and useful tips will help you look stylish, natural and attractive every day.

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