Homeliness, Repairs
Metal: reviews
Metal tile is a modern roofing material made of galvanized steel and aluminum sheets, over which a protective composition of plastic with a thickness of not more than 50 microns is provided, which provides protection from the harmful effects of atmospheric precipitation and solar UV rays. Metal tiles are not individual small shards, as one can see from a distance, but a solid galvanized sheet with a pattern imprinted on it, imitating them.
Metal tile is a frost-resistant building material, which retains its technical characteristics at large minus temperatures. The length of metal roofing sheets can be from 0,4 - 8,0 m. Their weight is six times less than that of clay roofing products. The term of use is up to fifty years.
Types of metal tile: PVDF, Pural, Matt polyester, Plastisol.
Metal PVDF consists of polyvinyl chloride material and acrylic coating in a percentage combination of 80 and 20. The thickness of such sheets is 27 microns. But, nevertheless, this coating can be used for many years, it does not fade and practically does not deteriorate under the harmful influence of atmospheric precipitation and low temperatures.
Metal tile-pural is a galvanized sheet with a polyurethane coating. Its thickness reaches 50 microns. This roofing material is intended for the manufacture of facade and roof panels, has excellent technical characteristics. Among them high anticorrosion properties, resistance to UV rays and various temperature regimes from -49 to +100 ° C. Scratches and microcracks on such metal sheets are almost invisible to the naked eye. Unlike PVDF-sheets, pural less stable material. Therefore, the mounting of pural galvanized sheets during installation should be carried out with great care and attention.
Metal tiles made of matte polyesterol have a smooth matte surface with a coating thickness of no more than 25-35 microns. It is resistant to the effects of any unfavorable precipitation, including ultraviolet rays of the sun. This is the most economical coating with high technical characteristics. It can be used almost everywhere - both outside and inside buildings.
Metal tile from plastisol has the most Thick protective coating (from one hundred to two hundred microns). This gives the sheets of metal tiles of this type greater mechanical stability in relation to force and damage.
Fastening of metal tile
Fastening of metal tile To the crate is carried out by roofing screws with a special electric drill with a nozzle. According to the norm for 1m² roofing, you need eight screws with a rubber band. When fixing the metal tile overlapping along the length of the sheet, it is important to fix the sheet on the second wave. In this case, it is important to move only in the deflections of sheet waves to avoid mechanical damage and not to disrupt the overall structure of the roofing. In cases where the roof base is not covered with insulating material, then sealing bands on the internal butt surfaces are additionally used.
Metal: reviews
The best roofing material is metal, reviews about which are quite different and largely depend on the type of protective polymer coating. This material is used in the construction industry not so long ago. But, despite this fact, the metal tile has already gained special popularity.
Metal tile, reviews of which converge in one, is an excellent building material for various roofing surfaces with a long useful life and at the same time very economical in price.
At the same time, there are other advantages of this material. Metal tile, reviews and opinions on the properties of which are expressed by the mass consumer more and more in a positive way, has good performance characteristics, is fairly simple to manufacture and is accessible to all segments of the population, has a stylish appearance, is multivariate in its color range. Which is also important.
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