Computers, Equipment
Intel Core i7 processor: description, specifications, models
Processors of the Intel Core i7 family are manufactured on the microarchitecture Nehalem, Bloomfield and Gulftown. In this case, the internal clock frequency fluctuates around 3000 MHz. Integrated graphics are not supported by all models. The data bus frequency, as a rule, does not exceed 5 GHz per second.
Some configurations are equipped with unlocked multipliers. In order to learn more about processors, you should consider Intel Processors Core i7 on specific microarchitectures.
CPU on the microarchitecture Nehalem
The processor Core i7 860 clock frequency has a mark of 2.8 GHz. In this case, there are four cores. The bus frequency of the CPU reaches 2,400 MHz. The maximum voltage of the system can withstand 1.4 V. The Intel Core i7 2600K is available in four cores. It has a clock speed of 2.53 GHz. The CPU multiplier is of the unlocked type. The frequency of the main bus fluctuates around 2,400 MHz. The Core i7 2700K has a clock speed of 2.93 GHz. The specified modification to the four core connector has an LGA. Directly the bus frequency does not exceed 2400 MHz.
The Core i7 4720 processor has four cores. In this case, the chip area is 263 mm 2 . Directly the clock frequency is 2.6 GHz. The configuration of Core i7 4730 is provided for four cores. A total of 731 million transistors are used. The CPU clock speed is 2.8 GHz. The Intel Core i7 4790 is rated at 3.07 GHz. In this case, the chip area is 263 mm 2 . The bus itself is available at 213 MHz.
CPU on the Gulftown microarchitecture
The Core i7 970 is released by the manufacturer on six cores. The clock speed does not exceed 3.2 GHz. The bus is available for the model at 2660 MHz. Core i7 980 clock speed has exactly 3.3 GHz. The chip area in this situation is 239 mm 2 . Directly the bus is provided for 2660 MHz. The processor Core i7 990 transistors has 1170 million units. The clock speed of the model does not exceed 3.4 GHz. The LGA connector is supported in this case.
Main functions
The area of high-speed memory for processors on the microarchitecture of Gulftown is very extensive, so Intel Core i7 reviews of owners deserve good. The cache itself is directly related to the architecture. The core of the model is used dynamically. Thus, the system provides high performance. If we consider the Intel Core i7 4790, then the IM-bus in this case is provided for 5 MHz. In the exchange of information, it plays an important role.
The system bus in the processor on the Gulftown microarchitecture is used by the CB. To transfer data to the controller unit, it fits perfectly. The interface is provided by the manufacturer with the support of MI. The connection is made directly via the system board. All the main operational commands are supported by it.
Notebook Intel Core i7 is capable of supporting no more than four threads. In this case, the base frequency parameter is quite high. To order the instructions, an IP program is provided. Directly processing time data does not take much. It is also important to note that the clock frequency parameter directly depends on the speed of the computational cycles.
The calculated power in the Intel processors is specified through the point. The maximum frequency setting is 38 GHz. Directly, the power of the CPU on the Gulftown microarchitecture is at 83 watts. When working with the base frequency, the processor uses all the cores.
Memory Specifications
CPU Intel Core i7 on the microarchitecture Gulftown boasts a large amount of memory. In this case, it is supported in various formats. Directly on the performance of the system is greatly influenced by the number of channels. In this modification there are two. In addition, it is important to mention that the Intel CPU supports flash memory.
The throughput is at a very high level. In this case, reading the data does not take much time. In many respects this was achieved through the support of dual-channel memory. High speed of data storage is another advantage of this system. The memory of ECC processors is supported. A standard chipset is installed for this.
Graphics subsystem specifications
For Intel Core i7 processors on the Gulftown microarchitecture, the graphical frequency parameter is at 350 MHz. In this case, it is also important to consider the rendering factor. At the base frequency, it affects quite a lot. The graphical subsystem itself allows you to significantly enhance rendering.
Support for the format of the NC for the models "Intel" is provided. If we consider the Intel Core i7 2600K, then the maximum system capacity is at the level of 1.7 GB. To support the interface, this indicator is very important. It also affects the availability of memory. To increase the interaction of a personal computer with a processor, the PPC system is used. The resolution of its resolution is 4096 x 2304 pixels.
Support for "Direct"
When describing the Intel Core i7 processor, it is important to mention the support of Direct. In this case, specific collections of application programs are taken into account. "Direct" series 11.1 is great for processing system files. If we talk about the graphical component, it is important to mention the "Open Graph" system. It affects the calculation of tasks quite strongly. In this case, much depends on the support of multimedia files.
The "Liber" system was created to display two-dimensional graphics. If we talk about the technology "Quick Video", then in this case you need to consider the conversion speed. If you believe the opinion of experts, then with portable media players the system interacts normally. Another technology "Quick Video" affects the speed of video editing. In addition, it ensures the posting of important safety information on the web. Creating video with this technology is very simple.
Expansion options
Computer Intel Core i7 for data transfer uses the editorial "Express." To date, there are many versions of it, which, in fact, do not differ much. However, in general, the editorial "Express" is very important when it comes to connecting to a personal computer of various devices.
If we talk about version 1.16, then it can significantly increase the data transfer speed. This system can only work with devices of the PC type. Directly it allows channels to play up to 16. At the same time, the base modulator of the central processor is not involved in data processing.
Data Protection Technology
This technology allows you to work with the system AE, which is a set of commands. Due to it, you can quickly perform data encryption. The process is safe. To decrypt data, the AE system is also used. A variety of program tools allows you to solve a wide range of tasks. In particular, the AE system is capable of working with cryptographic data. Problems with applications, it decides pretty quickly.
Direct technology "Date Project" was created to decipher random numbers. Authentication is carried out through them. In addition, it should be noted that the "Date Project" technology includes the "Kay" system. It is designed to generate random numbers. In the creation of unique combinations, it helps quite a lot. Also, the "Kay" system is involved in deciphering the algorithms. To enhance the encryption of data, it fits well.
Platform Protection Technology
The "Platform Protection" technology at the Intel CPU is envisaged in the series 10.1. Speaking of it, first and foremost it is important to mention the "Gard" system. It was created for safe work with various applications. In this case, you can perform operations with them differently.
To connect the chips, the "Gard" system is also used. Directly for the protection of platforms, the "Trasted" program is used. With a digital office, it allows you to work. The function of the measured start-up by the "Platform Protection" technology is supported.
Also available is the option of secure execution of commands. In particular, some of the streams of the system are able to isolate. In this case, running applications on them do not affect. To cancel the hardware programs, the "Anti-Teph" system is used. In this case, the vulnerability of the CPU is significantly reduced. Another system "Anti-Tef" is designed to combat malicious software.
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