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How men treat ureaplasma: drugs, the scheme and timing of treatment, the consequences

Ureaplasmosis is a disease that has become quite common in recent times. Pathology is transmitted sexually. From this ailment, neither men nor women are insured. In this case, the pathogen infrequently causes in the body a strong half inflammation. But, despite this, it is extremely dangerous to ignore the problem. Therefore let's understand how men treat ureaplasma.

Description of the disease

What is such a pathology as ureaplasma in men, the symptoms and treatment of which require special attention?

This is an infectious disease that is transmitted sexually. The disease is caused by a certain microorganism called Ureaplasma urealyticum. It does not have its own cell walls. This allows the pathogen to penetrate into the human cells in which it multiplies.

Thanks to this mechanism, the immune system is practically immune to ureaplasma. Many antibiotics are also powerless.

These pathogens are able to stay in the body of a man for a long time without signaling their presence. They live on mucous genitalia, urethra. In this unpleasant symptomatology they do not provoke. Therefore, doctors attribute the ureaplasma to a conditionally pathogenic flora.

Causes of pathology

The main way of transmission of ureaplasma is sexual. However, infection is possible during childbirth, from mother to child. At the same time, thanks to physiological characteristics, boys are much less likely to become infected than girls.

It is impossible to get infected in a domestic environment with ureaplasmosis. After all, microorganisms live exclusively in human cells. Thus, it is the sexual way - the main source, as a result of which ureaplasma is found in men.

Causes underlying infection:

  • Sexual life started at an early age;
  • Unprotected sex;
  • Disorderly change of partners;
  • Transferred diseases, sexually transmitted diseases.

Predisposing factors

Very often a man is a carrier of ureaplasma. At the same time, he does not have any unpleasant symptoms. The causative agent parasitizes in the body for a long time. In this case, a person does not even suspect that he has ureaplasma. And, accordingly, infects his partners.

But in some cases, the pathogen begins to attack the body, causing inflammation in it. In this case, it is important to know how men are treated with ureaplasma and it is necessary to understand what this symptomatology provoked.

The main factors triggering the mechanism of development of the disease are:

  • Recently transferred viral diseases;
  • Nervous overload;
  • Unbalanced diet (lack of nourishment of unsaturated fats and vitamins);
  • Bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking);
  • Frequent stress;
  • Treatment with hormonal drugs, antibiotics;
  • Impact on the body of ionizing radiation;
  • Supercooling.

However, men who observe hygiene, lead an orderly sex life with the emergence of ureplasmosis do not face. After all, they do not have favorable conditions for the development and reproduction of the pathogen.

Characteristic symptomatology

The disease is rather insidious. It can be asymptomatic, passing into a chronic form. Pathology can let you know about yourself on the 4th-5th day after infection. But most often the disease manifests much later. As soon as immunity decreases under the influence of any factors, immediately starts to progress ureaplasma in men.

Symptoms and treatment of the disease, unfortunately, most patients are simply ignored. This leads to serious complications. Doctors state that very often men seek help only when the disease is complicated by severe pathologies.

That is why it is important to understand what are the signs of ureaplasma in men:

  • The appearance of transparent excretions;
  • temperature increase;
  • Burning, itching;
  • Impaired urination;
  • Discomfort in the perineum and in the groin.

In this case, the symptomatology of the pathology often occurs latent or smeared. Accordingly, timely treatment is absent, and the disease quickly assumes a chronic stage.

Possible complications

Pathology is extremely dangerous for its complications. If you do not start fighting in time, then the ureaplasma in men starts to progress.

The consequences of this ignoring often lead to inflammatory ailments of the urethra, prostate gland, appendages of the testicles. Sometimes, against the background of pathology, male infertility develops . However, with proper treatment and no other consequences, the childbearing function of the stronger sex is usually restored.

Doctors say that men can face such complications of ureaplasmosis:

  1. Urethritis . For the disease characterized by pain, eruptions, burning in the urethra during urination. With the transition of urethritis into a chronic form, each exacerbation manifests itself with more severe symptoms.
  2. Epididymitis . Inflammatory process, taking place in the epididymis. Often the disease does not cause painful or unpleasant sensations. However, the appendage is considerably compacted and increases in size. This is what makes the patient come to a consultation with a urologist.
  3. Prostatitis . A man encounters difficulty urinating. He suffers pain in the perineum. This symptomatology is accompanied by frequent urge to urinate. Later, an erection disorder develops, which can lead to impotence.

Methods of diagnosis

In order to choose the right therapy, the patient will be recommended a medical examination.

Diagnostics includes the following laboratory-instrumental measures:

  1. Bacteriological sowing. The material taken from the urethra is carefully studied.
  2. PCR. The most accurate analysis for ureaplasma in men. The study of scraping from the urethra reveals a sequence of nucleotides of pathogens.
  3. Method of gene probes.
  4. EIA.
  5. Method of activated particles.
  6. RPHA. Analysis for ureaplasma in men, revealing antigens in the serum.
  7. REEF.
  8. RSK.

If a ureaplasma infection is found during the examination, then this is sufficient reason to assume the presence of an agent in the body of the sexual partner. That is why, in order to rule out the risk of repeated infections, adequate treatment will be needed for both patients.

Ways to combat the disease

How do men treat ureaplasma? The key to successful treatment is the right treatment strategy. That is why it is important to apply to a competent specialist who will choose appropriate methods of fighting pathology on the basis of an examination of the body.

Based on the results of the tests, a group of antibiotics capable of affecting microorganisms will be identified. Without such a survey, it is extremely difficult to identify the most effective drugs.

The scheme of treatment of ureaplasma in men usually includes such activities:

  1. Treatment with antibiotics.
  2. Appointment of drugs that normalize the intestinal microflora.
  3. Application of multivitamin complexes.
  4. The use of immunomodulators.
  5. Compliance with diet.

Use of antibiotics

The therapy is etiotropic in nature. In other words, the treatment is aimed at destruction in the urogenital system of ureaplasma. With this task, antibiotics are excellent. But we should not forget that the most effective drugs and explain how men treat ureaplasma, can only a competent specialist, after diagnosis. Therefore it is extremely careless and incorrect to engage in self-medication.

Therapy can be based on these types of medications:

  1. Tetracyclines . Most often recommend the patient medications: "Tetracycline", "Doxycycline." Such medications are prescribed by the course, in 10 days. The use of these drugs should not be accompanied by prolonged exposure to men in the sun. Because tetracyclines can lead to photodermatitis (burns of the skin).
  2. Macrolides . Such drugs are characterized by higher safety. But, unfortunately, are also not devoid of side effects. They can provoke the development of allergic reactions. The most effective medicines for the treatment of ureaplasmosis are: "Azithromycin", "Rovamycin", "Josamycin". They are appointed, as a rule, for 14 days.
  3. Fluoroquinolones . It's not really antibiotics. These chemical compounds perfectly kill the ureaplasma in the body. Such drugs are: "Levofloxacin", "Norfloxacin". The duration of therapy with these medicines is 7 days. They are recommended to patients only if tetracyclines and macrolides are ineffective. These drugs can have damaging effects on the kidneys, liver.

Medications that normalize the microflora

It is important to remember that antibiotics can adversely affect the functioning of the digestive tract. That is why the doctor will appoint appropriate medications that protect the patient from dysbiosis and ensure the normalization of the functioning of the intestine.

What kind of medications can be recommended if ureaplasma is diagnosed in men?

Treatment (drugs must be prescribed by a doctor) may include such means:

  • "Linex";
  • Bifiform.

Use of immunomodulators

A special role in therapy is assigned to this group of drugs. They are aimed at restoring immunity.

In the treatment of ureaplasmosis often include drugs:

  • "Takvitin";
  • "Timalin";
  • "Methyluracil";
  • "Lizotzim";
  • "Pantocrinus."

The patient can be recommended natural immunomodulators, such as:

  • Schisandra,
  • Extract of echinacea,
  • Syrup or broth of dogrose.

Purpose of vitamin complexes

To better restore the body and strengthen protective forces in therapy include multivitamin preparations.

The most effective medicines are:

  • "Complivit";
  • "Alphabet";
  • Vitrum;
  • Biomax.

Additional recommendations

For the entire period of treatment of ureaplasma in men (an average of 7-14 days), it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Avoid sexual intercourse or use a condom.
  2. Follow the diet. Give up alcohol. Exclude from the menu spicy, fried, salty, fatty foods.
  3. Strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

And remember, ureaplasmosis is not an infection that you can fight yourself using advice from friends or acquaintances. This is a pathology that requires proper and adequate therapy prescribed by a doctor. Only in this case it is possible to expect a cure.

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