BeautySkin care

How does a person make beautiful at home?

Because of the economic situation in the country, prices have grown not only for food. Unfortunately, now not everyone can afford a weekly trip to a cosmetologist and a manicurist. However, you want to be beautiful regardless of the state of finances. There is, of course, a way out, and it's simple: take care of yourself on your own. In this article, we will consider simple ways how a person to make beautiful at home.

Basis of the basics

The very first rule that you need to master and perform even on autopilot in any state, if you are looking for how to make a face beautiful, consists of three steps: purification, toning, moisturizing.

Be sure to remove makeup in the evening, even if laziness. This simple action will take no more than 5-10 minutes together with subsequent washing. But in the morning the skin will not "please" you with such "wonderful" surprises, like various kinds of rashes and clogged pores. If you add more reddened and swollen eyelids due to the carcass ... To get rid of the consequences, it will take a lot longer than the evening savings of 10 minutes.

It is also necessary to wash with the mind. This is not suitable for ordinary soap, even advertised and with an allegedly appropriate level of ph. It is suitable for the body, but not for the face. The skin of the face is more tender and needs a delicate cleansing. There are many special washbasins from different manufacturers, so choosing the right one for both skin type and price is not difficult. Penki, gels, special cosmetic soap - your skin will say only thanks.

Be sure to use a tonic or lotion. It removes the debris and prepares the skin for the subsequent application of the cream. If you are looking for a way to make your face clean and beautiful, do not neglect this step.

Before you start to build care, you need to know your skin type.

Care for oily skin

Well if you are sure that you have oily skin. For those who doubt, there is an easy way to verify this. Take a tissue paper or a normal napkin and attach to your face a couple of hours after washing. Do not apply any cosmetics or creams. If there are stains on the napkin or paper, then you are a happy owner of a fatty skin. So, how to make a beautiful face skin with such initial data?

Often there is an opinion that oily skin is a real nightmare and it is very difficult to look after it. Not more difficult than for dry. In addition, there is a bonus: wrinkles will appear much later. With a fat gloss, enlarged pores, black dots and inflammations can be cured by choosing competent care.

Clearing ...

Any departure begins with cleansing. Teach yourself to wash with warm water, not hot. Hot water promotes the expansion of pores and increased production of sebum. Foams or gels with antibacterial components, without alkali, will do. Avoid funds with a high alcohol content. It may seem that this is the ideal solution - to dry the skin a little. But soon, be sure of the opposite: the production of fat will increase and the shine will appear faster than usual. This is quite normal reaction of the body to aggressive withdrawal.

Choose peels and masks

Looking for a way to make your face beautiful and clean, pay attention to peelings and masks. They will help to level the tone of the face, clean the pores and remove the dirt. Choose exfoliates with a large or medium abrasive, clay-based masks. There are tools that combine the caring properties of the mask and at the same time perfectly remove the black dots. Pamper your skin with these procedures at least 2-3 times a week. After any mask or peeling, apply on the face a tonic or serum, after a couple of months of regular application, the result will be noticeable.

How to make a face beautiful, what else do you need? That's right, the cream. The choice of cream should be approached, too, responsibly. Basic requirements: anti-inflammatory components, zinc and oil free. A good result is the use on the oily skin of funds with a street mucin. They normalize the production of sebum, minimize inflammation, heal existing pimples and improve complexion.

Care for dry skin

The dry skin of the face is even more capricious than the fat one. The feeling of tightness, redness, irritation and heightened sensitivity are constant and faithful companions. Even tone, dullness and a rare appearance of rashes slightly improve the picture. However, if it is bad to take care of this type of skin, you can easily get overdrying and premature wrinkles.

How to make a beautiful face skin of this type without the help of a beautician? And is it possible? Yes, it is possible. It is necessary to properly build care, starting with washing and ending with peelings and masks. Dry skin needs a delicate cleansing, so choose soft products with a gentle composition, if you like using sponges or brushes, do not rub hard to not cause irritation. Tonic or lotion choose with a minimum of alcohol, so as not to overdry the skin. So you avoid the feeling of tightness and peeling.

Every skin needs deep cleansing. But here you need to act without excessive fanaticism. In this case, the best will become the enemy of the good. Therefore, one, a maximum of two times a week will be more than enough. It is better to stop on delicate peelings-rolls, due to their features they generally do not contain particles-abrasives, but the skin is cleaned from any impurities perfectly. If the soul still requires scrubs, choose those in which the abrasive particles are small.

Masks should also be approached with caution: clay can do more harm than good. It makes sense or keep less than the specified time, or even switch to fabric.

We select creams for dry skin

Dry skin needs to be moistened and nourished. Choose a dense texture cream, perhaps they will be absorbed longer, but the effect is worth it. If there is peeling, then the skin does not have enough moisture. You can add locally serum or try to do a course of moisturizing mask.

If an anti-aging effect is required, choose products with collagen and elastin. Avoid creams with mineral oils and glycerin, they will only dry the skin and will not give any effect.

When working at a computer and in the heating season, use thermal water and your skin will thank you.

Care for normal skin

Lucky people with a normal skin type can only be envied. Ways like to make a person beautiful with such raw data, a lot is not required. The main thing is to observe the basic rules of care, choose an easy, non-overloading cream, and do mask scrubs 1-2 times a week.

To keep the beauty of normal skin, you can from time to time wipe it with ice cubes from cooked herbal decoction or mineral water. Then for a long time you will not have to look for how to make a beautiful complexion. The skin will rejoice with natural radiance and healthy appearance.

Caring for the skin around the eyes

Thinking about how to make a beautiful face at home, do not forget about the area around the eyes. She is most in need of care and first issues age. It is better to start taking care of this delicate area before than throwing heavy artillery in the form of fillers or powerful lifting creams.

The most important rule: do not stretch. Apply the cream with light patting movements, and do not smear it. This will help to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles and will not deepen the existing ones.

If you want an immediate effect, for example, before an important event, use an express agent containing caffeine and alcohol. Skin for a while will be smoothed out, it will look relaxed and taut. However, the action will pass in a couple of hours. For everyday care, choose creams with retinol and vitamin C. They do not give a magical instant result, but they act slowly but surely, and this is the best way to make your face beautiful at home.

Little Beauty Secrets

To lighten the dark circles under the eyes, you can use proven "grandmother" ways: put for 10-15 minutes under the eyes of thin slices of raw cucumber or potatoes. They will also help get rid of the bags under the eyes. But for this, thin plates of vegetables should be held in the freezer, then removed, wrapped with gauze, let them warm up slightly and put under the eyes.

And a little more

The final touches in the care of themselves will be properly chosen makeup and manicure. To understand how to make a beautiful face make-up is not difficult. The most important rule: to choose the perfect tone. Clean, even skin attracts more attention than bright eyes or lips. With the help concealer will only hide the small flaws. A little mascara and lip gloss - and you'll look like a queen.

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