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Tattoo on the tongue: procedure, forms, features of the process

People practice tattooing on all parts of the body. The most unusual places for drawing can be called eyeballs, fingertips, intimate zones. Therefore, it is not surprising that a tattoo lover has a pretty image on the tongue.

Possible forms of tattooing

Usually a tattoo in a language is a simple drawing, embodying a symbol or depicting a cartoon character. It can also be a short word or a geometric figure. Get some intricate story does not seem real because of imperfection and rough surface.

How to make a tattoo in a language

The process of tattooing in a language does not differ in principle from the application of conventional tattoos to the skin. For the procedure, special tools are used. The ink is applied with a fast moving needle, which implants the paint in the epidermis of the tongue. The main difficulty for the client is the fact that you have to keep your tongue sticking out for a long time. But it is not difficult to make a tattoo in a language, it takes much less time than on another part of the body. In addition, the procedure is considered fully completed in one short session.

Very often people like the result, and instead of a small drawing they want to have a large composition covering the entire surface of the organ of speech. But the best place for placing the tattoo is its lower part, since the tongue is very soft and mobile. The most popular ornament is an inconspicuous star on the tip.

It's painful to do a tattoo in a language

It may seem that stuffing a picture in your mouth is a very painful and lengthy procedure. However, the pain from the process is practically no different from the unpleasant sensations when the tattoo is applied to another part of the body, for example, on the arm or neck. The peculiarity is that the tongue does not represent a part of the skin, it is an independent complex of muscles.

Which sketch can I choose

So, which design to choose for a tattoo in the language? Ideas can be any. The main thing is to think in advance beforehand that the figure looks harmoniously in a small size. The most advantageous are simple simple images: a treble clef, an infinity sign, a flower, and other such variants.

Stability of ink

The quality of the material used is of great importance for a good result. From the point of view of the stability of ink, any person will need repeated tinting of the finished tattoo to improve its color palette. But in any case, the color is washed out very quickly due to the moist environment of the oral cavity. First, the drawing begins to "swim" contours, and gradually it can finally disappear. The average durability is several years.


In the language there are more than 5000 taste buds, which are arranged in a certain order for each person. The possibility of drawing a picture on a language is another way of manifesting one's own personality. A tattoo in a language whose meaning is known to its owner is a kind of intimate secret. About the existence of any image in the oral cavity does not guess anyone from the environment, if a person does not want to show his language and demonstrate the art depicted on it.

The maximum that can be noticeable during a conversation is the drawing on the very tip of the tongue, which draws attention with its unusual color. Most often tattoo in the language is made to indicate a close spiritual connection between relatives or spouses.

The effect of having a tattoo on taste preferences

According to what part of the language a person is stuffing a tattoo, you can determine his favorite dishes: the root zone is responsible for bitterness, the front part for salty tastes, the edges are responsible for the acid. The most popular and recognizable sweetness is the tip zone. The central part of the language has almost no taste receptors, so people who choose a tattoo should take into account that the placement of the picture here is a symbol of indifference and lack of joy in life.

Why do people do this?

Despite the pain and complexity of the application, tattoo in the language becomes a very popular direction. This is unusual, stunning and extremely bold. But in order to express their mood and attitude to the world, people are ready for much, including for such insane acts. The goal is to stand out from the gray mass.

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