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Aggressive child: the correct approach to education.
Raising and educating a child is a complex process that can be compared to jewelry work. Children absorb all the information around them like a sponge, and at a certain stage of development they start to give it away. All that the child can do, he learned from his parents and from his environment. Any disruption and misbehavior of adults can injure a tender child's psyche. The child is constantly growing and changing. The organism grows up and the body is overflowed with hormones that have a direct effect on the behavior. This phenomenon is particularly pronounced in adolescents. Children's aggression must be prevented at the first stages of development in order to avoid difficulties in the future.
An aggressive child requires a special approach. It is necessary, first of all, to be attentive and try to determine the cause of such behavior. Sometimes, in order to exclude aggression, it is enough just to feed and water the child, and the state of calm will return. Sometimes, indignation can arise when adults take away an object of interest to a child or forbid him to do anything in order to protect him from injuries. To avoid nervousness at a young age, it is simply to replace one thing with another, switch attention or simply distract. However, this trick works until the age of 5 years. Then you should conduct conversations. The conversation will help to show that the child is dear to you and exclude the appearance of feelings of depression. First and foremost, an aggressive child needs attention, and the main goal of parents is to build trust, on which relations will be based in the future.
Quite often the aggression of a teenager can cause pain. In this situation, it is not necessary to suppress the personality of the child, it is necessary to point out mistakes correctly and try to convince him that it is necessary to apologize. It is necessary to constantly and unobtrusively tell the grown up child that emotions and anger can be controlled. However, again, if there is no trust, nothing will come of it.
There are several methods that help to suppress aggression, which can be presented in a game form. For example, when an aggressive child begins to get angry, ask him to breathe deeply and imagine with him the object of irritation in the most ridiculous form. Another option is possible. Visiting sports sections allows you to release negative energy into another channel. Energy pouring into indignation, turns into energy going to physical exertion. Aggressiveness of adolescents can be excluded by accustoming a child to creative pursuits, such as drawing, sculpting, carving and so on. In most cases, children engaged in visual arts become more affectionate and understanding.
Most of the problems caused by an aggressive child appear at the age of 12 - 15 years. Serious complications arise when one of the reasons for this behavior is the family situation. When the family does not have enough love and affection, the teenager carries all the accumulated malice out of the house, into the street. Sometimes a great demand for a child can cause anger at peers.
However, gentleness and permissiveness are also unacceptable. The abundance of love leads to aggression. The teenager gets used to the fact that in the family all his wishes are quickly fulfilled. Getting in a different situation, the situation changes and anger arises. We conclude that too much care for the child is also not recommended. It is worth finding a middle ground: do not be very cruel and strict, but do not spoil.
Talk with your children, participate in their lives, but do not interfere with your own development. Do not pour your problems and anger on your son or daughter, this can lead to sad consequences. Only a proper approach to upbringing can exclude the appearance of aggressiveness or smooth out the already existing symptoms.
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