
Nylon prosthesis with complete absence of teeth and partial. Reviews about nylon dentures

Strong teeth are necessary not only for beauty. Their health is the absence of most digestive problems. However, not every person can boast of a smart smile. Some do not have several teeth at once. If the problem is more extensive, then you can use a nylon denture. With complete absence of teeth, it is considered very effective. However, it also has some peculiarities.

What is the product?

Nylon prosthesis with complete absence of teeth is a special design, which is made of a special dental material - nylon. Most often it is not permanent and only for a while can perform the functions of the jaw. However, in some cases, the product can be permanently fixed.

It should be noted that the presented design has certain features and indications, which should be taken into account when choosing a prosthesis. Naturally, these issues need to be carefully considered. Improperly selected products can contribute to the emergence of additional financial costs and physical problems.


Nylon prosthesis with complete absence of teeth is established quite often. The fact is that it has a lot of advantages. Among them we can distinguish such:

1. Flexibility of the material. This allows you to make crowns that will take the necessary shape. Patients note that the product is very convenient, it does not cause discomfort.

2. Ease of use. You have almost no discomfort when wearing a structure. Although the first time you will feel a foreign object in your mouth - at first, many complain about it.

3. Excellent appearance. Thanks to the pink color, the base will not visually differ from its own gum. Many people like this naturalness.

4. Good strength. Just because the product will not break, although it is not recommended to drop it on hard surfaces.

5. Absence of allergic reactions and hygiene. Thanks to these qualities, the design can be installed practically to every person, if there are no other contraindications.

6. Reliable attachment in the mouth, as well as high accuracy of fit.

7. There is no need for a long period of habituation.

8. During installation, it is not necessary to grind the support crowns. This allows not only to reduce the cost of the installation procedure, but also leave most of the dental tissues intact.

9. Resistance to aggressive action of food additives, liquid absorption and unpleasant odors. However, if the prosthesis is scratched, then the occurrence of such problems is possible.

10. Good distribution of the masticatory load, which will prevent the product from breaking. However, please note that you can not chew all the time on one side. Otherwise, the material will be erased unevenly.

As you can see, nylon dentures, patients' opinions are highly appreciated, they have a huge number of advantages in comparison with other designs.


However, there are significant disadvantages that may prevent the use of such products:

- Nylon prosthesis with complete absence of teeth in some cases promotes atrophy of bone tissue.

- Occurrence of minor injuries on the gums. Some patients complain of wounds and pain in the gums.

- The appearance of mechanical scratches.

- Nylon dentures are quite expensive, so they are not available for everyone. In reviews, it is often noted that the high cost of the product.

- The product requires careful and proper care. Otherwise, a microbial deposit quickly forms on the surface.

- From time to time, this design will need to be changed.

In principle, with the correct use of such structures, many problems can be avoided.

What indications for use exist?

Before you install a partial nylon denture, you need to understand when it can be done. There are such indications for the procedure:

- Allergic reaction to other types of materials.

- Stomatitis, which is the result of the installation of other prostheses.

- Complete or partial absence of crowns.

- Prohibition of grinding of supporting teeth.

- Cardiovascular pathologies, epilepsy, bronchial asthma.

- Occupation associated with an increased risk of injury to the jaw.

Nylon prosthesis reviews of patients are characterized as durable and reliable. They are installed in the case when it is necessary to adapt the tissues of the oral cavity to fixation of permanent structures.

Are there any contraindications?

They also exist. Among the contraindications can be identified as follows:

1. Low crowns or the presence of atrophic changes in the alveolar process.

2. Too much damage to the dentition.

3. Inflammatory diseases of the gums or mouth in general.

4. Gingivitis, periodontitis, as well as the last stages of periodontitis, which can be accompanied by exposure of the roots.

There is some information that nylon dentures in Europe are prohibited for use. However, this is not quite true. On the contrary, qualitative nylon designs are used abroad quite often.

Stages of product manufacturing

A nylon prosthesis with partial absence of teeth is used to accelerate the adaptation of gums to subsequent permanent crowns. Naturally, the design must be properly manufactured. The entire procedure is considered quite difficult, so it can take a long time to complete. Production includes such stages:

1. Thorough examination of the patient by an orthopedist and orthodontist. This is necessary in order to clarify the general condition of the oral cavity and eliminate present pathologies.

2. Manufacturing of casts of dental rows. For this, a special quick-hardening paste is used.

3. Manufacturing of a dental model from gypsum. This procedure should be carried out in the laboratory.

4. Production of a wax copy of the future prosthesis.

5. Fitting a model with a description of all the defects that have appeared.

6. Subsequent casting of the prosthesis from nylon with a thermal press under the influence of high temperature (250 degrees).

7. Grinding of the cooled product using circles or cutters.

8. Last fitting and correction of errors.

As you can see, a nylon prosthesis with a partial lack of teeth will be quite expensive. However, it will prevent further defects in the row of crowns.

Varieties of structures

There are such types of products:

- Partial. They can be used on both the upper and lower jaws.

- Single. Such flexible nylon dentures are used in cases where one or two crowns are missing. They are fastened with the help of clasps. At the same time, it will not be necessary to make a special fit for those teeth to which the prosthesis will be worn.

- Complete. They are attached to a special base, which is snug against the sky. For good fixation in the oral cavity, you can additionally use special fixing gels.

Cost and term of application of the structure

If you have information that nylon dentures in Europe are prohibited, then this is not entirely reliable data. Perhaps they are not so popular, as they are not recommended for permanent use, but everything depends on the patient's desire. Naturally, expensive products meet all the requirements.

The price of quality prostheses is about 16 000 - 25 000 rubles. The cheapest are small single designs. Full prostheses can have a higher cost. As for the period of use, it is about 5 years. However, for so long the product can only serve if it is properly maintained.

Take into account that longer use of the presented structures is not recommended by specialists. Otherwise, the bone tissue atrophies. In addition, during the operation of the prosthesis it is necessary to visit the dentist periodically, who will monitor his condition.

Preparation for prosthetics and installation of the product

Nylon prosthesis with a complete lack of teeth (the photo you can see in the article) should be correctly fixed. However, before proceeding with the procedure, you should always prepare the oral cavity. For this purpose, the following activities are carried out:

- Elimination of all tissues affected by caries.

- Installation of seals, treatment of pulpitis.

- Elimination of tartar and plaque. In this case, it is also possible to bleach the crowns.

In principle, this can be completed. Next, in fact, and prosthetics with nylon prosthesis. Most often they are fixed with the help of clasps (metal hooks). They are capable of providing good structural strength. If the prosthesis is complete, then a camera system is used to mount it. For fixation, support teeth can be used on both sides.

Features of care

Nylon dentures, whose manufacturing materials are considered strong and reliable, require some care. It is in this case that they can serve as long as possible. So, there are such rules of care:

- The design requires periodic cleaning at the dentist.

- Try to rinse your mouth every time you eat.

- Clean the prosthesis should be the same as your own teeth - twice a day. Do not use paste with solid particles to whiten the crowns. They can scratch the surface of the product. And still need to buy a soft brush that does not damage the surface of the nylon.

- To ensure that during the installation or removal of the prosthesis from the oral cavity, it does not accidentally fall and does not break, you should carry out all manipulations on the sink filled with water.

- For a periodical disinfection it is necessary to use a special antiseptic solution.

- If you do not use a prosthesis, you should not just leave it on the nightstand. It is better to put it in a bactericidal solution that is sold in any pharmacy.

- If you want to apply a deep cleaning of the structure, you can use ultrasound.

How to store the product correctly?

If you want to install nylon dentures with a complete lack of teeth, feedback will help you decide on the type of design, as well as the need for its application. It is impossible to name responses of patients unequivocally positive. They are different. Everything depends on the quality of the work of dental technicians and dentists, the cost of the product and other factors.

If you have manufactured removable nylon dentures, then at night they will need to be removed from the mouth. That they are not damaged and do not dry out, you can leave them in a glass with plain water or a bactericidal solution. Of course, the fluid needs to be changed daily. Some doctors believe that to remove the prosthesis for the night should not be, because they will break faster. However, it's up to each person to decide. Some people say that sleeping with such a design is inconvenient.

As you can see, the presented designs are quite popular, despite their shortcomings and high cost. However, it is necessary to choose the right product only after a thorough consultation with a specialist. Nylon prosthesis with partial absence of teeth (the reviews confirm this) will provide the functionality of the jaw and a beautiful smile. Be healthy!

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