HealthSupplements and vitamins

Calcium for hair. Vitamins for growth and strengthening of hair

Calcium - for hair vital microelement. After all, this microelement is responsible for their health and active growth. Lack of this mineral can lead to symptoms of afforestation.

The value of the above microelement for the human body

The above microelement is the most important substance for the normal functioning of the human body. After all, he is responsible for such important processes as:

  • Regulation of the permeability of cell membranes;
  • Work of the nervous system;
  • Maintenance of the functioning of the heart and its system;
  • Formation of teeth and bone tissue;
  • The process of hemostasis (blood coagulation);
  • Promoting intracellular patency;
  • Participation in the processes of exchange;
  • Strengthening immunity.

It's not a secret for anyone that calcium for hair is of great importance. After all, from the above microelement depends on their beauty and health.

Daily rate of the above microelement

The daily need for an organism in this mineral is 800 to 1250 mg. But this, of course, depends on the individual characteristics of the individual organism. It should be remembered that the maximum daily requirement for calcium is 2500 mg.

Hair loss is the first sign of a lack of calcium in the body. The increased demand for this microelement is manifested in people of the following categories:

  • Nursing mothers and pregnant women;
  • Children during puberty;
  • Menopause in women.

Trichologists argue that at this time, such patients must necessarily increase the daily dose of calcium to prevent the occurrence of its deficiency.

Causes of hair loss

The above process in women, in contrast to men, is not local, but global: hair loss covers, as a rule, the entire surface of the head.

The causes of hair loss can be as follows in women:

  • The influence of "external" factors: depressive states, regular stress, disturbed ecology, uncontrolled intake of medicinal products, radiation;
  • Hormonal thinning of hair: after abortion, hormone intake;
  • Androgenic prolapse (as a result of adrenal and ovarian dysfunction).

In addition, the cause of hair loss can be a variety of diets. It is known that the fat tissue of a woman is responsible for her hormonal background. If the fair sex loses more than 10% of the weight, then she will have symptoms of baldness and flak nails. After all, in most cases, diets without a doctor's supervision and without a special need lead to an imbalance of minerals and a protein deficit.

When to sound an alarm

Scientists believe that the loss of about a hundred hairs per day is the norm. It should be taken into account the fact that the hair is not only on the brush or comb, but settles on clothes, a pillow or just fall to the floor. If these hundred hairs are only on the comb - this is already a problem.

But we also need to remember that each person has an individual number of hairs on his head. One has 50 thousand, the other has 150 thousand. Therefore, you need to watch hair individually. Determine the level of hair loss will help a simple test: you need to take 15 hands in your hand and pull. If a person has excessive hair loss, then in his hand will be more than 3 hairs.

"Calcium D3 Nycomed" for hair

The above preparation is extremely useful for the human body. Why? It turns out that the combination of calcium and vitamin D3 (colcalciferol) produces a tremendous effect on the condition of nails and human hair.

Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble hormone, which is produced by exposure to sun rays. The preparation "Calcium D3" for hair promotes their active growth. Vitamin D3 strengthens the process of mineralization of bones, is, like calcium, fundamental to the development of a strong and healthy skeleton.

In addition, colcalciferol regulates the amount of calcium in the blood, prevents its washing out of the bones.

The above preparation is designed to regulate the exchange of phosphorus, calcium in the teeth, hair, muscles, bones and nails.

Calcium for hair and nails in combination with vitamin D3 contribute to their strong health and beauty. Deficiency of these two trace elements leads to disastrous consequences:

  • Loss of elasticity of nails;
  • Observation of afforestation symptoms;
  • Brittle hair.

The preparation "Calcium D3 Nycomed" for strong hair how to take? Instructions

Calcium in hair loss is extremely necessary. Experts recommend using the above remedy as follows:

  • Small patients from 3 to 12 years of age show no more than 1 tablet a day;
  • For children aged 12 and older, the instruction sheet recommends the use of 1 tablet every 12 hours.

It should be noted that the doctor, if necessary, can appoint an individual dosing regimen.

This drug can be safely taken while eating. The tablet is allowed to dissolve and chew.

Calcium masks for strengthening and growth of hair

It is recommended that the above procedures be carried out for the purposes of treatment and prevention. Experts say that masks based on calcium or products that contain it, strengthen hair and nails. They become healthier and more beautiful.

Calcium for hair can be used as follows: in a finished portion of the mask, add one tablet, ground into a powder, this mineral. Lightly rub the resulting mixture into the hair. Keep such a mask on your head is recommended for no more than half an hour, after which it should be washed off with warm water.

Also, a small amount of skimmed yogurt can be applied to the hair. This mask helps to strengthen the hair follicles. Hair after this procedure becomes elastic and soft.

Specialists recommend another, not less effective, mask to strengthen hair . Take two slices of black bread, soak in water, add a pinch of salt and a teaspoon of dried mustard. The resulting mixture is put on fire. Then add the ampoule of calcium chloride. This mask should be cooled and applied to the scalp for at least 2 hours. Wash off with warm water. This procedure promotes the overgrowing of bald spots and active hair growth.

Calcium for hair: reviews

About the reception of the drug "Calcium D3 Nycomed" satisfied patients leave a lot of feedback. They argue that this drug helped to strengthen them not only hair and nails, but also bones.

But there is a group of opposing opinions on the account of the above drug. Some patients claim that the "Calcium D3 Nycomed" remedy did not help them at all.

Experts argue that, before taking this remedy, you need to consult an experienced doctor. After all, it is necessary first of all to establish the actual cause of hair loss. For example, if the cause of the beginning baldness is a hormonal imbalance, then the drug "Calcium D3" here does not help. These words are confirmed by many people's responses. They also caution that if we drink calcium, the bones will become more fragile.

Calcium - for hair and nails is an extremely important trace element. Its deficiency in the body provokes the symptoms of beginning baldness. In addition, the nails break and become brittle.

You can prevent calcium deficiency in the body if you follow certain recommendations:

  • Timely and adequate nutrition;
  • Frequent walks in the fresh air;
  • Physical loads, that is, active sports;
  • Refusal from smoking and alcohol;
  • Protect hair from frost and sun.
  • Limit yourself from stress.

But what to do if all the same symptoms of alopecia appear? It is important in time to contact an experienced specialist and begin taking calcium for the hair.

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