HealthSupplements and vitamins

Products where the most vitamin C

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid - the main assistant of our immunity. As soon as we have a cold or catch a virus, we start drinking tea with lemon and there are other foods that have the highest content of vitamin C. But this vitamin has not only immunostimulating effect, it has other important effects on the body. For example, without vitamin C we will not be able to experience ecstasy. Vitamin is responsible for sensitivity in the body, as it stimulates the formation of hormones and other neuro-stimulating substances. Vitamin C carries to each cell salts of sulfuric acid, the lack of which causes microcracks in the body, for example, on the gums. Without ascorbic acid, the body can not assimilate such an important trace element as iron. Vitamin releases iron, located in the walls of the intestines and bile, and then helps it to get into the blood, which delivers the trace element to the organs. The content of vitamin C in foods is important for fat people, as it participates in the synthesis of the amino acid carnitine, which cleaves fat cells, releasing energy.

We found out that ascorbic acid is very important for human health. But if you take it in large numbers, will it harm the body? No, because the excess of this vitamin is not toxic, so it is simply removed from the body without any consequences.

Now consider where the most vitamin C. It is found in many fruits, vegetables and berries. The leaders in the content of vitamin C are: black currant, sea buckthorn, cloudberry. If you daily eat half a glass of any of these berries, then you can rest assured that you will saturate the body with ascorbic acid. Fruits that contain vitamin C are widely known to all: oranges, grapefruits, mandarins and lemons. For a long time they were considered leaders in the content of ascorbic acid, until scientists found out that they are much ahead of kiwi. If you do not imagine life without a fragrant lemon, then try to eat it with the peel, since in the zest contains the bulk of vitamin C. Rich in ascorbic acid is also rose hips, red pepper, strawberries, mountain ash, green peas, Brussels, color and red cabbage. In winter and spring, fruits and berries no longer contain many vitamins. But there is a product where the most vitamin C in the season of vitamin deficiency is sauerkraut.

Berries, fruits and vegetables should be consumed immediately after removal from the bed or purchase, as long storage reduces the content of ascorbic acid in them. Vitamin is destroyed by the influence of light, air and heat. If you are preparing a salad, then try not to cut fruits and vegetables in small pieces, it will help to save more vitamin C in foods.

If you start to get sick, and you do not have at your fingertips, there are no products with the most vitamin C, then special effervescent tablets will help to suppress unpleasant sensations. They are sold in any pharmacy. It is enough just to put in a glass of water such a chemist's vitamin C and you can help the body cope with a cold or virus at the initial stage of the disease. Vitamins "Ascorbic acid" are widely known to everyone, they are loved by both children and adults. In case a person does not tolerate artificial vitamin C, then you can try to drink an extract of acerola - this is a kind of cherry. This extract can be purchased in the departments of healthy eating. Such people in pharmacies can also buy rose hips syrup. It is effective enough to enhance immunity, but usually does not cause allergic reactions.

Deciding which product to consume better, where the most vitamin C, try not to chase the fashion and buy exotic fruits, vegetables and berries. It is better to eat foods grown in our geographical band.

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