
Clematis varieties. Clematis burning: landing, proper care, photo

All the owners of suburban areas are trying to decorate their territories. For this they use not only flower beds and flower beds. Vertical landscaping is often used . Pavilions, roofs, fences and porches, decorated in this way, look very attractive. To do this, we use curly, flowering lianopodobnye plants, which enliven and decorate the allotted space.

For these purposes, clematis burning is ideal, photo of which you can see in the article. It is placed on special supports (trellises), on pergolas or arches. Thus, you can create a great place to relax. It should be noted that there are many varieties of these flowers. But one of the most popular and favorite summer residents is clematis burning small-flowered, which belongs to a group of so-called landscape varieties. The natural appearance of lianas contributes to the fact that people get the impression that nature has created beautiful plants, and the craftsmanship of breeders has nothing to do with it.


This flower is literally strewn with small flowers, like asterisks. To date, there are more than three hundred types of clematis. There is a plant around the world (with the exception of Antarctica). It grows along the banks of reservoirs, in steppes and forests.

Popular varieties

Today we will briefly introduce the most popular varieties of this plant. Clematis grape-clad occurs in the Caucasus and in the Crimea, Asia Minor, in Central and Southern Europe. This is a shrub liana up to six meters in length. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, having a weak pleasant aroma. A lot of anthers are colored yellow. Flowering begins in the first days of June and lasts until the end of August. It is very fast, therefore it is necessary to sever the shoots. Used for vertical landscaping.

Mountain clematis

A native of the Himalayas, Central China. Liana shrubby, growing to five meters in length. The foliage is arranged in bundles. Flowers are medium in size, with a delicate aroma, white or delicate-pink. Lush flowering begins in May. When preparing for winter, this species should not be cut off.

Clematis of Tangut

Excellent for medium band conditions. A small shrub. Its height does not exceed 0.5 meters. Leaves are complex, pinnate. Flowers of this species are widely columned, drooping. Under favorable conditions, autumn blooms again. Keeps the decorative look until the end of October.

Clematis short-tailed

In natural conditions it grows in the Far East and in Northern China, having chosen the thickets of willow and bird cherry. In the landscaping clematis short-tailed is used quite rarely. The liana of this species reaches seven meters in height. The flowers are numerous, snow-white, collected in beautiful brushes. In the middle lane winters without pruning.

Clematis whole-leaved

Grassy, erect bush height of 0.6 meters. Leaves are sessile, simple, oblong-ovate, leathery. Flowers - drooping bells are single.

Clematis paniculate

The shrub liana is native to Japan and Korea. The flowers are extremely fragrant, open, white. Anthers are yellow. Abundant flowering begins in September. The variety is considered frost-hardy, nevertheless, it is desirable to cover the root system for the winter in the middle belt.

Clematis burning small-flowered white

This species is found in the Mediterranean, in Asia, where more than three hundred years are known, in northern Africa. In our country clematis burning from Rostov to Tver. In natural conditions, this tall liana grows to five meters. Corded, powerful roots emit substances that irritate the mucous eyes and nose. Hence the name of the plant.

Clematis burning - deciduous perennial liana up to three meters long. Distributed in Western Europe and the Caucasus. It differs from other varieties with frost resistance, flowering blossom and decorative. Cross-shaped open flowers produce a delicate exquisite aroma. They gather in multiflorous inflorescences. Plentifully blooms in July. In spring, the plant should be cut off. He prefers sunny places or a light penumbra. During flowering and fruiting, it is very elegant and decorative. In Europe, has found wide application in planting.

Clematis burning is desirable to be planted next to the supports, on which it easily climbs, gradually increasing the thick green mass with a huge number of flower buds. It starts to bloom in the beginning of summer and pleases its appearance until the end of August.

Clematis burning: planting and care

This beautiful vine loves loamy fertile or sandy loamy soil. It must be a loose and rich humus. Clematis white stinging grows in one place over 25 years, therefore it is necessary to approach the preparation of soil responsibly.

To begin with, you need to excavate a pit with a size of at least 60 x 60 cm. 2 buckets of humus or compost, sand and peat (per bucket), lime (150 g), mineral fertilizers (150 g), superphosphate (100 g) are added to the ground excavated from it. G), wood ash (10 g). The earth mixture is thoroughly mixed and poured into the pit, sealing it.

When planting in autumn, the plant should have vegetative buds, in the spring - at least one escape. The seedlings must have three roots with a length of at least ten centimeters.


Clematis burning, caring for which is not complicated, is a light-loving plant. If he does not have enough light, the owner can not see the luxurious flowering. Therefore, in the middle lane, it is desirable to plant this vine on a sunny site or in a slightly shaded place. Only in the south, where these lianas suffer from overheating of the soil, they must be planted in the penumbra. The wind is a terrible enemy of clematis: it damages flowers, breaks down sprouts.

Watering and top dressing

Clematis burning during growth requires a good watering. In dry weather, water is not often, but abundantly. Clematis requires four-time (per season) fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, which is produced after watering. To protect the root system from overheating, bushes should preferably be planted by annuals.

Clematis burning begins to bloom abundantly for the sixth year. Up to this point, only a few flowers appear, which should be cut off. From the age of three, shoots grow in the bush.


For the clematis burning to develop normally, it has been blooming for a long time and abundantly, it needs support. It is desirable that it was not only practical and convenient for a bush, but also beautiful. Sometimes the clematis is supported by veil, forsytic or chubushnik shrubs. The shoots cling to them, stretch upwards, hang freely, and by mid-summer the bushes completely disappear under magnificent flowers. An excellent support for clematis can be an arch or a screen.


In many respects the beauty of clematis bushes depends on proper pruning. The first time the shoots are shortened during planting, this is very important for the above-ground part. Of the lowest buds that were left during planting, new shoots are growing, which should be pinched in the summer. To prolong the flowering, it is recommended to cut off some processes in the spring. At the beginning of the summer season, the vines again need to be shortened to vegetative buds.


Usually clematis small-flowered propagate by seeds. Vegetativno bred their large-flowered "relatives". Experienced growers believe that it is more convenient to do this by dividing the bush. Reproduction can be carried out both in the autumn and in the spring, but until the moment when they did not move into the growth of the kidney.

It is possible to propagate clematis by layers, hilling the bush with peat or humus. Next year, the lower shoots will have their own roots. In addition, the plant can be propagated by the method of green propagation.

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Having planted clematis next to spiraea, chubushnik, lilac, forcing, you will prolong the flowering period of the plant. Small trees can be decorated with more stalwart types of clematis, which in the crown form chic garlands.

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