Homeliness, Gardening
Wild grapes - features of cultivation
Wild grapes belong to the family of ornamental plants. This plant is a liana that grows very quickly and can cover considerable areas in a short time. The length of the stem usually reaches more than 10 meters, and throughout the year the plant grows to 2 or more meters. Wild grapes have large brightly colored leaves. In conditions of artificial cultivation, the plant almost never blooms, but because of this, it is not necessary to be upset because flowers are small and unattractive.
If you decide to grow this plant indoors, then it takes a lot of space. It will also be necessary to limit its growth, which is done with the help of rejuvenating pruning, as well as the removal of some roots, when the plant is transplanted. If you decide to limit the growth of wild grapes by reducing nutrition, you will get a weak plant with small and unimpressive leaves.
Wild grapes - planting and care
The plant is fairly well tolerated by the shadow, but more like diffuse light. It feels great on the western and eastern sides, but can also grow from the north side of the room. The wild grapes are also developing quite well, with artificial lighting, in which case the lamps are located about 60 centimeters from it.
In the spring-summer period, the most comfortable for growth and development of the plant is the temperature within 20-18 ° C. In autumn it is advisable to reduce it to 12-18 ° C. Wild grapes can also carry a temperature of 6-7 ° C for a short time.
During the growth period, the plant likes abundant watering, which is shortened by the fall. In winter, you need to water a little so that there is no soil sour. Also wild grapes prefer high humidity and poorly tolerate dry climate. Periodically, sprinkle the leaves with warm water.
As this plant grows rapidly, it requires additional nutrition. Plant it in large vases, feed twice a month and periodically change the top layer of the soil. Pinch and cut wild grapes throughout the year.
To transplant this plant is recommended every spring, if it is too large, then replace part of the soil. To prepare the substrate use sod, leaf earth, humus, sand and peat, which are taken in equal parts.
Wild grapes - reproduction
Propagate this plant cuttings, and this can be done almost at any time of the year. To do this, take a stalk with one sheet, which for a month takes root. When planting, you must pay attention to the kidney was above the ground, otherwise it may not germinate. Young plants are first planted in small pots with a diameter of about 7 centimeters and gradually they are transplanted into larger vases.
Difficulties in growing wild grapes
If the plant does not have enough light, it will begin to stretch. In this case, it should be moved closer to the window or add lighting. If the temperature is low enough, brownish spots appear on the leaves, and they begin to crumble. When getting a sunburn on them, brown spots will be noticeable, such leaves must be removed.
When a spider mite appears on the underside of the leaf, a spider web appears. The plant should be washed well with a soap solution or treated with acaricide.
If white gnats appear, then the grapes are struck by the whitefly. It is destroyed after treatment with an insecticide.
When a plant suffers from a mealy worm, its growth stops, and on the leaves appears fluff. The destruction of this pest is carried out, and the affected areas of the plant are removed.
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