
Why not cherry fruit? Why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit

In our region, the garden cherry was widely spread. In the spring, after awakening, the tree gives people their beauty - its color was praised by writers and poets of different eras. Every self-respecting gardener must have this tree in his orchard. But it happens that some owners of these plants have problems - the cherry ceases to harvest. In this article we will consider all aspects of why cherry does not bear fruit.

Features of cherries

Most often in our gardens grow cherries ordinary. A wide variety of varieties allows the grower to choose the most suitable tree for him. However, when selecting, one very characteristic feature of this tree must be taken into account.

A large number of varieties of cherries are self-fruit. If the trees are planted with the same kind of trees - you will not get a harvest from them. Such trees must be planted by a group of different varieties. In this case, the trees should be in close proximity to each other.

Self-fruit varieties of cherries, such as "Molodezhnaya", "Bulatnikovskaya", "Rusinka", are also recommended to be planted in groups. Optimal is the acquisition of several zoned seedlings with different degrees of maturation. Cherries are early, medium and late. The acquisition of non-graded varieties jeopardizes the full existence of the tree in unsuitable climatic conditions, which is why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit. We will discuss this in more detail below.

Weak pollination

Insufficient pollination of tree colors is an important reason why cherry does not bear fruit. The absence of a non-fertile cherry tree of a different kind leads to the fact that no more than 5-7% of potential fruits are fastened on the cherry.

But even self-fertilizing cherries without a pollinator are capable of forming only 40% of berries. Many gardeners, being sure that they have planted the right tree, do not even realize that this is the main reason why cherry does not bear fruit well. If there is no possibility to plant an additional pollinator in the garden, you can go another way: for this, its shoots must be planted in the crown of the tree. But while this happens, you can quickly solve the problem in the following way: cut off flowering branches cut from a different sort of tree in the immediate vicinity of the problem tree. At least, this season you can already count on the harvest.


This fungal disease of the tree, like coccomicosis, can be the reason why the cherry does not bear fruit or the fruit is very small. The peculiarity of the fungus is that it damages the foliage of the tree.

Immediately after flying around the color, foliage covers the pink-red plaque. Some leaves are covered with brown spots. As a result, the leaves fade, fall, the tree is markedly depleted. Frosts, which previously tolerantly tolerated the strain, with this disease can become pernicious for the tree.

Already the next spring, the tree will be sparsely blossomed, and it is not necessary to talk about tying fruit.

Molinial burn is also a very common disease of cherries. During the spring flowering pathogen on the peduncle penetrates into the buds and fruit shoots, which leads to their premature withering. A characteristic feature of the disease is that the affected leaves and flowers do not fall off the tree even in winter cold, remaining on the branches of the tree until next spring. The fruits of the affected tree are rotted long before the maturation.

In this case, the tree will only save complete and timely removal of the affected areas.

Climatic conditions

Many gardeners of the suburbs of the capital have been anxious over the last few years to find the reason why cherry does not bear fruit. In the suburbs, which is in the middle zone of the country, the last years of winter are rich in their unexpected surprises. This once again confirms that when purchasing seedlings it is necessary to take into account the winter hardiness of varieties.

The varieties of steppe cherry and its breeding hybrids with cherry are most adapted to winter loads. In addition to high resistance to low temperatures, these varieties are famous for their yield. However, all these varieties are slightly inferior in taste to the fruits of cherry ordinary.

When tempering (gradual decrease in temperature) varieties of this variety can tolerate and 35-degree cold. Dangerous fluctuations in temperature are a great danger to the health of the tree. Large swings carry the risk of damage to flower buds, as well as a high probability of getting sunburn of the trunk and skeletal branches. It is necessary to deal with the problem cardinally, why cherry does not bear fruit. What should a gardener do? It remains only to update the trees in their garden for more winter-resistant varieties.

Lack of nutrients in the soil

With increased soil acidity, it is not necessary to count on a large crop. Close to the surface (1,7 - 2 meters) the location of groundwater can also be one of the reasons why cherry poorly fructifies. In this situation, there is only one way to solve the problem - the creation of a bulk elevation of at least three meters in diameter. This will allow planting a tree seedling at the optimal distance from groundwater.

The maximum possible yield of the tree will be given only on sandy loam soil with neutral acidity. But if the acidity is increased, then what to do? If the cherry does not bear fruit for this reason, then the situation can be rectified by liming the soil. Here the main thing is not to overdo it - the lack of boron, accompanying calcareous soils, can cause a decrease in the formation of ovaries.

In any case, making a digging of the near-trunk zone, it is necessary to add mineral fertilizers regularly and in a timely manner.

Complex state of the tree

One of the reasons why cherry does not bear fruit is the thickening of the crown of a tree or a bush. Regular removal of deadwood, thinning will save the tree from weakening and possible diseases, will favorably affect the growth of new shoots.

Optimum black and white mode, provided by timely correction of the inner part of the crown, will allow the tree to thank the horticulturist in abundant yield.

Why does not a felted cherry

This variety has a high tolerance to low temperature and phenomenal resistance to coccomicosis. This shrub tree came from the Far East. A dense coating of villous leaves and shoots, reminiscent of felt, and gave this name a cherry.

Sorts of this tree give an abundant harvest of delicious berries. The type of this tree is self-fruitful. Therefore, without one more tree in the garden can not do, if you want to expect a rich harvest.

With excellent resistance to the main fungal parasite of cherry trees, this variety often becomes a victim of moniliasis. Save the tree, and the entire garden from fruit rot can only be an emergency removal of affected areas and treatment with a drug such as "Fungicide". If these measures do not stop the disease, you need to part with the felt cherry as soon as possible until the fungus spores migrate to the neighboring trees.

Why the cherry blossoms, but does not bear fruit

Proper feeding can help with this problem. At a spring digging it is recommended to make up to 80 grams of potassium and 220 grams of phosphorus fertilizers. During the growing season, it is necessary to carry out several additional fertilizing of the tree.

The first should be done after the flowering. Do it this way: dissolve in 10 liters of water to 16 grams of urea, potassium chloride and up to 28 grams of superphosphate. The procedure is recommended to repeat after two weeks.

Every two or three years, but by no means more often, you make an ash infusion and rotted manure into the soil around the tree. The procedure is carried out in the autumn period and will have a significant impact on the well-being of the plant and the abundance of the harvest.

Preventive actions

Regular cleaning of last year's leaves will eliminate one of the factors why the cherry does not bear fruit. Old foliage contains primary foci of fungal diseases. In due time, thin out the crown.

Carried out treatment of the tree with chemicals will prevent disease with various diseases. The first spraying is carried out at the end of flowering, in no case before doing this is not recommended. Two weeks after harvesting, you need to repeat the procedure. If you missed the time, the treatment of the tree can be carried out no later than 20 - 25 days before the harvest.

If the gardener fulfills all these recommendations, surrounds his tree with timely care and care, the result will not take long to wait. The next year, questions about why the cherry does not bear fruit will disappear by themselves. A plentiful harvest will be a good reward for the effort.

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