
Cherry self-fruit. Varieties for any region

Cherry belongs to heat-loving fruit trees, but gradually the specially selected cold-resistant varieties are developed in regions north of the middle belt, in the Urals, southern Siberia.

Numerous varieties of this plant can be divided into three types, depending on the type of pollination of the flowers: the cherry is self-fertilized, partially self-fertilized and self-fertile. In the northern regions, where the planting of this fruit tree is not numerous, and during the flowering period the weather is unfavorable for pollination, the cherry is self-pollinated. Popular self-fruit varieties of cherry: Garland, Brunette, Cinderella, Youth, Chocolate. These plants are bred specifically for small farms, homestead land with small areas.

Cherry self-fertile variety Brunette has a juicy, tender, dark red fruit, sweet and sour to taste, medium-sized. Trees are not high, not always reaching 2.5 meters, which is convenient when collecting.

To early ripening varieties, which is especially appreciated in the northern regions, is the cherry of the self-fertile Garland variety. In addition, the fruits of her large, bright, dense, but juicy. The taste is sweet and sour. Transport and storage are well tolerated.

Cherry self-fertile varieties Cinderella matures in mid-summer; Fruits of its light red, oval, medium size, sweet-sour. The frost resistance, high yield (up to 15 kg from one tree) are among the valuable qualities of this variety.

Cherry is a self-fertile variety. Chocolate Maiden also ripens in July, trees are short, but with a dense crown. Fruits are medium in size, weighing 3.5 grams, very dark, dense, giving sweet and sour dark red juice. The oyster bone separates easily, which facilitates the processing of the crop. Begins to bear fruit for the fourth year, yields high yields, tolerates frosts well, is not afraid of drought.

If you decide the question: where to buy trees, the answer is unambiguous - in well-established nurseries and botanical gardens. Only there you will be offered varieties, guaranteed to be selected for growing in your area. Cherry comes into fruition during 4 years, which means that an unsuccessfully selected seedling will negate your four-year labor.

You can also control the choice of seedlings. Annuals usually have root lengths of 20-30 cm, stem diameter is up to 12 mm and length is up to 120 cm. It is very important that the root system is not damaged and dried.

The next step is to plant trees correctly, to form the crown correctly. During planting, mineral and organic fertilizers are introduced into the pit. Re-fertilization is carried out after 2 years, and especially it is important during fruiting.

At the first pruning it is necessary to remove the shoots leaving at an acute angle, to select branches for a skeleton and to cut them up to 50-60 cm, the intermediate branches to 25 cm. Do not cut those that go at a right angle. The conductor remains higher than the side branches by 20 cm. Pruning is done every spring, while removing damaged, superfluous branches shading the crown.

While caring for the trees, remember: although cherry is a drought-resistant tree, it should be watered in the absence of rains, especially during the formation of fruits.

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