Homeliness, Gardening
Currant: growing and grooming in spring
It has long been known that currants are saturated with vitamins and nutrients. But to get a rich harvest of this berry, you need to know some rules of agricultural technology. It can not be said that a very capricious currant. Growing and caring for this culture does not cause much trouble. It is necessary to carry out some activities depending on the season, and then the plant will please the rich harvest and its beauty. Everything from planting to preparing for wintering will be discussed in this article.
Types of currant
Today, thanks to the work of breeders, many currant varieties have been bred. The latest hybrids are highly resistant to pests and diseases, as well as increased yields. There are three main species of this plant, more familiar to gardeners. It is white, red and black currant. Each of them has a variety of varieties, which differ in the time of maturation and some other features.
Varieties of black currant
This species is more whimsical and requires careful care. It is represented by a wide assortment of varieties, which are distinguished by a pleasant taste. The fruits of culture, as you might guess from the name, are black. Dachnitsa is a high-yielding currant, the cultivation and care of which are quite simple. It has very large berries, juicy and delicious. To medium-sized varieties, Vologda, whose sour-sweet berries, Bagheera with large sweet fruits, Yadrenu with sweet and sour berries of large size, Orlovsky waltz and Black pearls can be referred to. Late representatives of this species include Sophia, which has large sweet fruits, and Tatiana's day is a plant with sweet and sour berries of large size.
Varieties of red currant
Red currant is very popular among gardeners. It does not require careful care, it is simple in breeding and yields a good harvest. Variety Zadunaisky has sweet and sour berries and belongs to the medium-ripened. Here you can also note Jonke ragged aunt, with large and amazing to taste the fruits. The early varieties include Natalie, Sugar, Early Tolmacheva and Early Sweet.
White currant varieties
The third species is the white currant. Cultivation and care of this shrub are carried out in the same way as for the red currant. These two species are very close to each other. Here you can distinguish two main varieties: White grapes, which is very delicious and sweet berries, and white yield, with sweet and sour large fruits, late maturity. Among the many varieties of each gardener can choose the one that most he will have to taste.
The importance of spring care
To prepare plants for awakening it is necessary to begin still in the early spring, after the termination of frosts. It is during this period that the foundation of the future crop is laid. What does the currant require? Cultivation and care in spring for this culture - the activities are not complex, but they require certain skills and knowledge. It is necessary to provide the plant with sufficient moisture. During this period, intensive growth begins, for which the drought will be disastrous. Therefore, it is necessary, if possible, to retard thawed waters or to carry out regular watering. During this period pruning shrubs and releasing them from old branches is important. They will not be useful, but will interfere with the full development of the plant. Also it is necessary to remove a part of young shoots, leaving some of the strongest. Very beneficial for the development of the currant affects the hot shower, which frees the bush from the larvae of pests. Of course, soil loosening and top dressing are of great benefit. This is an elementary agrotechnical techniques, which must be carried out in early autumn. Growing and caring for the currant, of course, are not limited to the above actions, but this minimum will allow us to get a good harvest. Let's talk about this in more detail.
Trimming the currant in spring
Some believe that you can do without this event. But pruning currant bushes is very important. Why? First, every year, if you do not thin the plant, there will be a decline in yield. Secondly, dense thickets - this is an ideal place for reproduction of diseases and pests. Thirdly, the life of the plant without cutting is reduced. If you do not neglect this advice, then for a long time will grow a delicious and fragrant currant. Cultivation and care (pruning, as you already probably understand, is one of the most important stages) should be correct - only in this case the culture will please the grower with a plentiful harvest.
Cutting technology
Carry out this procedure in the early spring, after melting snow. At this moment, the buds have not yet blossomed, and the plant will transfer the pruning painlessly. However, if the moment is missed, and the winter was not very severe, later terms are also acceptable. Then shoots that did not survive wintering will be very good. As a result of pruning, old branches are replaced with more productive ones, which increases the life span of the plant. Black currant can yield for five years, and red and white for eight years.
First, cut off all the shoots, leaving a few kidneys. This applies to young plants. For the next year, several strong shoots should be identified, and the rest cut off near the ground. The remaining young twigs cut about a third. For the third year we again leave no more than four root shoots, and the rest we delete under the root. In the future, when the bush is fully formed, you just need to clean up old and frozen branches. They differ in the color of the bark and much weaker than the young growth.
Spring shower
Many experienced gardeners have their tricks, from the application of which grows a good and yielding currant. Cultivation and care is a certain set of procedures that improve the quality of the crop. One of these methods involves a hot shower. It is carried out at the very beginning of spring, before the leaves are dissolved. To do this, prepare the water, the temperature of which will not be more than 70 degrees. Then from the watering can, the plant is watered abundantly. Hot water allows you to get rid of pests that winter in the bush, without harming the plant itself. This simple procedure is very effective. But only do not exceed the set temperature limits, so as not to damage the currant. Cultivation and care (the diseases are very harmful to this process, so try not to allow such troubles) will become more productive if you adhere to the above recommendations. Below, we will talk about what to do if we have not succeeded in avoiding the infection of culture, and about preventive measures.
Detect the presence of a tick
It is very important to spend the spring treatment of the plant against pests. This applies not only to the currant, but to all plantations. Diseases and pests significantly reduce the yield and lead to the death of the bush. First of all, when the kidneys begin to bud, it is necessary to check the currant for the presence of a tick. It is very easy to learn this pest. The buds of the infected bush become swollen and have the shape of a head. If the area of damage is small, then remove the damaged kidneys and pour them with boiling water to prevent the spread of the pest. If the currant is damaged completely, then it is better to remove this bush.
Prevention and control of pests
In the early spring, when the snow melts, you can treat the currant with nitrafen. This will be an excellent prevention of the development of diseases and the appearance of pests. After the appearance of leaves and buds, the shrub is sprayed with carbophos. Particular attention should be paid to currant flowers. They should not be deformed and have terry edges. If they are infected, then their color becomes bluish. Such a bush will not bear fruit, the ovary simply disappears. There are no methods of fighting this disease, so it is necessary simply to uproot the infected plant. Very often on the currant occurs powdery mildew. It appears due to excess moisture and improper irrigation. To protect the culture from this disease, it is necessary to treat it with a solution of laundry soap and soda ash. Spraying is carried out twice, at intervals of a week. For 10 liters of water, you need to take 50 grams of each substance.
Black currant: care
The greatest attention to yourself requires black currant. The cultivation and care of this plant is slightly different from the activities carried out with respect to other species. This culture belongs to the hygrophilous. Black currant likes well-lit areas. Ideal place for its landing can be well-moistened, understated, well-illuminated areas, which are protected from the wind. However, too wetlands are not suitable for breeding this plant. In such conditions, the risk of various diseases and the appearance of pests is high. This type of currant poorly tolerates acidic soils. Therefore, one year prior to planting, 0.5 kilograms of lime per each square meter of the plot should be added and the soil should be digested. In other respects, agricultural technology does not differ from the cultivation of other berry bushes. It is necessary to remember the pruning, which requires black currant. Cultivation and care for this plant are the same as for other varieties.
Features of care for red and white currants
These two varieties are the most popular. White and red currants, growing and caring for which require less effort from gardeners, have a more powerful and deep root system. The period of their productivity is longer than that of the black currant. When planting plants should be made in the hole compost, superphosphate and potassium chloride. But it must be done with care, so that the roots do not come into contact with fertilizers. These plants also love sun and moisture. Once every three years it is necessary to introduce fertilizers and trim annually.
What else does a currant? Cultivation and care in the garden is a great work, but at the same time it is also an opportunity to get a rich harvest of juicy, delicious berries. To do this, use all methods of cultivation. In the spring it is necessary to fill the soil under bushes with ashes and mineral fertilizers. We add these two components in a small amount, and then slightly loosen the soil. To dig deep into the earth it is not necessary, for so it is possible to damage the roots, which are not very deep in the currant. Then lay out a layer of pereprevshey organic, mulch. He will protect the plant throughout the season from pests that have survived in the soil, and from drought. Mulching will provide the bush with additional fertilizing and will not allow to break through the weeds.
Watering the currant
Currant is a moisture-loving plant. Its roots are not very deep, and it can not provide itself with sufficient moisture due to groundwater. Therefore, watering is so important for good growth and future harvest. The lack of moisture affects the size of the fruit and their number. In this case, frequent irrigation does not require currants. Cultivation and care in farms have shown that it is necessary to simply moisturize the soil in certain periods. Typically, this is spring - the time of growth and formation of ovaries (around May and early June). Further, the maturation process takes place, in which the drying of the soil should not be allowed. It's about June. And finally, the harvest time is in August and September, depending on the variety. During these periods it is especially important that the plant obtains sufficient moisture. If the autumn is not distinguished by an abundance of precipitation, then pre-winter watering should be conducted in October. In any case, it is necessary to moisturize the soil well to a depth of about 30-40 centimeters. Under each bush it is necessary to pour about 3-5 buckets of water.
Autumn care
After collecting a good harvest, you need to take care of the plant itself and do everything to the next year you again pleased with currants. Growing and nursing in the fall are the following activities. First, the bush must be fed. During the flowering, growth and fruiting process, the currant has spent a lot of energy, which it is required to fill, in addition, it will be superfluous to make a supply of useful substances, so necessary for a perfect wintering. For fertilizing use any fertilizer intended for this. In the fall, the pruning is repeated. It is necessary to remove the side branches, which over the summer have grown. Young shoots at the base can not be touched, since this is the guarantee of the future harvest. In late autumn, you can sprinkle the bottom of the bush with a little ground. You can use for this fallen snow. Currant refers to frost-resistant plants, but additional care will not hurt. With a little effort and having done all the necessary arrangements, you can confidently expect a good harvest next year.
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