
Plum "Altai Jubilee": a description of the variety, photos, peculiarities of cultivation

It is unlikely that there will be a gardener who does not grow a plum. This popular culture is popular with many for the taste and versatility of the fruit, as well as a slight whimsicalness in the care. Despite the fact that the plum is considered a heat-loving plant, the breeders brought out many varieties suitable for the Urals and Siberia. These varieties withstand severe Siberian frosts and delight their owners with a quality harvest. One of these varieties is the "Altai Jubilee".

The variety was developed by breeders in the climatic zone of Altai from the varieties "Manchurian prune" and "Immune". It is considered one of the most valuable Siberian varieties, in 1974 entered the State Register. Recommended for use in the Siberian and Urals regions, in Northern Kazakhstan.

Plum "Altai Jubilee": a description of the variety with a photo

Plum tree has a crown of medium density, rounded. The branches are brownish-gray. Sprouts of considerable thickness, straight. The leaves are large in size, 12.5x7 cm, light green dull, with a reddish top. The petiole has a dark anthocyanin color, an average length. The bud gives 2-3 flowers, which open before the leaves appear. Buds of white color.

The fruits of the plum "Altai jubilee" weigh 14-16 grams, have an angular-round shape. Seam-groove pronounced. Coloration of fruits yellow-orange with scarlet blush, there is a wax spray. The skin is soft, not bitter. The flesh of the fruit is juicy, tasty, yellow-orange in color.

Plum "Altai jubilee" - mid-term variety. Fruits ripen to the middle of August or a little later. The tree yields a harvest for 3-4 years.

The variety is universal.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Having considered the description of the plum variety "Altaic jubilee" with a photo, it is necessary to dwell on the pros and cons of this plant.

The advantages of the variety are:

  • Excellent taste properties of fruits;
  • Abundant fertility;
  • Strong winter hardiness of trees;
  • Resistance to the clasterosporium.

Minuses can be considered:

  • Imbalance to obstruction;
  • Low transportability of plums;
  • Insufficient drought resistance;
  • Self-fertility;
  • Damage by the seed.

These are the main characteristics of the plum "Altaic jubilee".

Selection of seedlings

The future yield is largely determined by the quality of the planting material. It is not so easy to choose good seedlings.

It is best to purchase seedlings in the spring. Experts give several recommendations in this direction:

  1. First of all, you should evaluate the appearance of the seedling. It should not show signs of disease, drying out and other damage. On each tree there should be a tag with information about the variety, the producer and other useful data. The roots of a healthy seedlings have a light shade without spots and diseases.
  2. The height of the seedling can tell whether it was properly cared for during cultivation. For one-year-old seedlings grown from a stone, the height is 1.5 m. If it did not reach this value, it is possible that the tree was not sufficiently groomed. If the height is much larger, it is possible that the trees were grown according to the wrong technology.
  3. The taste qualities of fruits depend on agrotechnics and climatic conditions. Therefore, experts recommend growing varieties, derived specifically for a specific location.
  4. For fast survival, one should take 1-2 year old seedlings. More mature plants are more difficult to tolerate transplant stress.
  5. When buying seedlings it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in advance with the possible diseases of the variety and the methods for overcoming them.

These are the main recommendations when buying planting stock of plum trees.


With the correct planting and care of the plum "Altaic Jubilee" will please the gardeners with good yield and no problems in growing.

Plum trees are planted at a distance of 2-3 meters from other crops. Snowless places should be even.

The best season for plum planting in Siberia is spring time or early autumn. Do pits in the depth of 50 cm, a width of 60-100 cm. Put organic, superphosphate, potassium, lime, mix with the ground. Heavy soil must be diluted with sand.

Seedling should be shortened by 30-50%. Planting, the plant is well watered and mulched with an organic mixture.

On plots located in the lowland, the plum is planted on hills up to 50 cm high with a width of up to 200 cm. In advance, fertilizers from organic, nitrate, superphosphate, potassium salt are dug up, forming a hill from the earth, mixing gravel with sand. In the center of the hill make a groove, to the middle of which lay more fertile soil, and along the edges - sand with gravel.

On snowy areas you can put in boxes without a bottom. To do this, you need to prepare boxes of 1x1 meter. The material can be different:

  • tree;
  • slate;
  • iron.

The box is filled with soil filled with fertilizers, the plum is planted.


In the spring, the "Altai Jubilee" plum needs sanitary pruning. Removing old branches that do not grow, as well as weak, sick.

If a tree fructifies annually, it is sufficient to cut it once every 2-3 years. Cut perennial branches. Annual branches do not touch. Wounds are applied to garden wounds.

Branches that are frozen, cut to healthy wood.

Cropped trees are fed and watered.

After planting, the plum is not fertilized for 3-4 years. After the beginning of fruiting, feed with a mixture of 7 kg of organic and 100 g of ash. Every two or three years they feed it with lime-pushonka.

Irrigation after the 2nd year of life should be limited. Extra moisture contributes to strong growth, the appearance of aphids, low yields and increased winter recovery.

Strong watering is necessary for young plants. Fruit-bearing plums water 1-2 times, including before pouring fruit. After collecting the drain, watering is stopped.


Plum "Altaic jubilee", like other varieties, is subject to certain diseases. These include:

  • Kamedetechchenie. Damaged trees are subjected to severe frost, as well as heavily fertilized plants. Affected areas are cleaned with a knife and processed with copper sulfate. To prevent disease, do not get too involved in fertilizers.
  • Dwarfism. Characterized by the appearance of small leaves, a decrease in the growth and development of the tree. As a result, the plum may die. To combat dwarfism, the tree is uprooted completely. To avoid disease, you should monitor the purity of the instrument when working in the garden.
  • Klyasterosporiosis. Symptoms of the disease are small spots on the leaves, after which holes appear. For treatment and prevention of the disease Bordeaux fluid is used. It is also important to remove and burn all old shoots in time, and also to dig up the soil in the trunks. "The Altai Jubilee" is rarely affected by this disease, but it is still necessary to know about it a gardener.
  • Rust. Characterized by the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. To combat use Bordeaux liquid and other fungicides. Prevention consists in digging a stump and burning excess foliage on the site.
  • Chlorosis. The disease manifests itself in the green veins on the yellow leaves. To avoid chlorosis, you need to properly plant or transplant the plum. Diseases appear on trees growing in calcareous soils. Therefore, when planting, reduce the amount of lime. From chlorosis, the drugs "Antichlorosine" and "Helate" also help.


The two main plum pests are aphids and seed-eaters.

Aphids feed on leaf juices. To notice it, you need to look at the leaves from below. At the initial stages of the appearance of aphids, it is possible to remove it with infusion of tobacco with tobacco. 400 grams of the mixture is poured into 10 liters of water, aged for two days, then soap is added and the leaves sprayed three times.

Semyad Maslovsky is an insect, similar to an ant with wings. The seedlings lay eggs in the plum fruit. You can find a worm in a plum bone. From the seed, the solutions of "Lepidocide" and "Actelliki" help.


Plum "Altaic jubilee" is a self-fertile variety belonging to a group of plums that early blossom. For this reason, the tree is not pollinated by varieties for the central strip of Russia and requires the varieties of its group as pollinators. These include:

  • "Ksenia";
  • Katunskaya;
  • "Putov's memory";
  • "Chemal";
  • "Uzyuk".

All these plums are distinguished by early flowering and fruiting.

It is good, if representatives of other plum sorts grow on the neighboring site. This will be enough for the process of pollination. But if neighbors do not have plum trees, it is necessary to plant pollinating pollinators of the "Altai jubilee" on their plot. Only in this case you can wait for a good harvest.

Reviews of gardeners

Reviews about the plum "Altai jubilee" the most positive. Gardeners like high yield and good frost resistance of the tree. Plum trees of this variety have excellent external characteristics and bring delicious fruits.

Unfortunately, the fruits do not tolerate transportation. But from this plum are obtained excellent compotes and jams, which is highly valued by gardeners.

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