Homeliness, Gardening
Tomato "Lazybird": a description of the variety, characteristics, cultivation, reviews
Tomato is a favorite vegetable. It contains useful nutrients for the body and has pleasant taste qualities. This culture has many varieties, one of which is the brand "Lentiyka". On the cultivation, advantages and disadvantages of this variety, read the article.
Tomato "Lazy": description of the variety
Tomato belongs to the Paslenov family and is the closest relative of the potato. This variety was bred by Siberian breeders and is rightfully considered a people's favorite. Tomato "Lentiyka" is an early, fruitful variety with low shrubs and large fruits that ripen through 95-100 days after planting. It is grown both in the open ground, and under a film covering.
Pasynkovanie continues until the appearance of the first brush. The tomato of this variety has an interesting feature - the formation of a large number of fruits occurs on numerous lateral stepsons. The vegetable has a high yield. From one bush it is possible to collect up to four kilograms of large tasty bright red fruits weighing up to three hundred grams. Tomato has a round, smooth shape in the form of a heart and a tender, sugary pulp.
Advantages and disadvantages of tomatoes "Lentiyka"
Tomato "Lazy" is endowed with the following advantages:
- High yield.
- Active fruiting.
- Beautiful appearance.
- Long shelf life.
- Wide range of use.
- Strong immunity.
- High frost resistance.
Tomato "Lazy" is not deprived and disadvantages. Here are some of them:
- Plants do not tolerate extreme heat.
- They need a strong support.
- Demanding the composition of the soil.
Growing tomatoes in seedlings
Some summer residents who spend a lot of time growing vegetables prefer this method. They themselves grow seedlings for their beds. Before planting the seedlings, stakes are pounded into the ground at a distance of one meter from each other, and a rope is stretched along which the pits are digged. They planted seedlings, which must necessarily be tied to a rope stretched between the stakes.
The lower leaves of the seedlings are removed, leaving only the upper leaves (several pieces). Then the glass with the seedlings is turned over, the plant is taken out of it together with the soil and is transferred to the pit. After that, it is sprinkled with earth and poured abundantly so that the soil is dented.
Immediately after planting, the ground around the stem of the plant is mulched with leaves, manure or sawdust. This will save the owner from loosening the land and weeding the weeds. The layer should not be large, just ten centimeters in thickness. Thanks to the mulch the root system does not overheat and does not dry out. Mulch with time will start to rot, while saturating the soil with nutrients.
Growing Tomatoes in a Pure Way
Many summer residents prefer to have tomato "Lentiyka" on their plot. Growing a vegetable in a seedling way is not always included in the plans of the owners, since it takes a long time. What to do if you want to grow tomato "Lentiyka", reviews about which are the most positive? The solution is to plant tomatoes immediately in the ground.
For this method, tomatoes of only determinant varieties are suitable, that is, early, undersized, with a height of shrubs up to one meter, which is not afraid of compact planting. Tomato "Lentiyka" refers to just such varieties of this type of vegetable culture, so it can be grown in a non-mown manner.
Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare the ground. To do this, it should be filled with warm water. If possible, a hot solution of potassium permanganate should be used instead of water.
In advance, fill the holes, each put in a circle of 5-6 seeds and fall asleep with a half-centimeter layer of soil. After this, you need to once again water with warm water. The procedure for sowing seeds is not yet complete. Above the holes, cans or bottles are installed.
All this is covered with sackcloth or other improvised material. Around the area with holes, arcs are arranged, on which a polyethylene film is stretched. To its not blown away by the wind, it is necessary to press the edges to the soil from all sides.
What attracts a seedless way to grow tomatoes?
Often, inexperienced farmers say that tomatoes grown without using seedlings are worse in many respects. This is a mistaken opinion. Here are some advantages of this method of growing tomatoes:
- You do not need to spend time on growing seedlings or money to buy it.
- The root system is not subject to injury, since the plant is not transplanted.
- Fruits grow hardened, as they immediately ripen under natural conditions.
- Fruits the culture until the frosts.
- Seeds, gathered from strong bushes, are of high quality.
- Rarely sick tomatoes "Lazy". Characteristics of taste qualities and useful properties, in turn, exceed all expectations.
Care of plants
Until the first shoots appear, do not remove the polyethylene. This should be done as soon as the tomato seeds germinate, but carefully, constantly observing the climatic changes. If the sun, warm weather, then the seedlings can be fully opened, if not, then they should not be touched at all.
When almost all seeds germinate, visually choose 1-2 of the best bush that remain in the hole. The rest either is thrown out or transplanted to another place.
Less common is the need for watering the tomato "Lazy". The responses of truck farmers are impressive, they really like this sort of vegetable because of its unpretentiousness to watering. The fact is that tomatoes in this way of growing are not dived or transplanted. The root system remains at rest, nobody touches it, it grows strong and stable. The central part of the root has the ability to grow deep into and from there to take the necessary moisture in the right amount. Therefore, to water the tomato variety "Lazy" is necessary only in drought.
Bezrossadny method of growing tomatoes, of course, is good. But he also has shortcomings:
- It is suitable only for early varieties.
- The first fruits appear half a month later than those of the same tomatoes, but planted in seedlings.
Top dressing and pampering of tomatoes
The first fertilizing should be done when the seedlings have at least two leaves. The solution is made as follows: for one liter of water, one and a half grams of ammonium nitrate. In each hole it is enough to pour out half a liter of solution.
The second top dressing should be done with the appearance of the first ovaries. For this purpose, superphosphates and potassium chloride are used: 20 and 10 grams, respectively. Before adding a fertilizer, grooves are made of seven centimeters deep. Fertilizer falls asleep not under the root, but at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from it. The soil must be moist. You can fertilize the soil with a mullein in a 1:10 ratio with water.
Pasynkovanie is done to strengthen the power of the central stem. To do this, remove the lower leaves, which will stimulate the development of fruit-bearing brushes. Since August, tomato "Lentiyka" should be watered less often, and the soil under the bushes should be promulgated with straw, sawdust or hay.
Reviews of summer residents about this variety of plants are mostly positive. The plant is not too capricious and staunchly tolerates the impact of the environment. These tomatoes are very rare. Of course, pleasing and abundant amount of delicious, juicy fruit.
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