HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamins for growth

Responsible and caring parents often face the question of whether their child needs additional vitamins for growth and development, other than those that he receives with food. Let's look at this in more detail, and at the same time we will more precisely know what vitamins are needed for the growth of children.

A child's organism is a delicate, delicate, far-flawed system, functioning according to the most complicated laws. Therefore, one who considers a child to be only a reduced copy of an adult is absolutely not right. The kid constantly develops and grows in varying degrees. But often the food consumed does not contain the proper amount of nutrients. The reason for this is the lack of habit in many families of eating healthy food, and failure to comply with the rules for storing and processing products in order to conserve useful substances in them, and the general chemicalization of agriculture, and the increasing degree of environmental toxicity and so on. Especially the lack of vitamins and other essential substances is palpable during periods of rapid growth, after the disease, during spring avitaminosis, etc. And if you consider that not all the necessary substances can come from outside or be reproduced by the body, then really suitable vitamins for growth should also be sought in the pharmacy. But here you can not make a mistake. Knowing what a specific child needs and what are the properties of individual vitamins, you need to select the most appropriate multivitamin complex.

Let's remember what each vitamin gives us:

- vitamin A - helps to solve the problem of slow growth, frequent diseases, rapid fatigue; It strengthens vision and positively affects the condition of the skin and mucous membranes;

- vitamins of group B - promote growth, increase mental activity and endurance;

- vitamin C - also good for growth, increases the body's resistance to various diseases, promotes good absorption of iron and calcium, helps to remove toxic substances from the body;

Vitamin D can also be isolated in the group "vitamins for growth", it positively affects the absorption of phosphorus and calcium, which contributes to the increase of muscle tone;

- Vitamin E - in addition to promoting active growth, provides normal blood clotting, high-quality work of the nervous system, accelerates the healing process and gives strength to the person;

- Vitamin H is one of the most important growth vitamins for a child , since it is he who charges the muscles with the necessary energy.

Vitamins for growth for teenagers are the same as for babies, only dosage is different. Therefore, if in the multivitamin complex contain all the above mentioned useful substances in the proper amount, then the growing organism will be fully supported and supported.

I would like to clarify the age periods, when additional feeding of vitamins is absolutely essential for all children. First of all, this is the time when the active growth of the skeleton and / or the replacement of the milk teeth:

- 3 years;

- 5 - 7 years;

- 11 - 15 years.

The need to receive vitamins for growth in other periods should be assessed by the parents themselves. If a child is active, cheerful, inquisitive, restless, if he practically does not get sick and develops according to age, and on the table there are always quality foods and a sufficient variety of vegetables and fruits, then, most likely, during periods of slow growth of the skeleton, he will not need Vitamin complexes from the pharmacy.

Watching for the nutrition of their children, including only healthy food in their diet and excluding harmful (carbonated drinks, chips and other fast food, excess sweets), in time feeding the children's body with vitamins, we guarantee them health and a good mood for many years.

Health to you and your children!

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