HealthSupplements and vitamins

Vitamin C (effervescent tablets)

Vitamin C - effervescent tablets that dissolve well in water and have a fairly pleasant taste. In addition to external and taste characteristics, these tablets are a vitamin "cocktail" and a very effective medicinal product. They are used both for the prevention of deficiency in the body of ascorbic acid, and for the treatment of various kinds of diseases.

Effervescent tablets "Vitamin C". Instructions for use

Indications for use are very large and varied: from banal bleeding (nasal, pulmonary, uterine and others) to hemorrhagic strokes, as well as poorly healing wounds, burns, ulcers, bone fractures, Adison's disease, intoxications, psoriasis, infectious diseases and much more. . Read more about this in the instructions for use or contact your doctor.

Contraindicated in vitamin C with hypersensitivity, propensity to thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, the drug is not recommended for diabetes mellitus, deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, sideroblastic anemia, hyperoxaluria, thalassemia, oxalose, urolithiasis, hemochromatosis. During pregnancy and during lactation, a daily intake of vitamin C should not be taken, since the adverse effect of the drug on the fetus has been proven, especially for intravenous and intramuscular injections.

Side effects and overdose

Vitamin C (effervescent tablets) can cause completely different side effects, in particular such as erythropenia, hyperprothrombinemia, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, metabolic disorders (therefore vitamin C - effervescent tablets are not recommended for people prone to fatness, in other species this drug Such influence on weight does not render). Hypokalemia, sodium and water retention, increased diuresis, skin hyperemia and skin rash are also contraindications for the intake of vitamin C.

An overdose of vitamin C can affect insomnia, dizziness, headache (especially with long use of the drug in doses above 1 g.), Increased excitability of the central nervous system, decreased permeability of the capillaries, damage to the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys and manifestations from the skin and vessels.

How to use vitamin C (effervescent tablets)

As a preventive: adults up to one hundred milligrams, children up to seventy-five milligrams a day.

For therapeutic purposes: 50 - 100 mg per day for children and adults 2-3 times a day.

In any case, self-medication should not be dealt with, because unqualified care can lead to unexpected and very unpleasant consequences, for more accurate indications, it is worthwhile to contact your doctor.

Other information

Vitamin C is a common ascorbic acid. Entering the body artificially, it has the property to distort the results of most laboratory tests. Such analyzes include: determination of transaminase activity, bilirubin content, blood level and urine glucose.

During the intake of vitamin C, you need to carefully monitor blood pressure and kidney function, as well as people with high iron content in the body need to use vitamin C in a moderate amount. Very often vitamin C with other vitamins is used in a complex and is a part of a wide variety of drugs, which allows them to be used to restore immunity and maintain the vital forces of the body.

Vitamin C is an excellent remedy for maintaining vitality, for maintaining immunity and for preserving one's own health. However, do not use it as a panacea for all ills. First of all, ascorbic acid is a medicinal product, and it is strong enough and effective, and therefore it is best to apply it in agreement with your attending physician.

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