Health, Alternative Medicine
Aspen bark is needed not only for hares
Aspen is a tree wrapped in a magical fleur. It has long been believed that it has an amazing ability to absorb negative energy, so direct contact with the tree clears the aura of a person from harmful influences.
Aspen has been associated for ages with mystical phenomena: vampires, werewolves, revived dead people. People believed that the aspen grove is a place where you can hide from magical persecution and even get rid of spoilage and evil eye. But if you abandon all superficial judgments and look at the aspen with your eyes, not clouded prejudices, you can see that this is a beautiful tree. Aspen is good and in spring, covered with fluffy long earrings, and in summer, mysteriously rustling with trembling foliage, and in autumn in crimson decoration.
Aspen is not a useless tree, as was commonly believed for many years. Medicinal properties are bark of aspen, shoots, unopened kidneys and young leaves. Often in the woods you can see the harvested aspen - apparently, the animals were treated by forest.
Usually the bark is harvested early in the spring. Preference is given to the light green non-cracked bark, which is removed from trees intended for cutting. Her podvyalivayut in the sun, and then quite a long time dried in the shade. The leaves are collected in the period May-June. They are also dried in the shade, or in dryers with a temperature regime of 50-60 C. Kidneys are collected before the leaves are blossomed and dried in an oven or oven.
Aspen bark: treatment
In folk medicine, aspen bark is considered the most valuable raw material, which contains in large quantities such components as salicin, populene, tannins. As a result of the research, it was found that the aspen bark contains a substance capable of replacing aspirin with its natural composition. Traditional medicine recommends the use of aspen bark in the treatment of certain diseases of the bladder: urethritis, urinary incontinence, cystitis and other pathologies. Infusion helps with diarrhea, colds, coughs, toothache. From the broth of the young aspen bark, baths are prepared to relieve pain in neuralgia, sciatica, radiculitis.
The bark of aspen helps and with diseases of the intestine and stomach, for example, in colitis, the powder is brewed and drunk like tea. With jaundice, a dry bark powder is brewed and drunk, while washing with milk. In combination with other parts of the tree, the aspen bark helps to restore the body after losing blood. With eczema, furunculosis, burns and other skin diseases apply ointment, made from a baby cream with the addition of alcohol tincture of the aspen bark, leaves and kidneys. The broth helps prevent the development of prostate adenoma or get rid of the onset of the disease. In this case, the bark of young trees is much more effective. Aspen bark is treated with lambliasis and opisthorchiasis.
Aspen bark: contraindications
There are no special contraindications to the use of aspenic cortex, but the advice of a doctor is necessary, as well as when using any other means with therapeutic effect. Usually, preparations based on aspen bark are easily transferred. It should beware of the high content of tannins in the bark, their astringent action can cause constipation. With a tendency to this ailment, caution and moderation in the use of such drugs should be observed. And, of course, they can not be taken to people with individual intolerance.
An amazing coincidence - aspens, like people, live 60-80 years, sometimes living to the age of a hundred.
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