Computers, Computer games
The best RPG on PC
Everyone from time to time you want to play something epic and grandiose, with huge scale and consequences that affect the course of the game. This, as a rule, is distinguished by good RPGs on the PC. In general, this genre provides the user a lot of opportunities: the system for pumping the main character, freedom of action and direction, a huge game world, a lot of quests and minor people. Obviously, you will not be bored here, simply there will not be time for it. It goes without saying that it is impossible to list all projects worthy of attention in one article. But, I promise, we will take one of the most worthy and guaranteed interesting!
TES V: Skyrim
In general, this series of games rightfully has in its collection the award "The best RPG on PC." The last part, released today, is called "Skyrim". We can say that this is the crown of creation, successfully incorporating absolutely all the necessary aspects of the genre of RPG, so necessary for a full and unique game. A huge seamless world with a peculiar culture and people, a lot of cities with their own atmosphere and architectural design, an almost inexhaustible number of quests (each one is not like the previous one), a multi-level system for raising the level of the character makes this game interesting for millions of people. A distinctive sign that this game is one of the best - it was able to create around itself a huge information field, in which all users are intertwined, discussing the passage of a task, creating the mods and additions, discussing what armor or weapons better. Literally from the first minutes of the game, the user starts sucking into the whirlpool of events, and in a few hours it will be impossible to tear yourself away from it. I would like all RPG games for PC, better or just ordinary ones, to have similar features.
Mass Effect
Probably one of the best science fiction games in the history of the computer industry. It's simply impossible to tell and describe everything in words, you have to understand on your own skin and see what it is. The series of games "Mass Effect", consisting of 3 parts, captures with its original and epic story, seasoned with juicy dialogues, much like the film. The main character, Shepard, has a difficult task to save the galaxy from destruction. There is everything: beautiful dialogues, dizzying plot, shooting, friends and brothers in arms, planetary scales and many other interesting things. The company "Bioware" can do good RPG on PC. Be sure and you are at it!
Fallout 3
All good RPGs on the PC differ with their main idea, expressed in the main story. A series of games "Fallout" originates in the far 90s, but at that time all its parts were very popular. The last project is called "Fallout 3". All actions take place in the post-apocalyptic world, or rather in the wastelands of North America. Nuclear war has radically changed the way of life of surviving people, surrounding nature and the value system. Most of the territories are covered by radiation, and where it does not exist, there is an irreconcilable hostility between the various clans fighting for absolute domination. Nonlinear plot, several endings, interesting gameplay, a wonderful soundtrack - all this makes "Fallout 3" a unique game, deservedly included in the list of "Good RPG on PC."
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