Arts & Entertainment, Visual art
What is hentai? Perversion or norm?
Many who begin to get acquainted through electronic networks with manga and anime, are asked by the question: "What is hentai?" And by the way, in most cases it is a visiting card of this genre of art. Anyone who tried to think about what hentai is, mistakenly comes to the conclusion that in the anime, besides the huge genitals and various degrees of nudity, nothing is there. This is by no means the case. Nevertheless, hentai often occurs in manga and anime. So, perhaps, we will dwell on what is hentai.
Origins of the Hentai
In the history of Japanese art from ancient times there were erotic drawings and engravings. The first drawings on the wall, which came to us from the middle of the first millennium AD, had a distinct content of a sexual nature. Some of them were drawn from mischief, others were targeted for religious purposes. It has long been no secret that in this country there are still ancient "phallic cults", in rites as a basis they take images of phalluses - male genital organs.
Types of hentai
Hentai manga for adults is much more simple and utilitarian. It does not have any special ideas, there is no discussion of any problems, the purpose of this type of manga and anime is simply to deliver sexual pleasure. The graphics of this style is very different from the teenage releases: here the person is distorted by anger or passion, women are often ugly.
In addition to "standard" types of sex, a considerable popularity in hentai have sadomasochism, fetishism, and also homosexuality.
Very interesting is the fact that often depict a hentai with demons - mythical creatures. Usually the plot is this: a young and inexperienced girl is raped by some demon, while he shares with her some force.
In addition to hentai manga and anime, they produce artbuki, cosplay clothing, calendars, posters, figurines from plastic and other goods. Hentai-figures, which depict the characters of anime and manga, enjoy incredible popularity in Japan and beyond. Although, however, otaku (this is a man who is obsessed with this kind of art) also collects figurines, toys and in general everything that has anything to do with the subject of his passion.
And to argue, what is hentai, it is possible still very long, after all each of us will have the definition.
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