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Gait is a way of conveying the beauty and grace of a horse

In the environment of horse lovers there are a lot of different definitions and concepts, when we hear that, we are confused. Let's try to understand one of them. Often among the horses sounds the word "pace". This definition is one of the most important in equestrian sport. With the help of this article, you briefly immerse yourself in the world of the most beautiful animals.

The meaning of the word "gaits"

Russian is rich in words that come to us from other countries. "Gait" - so is translated from the French language the word "pace". It determines the form of the progressive movement of horses. In other words, gaits are a set of ways of movement inherent in horses. The animal can reproduce these movements independently from birth, but often these elements are additionally trained in riding schools. Do not confuse any rapid movement of the horse with a pace. After all, this is not only a run, but a step. There are both artificial and natural horses. Among the natural (natural) stands are the following gaits: it is the amble, the usual step, the gallop and the lynx. To the unnatural are: piaffe, Spanish step, passage, gallop back, Spanish lynx, gallop on three legs.

The natural gait of horses

The amble is an incorrect gait, in which the animal rearranges simultaneously a parallel pair of legs. From the outside it looks as if a horse is rolling from one side to the other. The rider can sit much better when walking, than with a trot, however, the animal is less stable.

Step - the quietest way of movement, in which the animal crosses each of the four legs consistently. The pace of this pace is determined by the number of hooves to the ground, in which the entire body moves one step forward. In this way the horse is able to walk an average of 5 kilometers per hour.

Gallop - this is the fastest pace, which occurs jumps in three tempos. At such a run there is a moment when the horse seems to hang in the air. It happens when she carries her hind leg in order to lean on her. The average speed at a canter is approximately 22 kilometers per hour. At a fast canter, the horse is capable of reaching a speed of 60 km / h. This run is also called "quarry".

Lynx - a quick pace, carried out in two tempos. With such a run, the horse rearranges its legs diagonally. Average speed at a trot 45-48 kilometers per hour. A world record put the horse, which developed speed at a trot 55 km / hour.

Artificial ways of movement

Let us briefly consider the methods of movement of horses, which are taught specifically in equestrian clubs and schools. Such methods are artificial gaits - these are deliberately grafted animals for the sake of sporting interests. These include:

  1. The Spanish lynx. It differs in that when running a horse throws forward the front leg parallel to the ground.
  2. Passage - the slowest lynx, when the legs are carried forward. In this case, the forelegs rise upward beautifully and smoothly, and the rear ones are very much under the trunk.
  3. The Spanish step. It differs from the usual one in that the front leg, stretched parallel to the ground, is moved forward.
  4. Piaffe is a movement in one place with a pace "passage".
  5. A gallop on three legs, unlike a simple canter, is determined by the constant extension of one of the front legs. However, it should not affect the land.


So, in this article we have examined what is an equestrian gait, what kinds of it are, and how they differ. Not all ways of moving horses are told here. For a more detailed study, you need to delve into the details and master each element from a professional position separately. No matter what pace the horse moves, it always remains a graceful and beautiful animal.

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