
Violet Bells: description, planting and care

Violet, or senpolia, is considered a rather unpretentious domestic plant, but the process of growing violets can not be called simple. Of course, the result is worth it, and the blossoming senpolia pleases its master with an attractive look. What sorts of varieties are not bred by breeders! One of the most beautiful are the violets Shining bell.


Variety of violets A shining bell was created by a breeder named Dimetris. He has flowers in the form of bluebells with wavy petals on the edges. They contain rare strokes of fantasy. In the center of the petals is a bright yellow peephole. The green leaves are assembled in the correct form.

If you do not know the violet Shining Bell, photos in the article will show this wonderful grade.

Where to buy the plant

The first step in growing this bright and unusual flower is the acquisition of a plant. Buy a violet Shining bell can be in the form of seeds, cuttings, young flowers. If there is an opportunity to buy a flowering plant, this is a big plus, since a non-flowering specimen can disappoint its owner.

Buy Senpolia is best from collectors or at special exhibitions. The appearance of the flower speaks of his health. Leaves should be firm, shiny, without damage.

For beginners, experts recommend starting growing from simpler varieties than from selection ones, which includes the violet Shining Bell.


The roots of Senpolius are located in the upper layers of the earth, so shallow pots are suitable for planting. You need to pick up the capacity, which is three times smaller than the outlet. This will ensure a better flowering. To root the plant, an ordinary plastic cup will do.

The optimal temperature of cultivation is 18-22 degrees Celsius. If the violet has to hibernate on the windowsill, you need to make sure that the soil does not over-moisten - this will lead to death.

In summer, the plant should be protected from overheating in the heat. Also, the violet is afraid of drafts.

Senpolia prefers light sandy loam soils. You can purchase ready-made soil mixtures for violets or prepare the soil yourself. To do this, you will need:

  • 4 constituent turf;
  • 1 composite peat;
  • 1 part of sand.

You can add humus, perlite.


Proper care means:

  • True watering;
  • Maintenance of lighting;
  • Top dressing.

Violet The shining bell loves bright diffused lighting. Put pots with flowers in the sunny direction is not worth it, it is fraught with leaf burns. If the windows look to the south, the sunshine pritenyayut. The lack or excess of lighting will affect the external state of the senpolia.

With lack of light, the leaves rush upward, they cease to be velvety, the plants rarely blossom. If the light day is too long (more than 12-14 hours), the violet slowly grows, the leaves look down. To form an outlet, the pot is turned. Dust from the plant is removed with a soft brush or water.

Humid air is important for senpolia, especially at the stages of obtaining seeds and propagating by cuttings. Therefore, they put in mini-greenhouses or covered with polyethylene. However, you can not overdo it here, so as not to cause the development of fungal diseases.

When watering it is worth considering several factors:

  • Air temperature;
  • Soil composition;
  • lighting;
  • Age of the flower;
  • Pot size;
  • season.

You can water it in different ways. If watering from above is chosen, it is important not to let water get on the leaves. Therefore, it is poured on the edge of the pot or you can use a small watering can.

Can be poured into a pallet. To do this, put the pot in a basin of water for one-fourth and wait until the soil is completely moistened. Put several plants in the pallet is not worth it to prevent infection with diseases.

Wicking is characterized by the fact that water is supplied by twine, lowered into an aqueous solution with fertilizers. This option is preferable at a time when the owner is absent for a long time.

In winter, the water in the soil quickly cools, which is harmful to the roots. Therefore, it is important to warm the water to room temperature, and also allow it to settle for 24 hours.

In the warm period, the feeding of senpolis is carried out twice a month. In this case, mineral fertilizers and organic matter alternate. After planting, the plant does not fertilize for two months. Before top dressing the soil is watered, it will help to save the root system from burns. If the violet grows under artificial lighting, it needs feeding throughout the year.


The shining bell, photo and description of which is presented in the article, can be reproduced:

  1. With the help of a handle cut into the water. The most common method. The main thing is to choose the right stem. Too old or too young leaves will not work. Cropping an angle of violet leaf, it is put in a small glass. Waiting for the roots, the sheet is planted in the soil.
  2. Cuttings in the soil. In this case, the stalk is immediately placed in the soil. Perfect for this method is a plastic cup. After landing, they put him in a greenhouse.
  3. Using leaf fragments placed in a substrate. To do this, the sheet is divided into several parts, each of which must have a streak. Each part is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate, sprinkled with charcoal, put in a substrate and cleaned in a greenhouse.

Less often, violets are propagated by chimeras and seeds.

Considering and applying all the information on the cultivation of violets, you can enjoy these wonderful indoor plants for decades.

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