Homeliness, Landscaping
Hyonodox: planting and care (photo)
One of the most interesting ornamental plants from all growing in the gardens of the middle zone of Russia is the early-budding bulbous hionodox. Planting and caring for her - activities are not particularly difficult. However, in order to grow this wonderful bright flower, you need to know and observe some rules.
Description of the plant
In nature, there are only six species of Hoonodox. All of them are found only in Asia Minor and Cyprus. Hionodox is a short plant with two radical leaves and very bright flowers, similar to bells. The most common colors are white, blue, blue and pink. Buds most often have a diameter of about 4 cm and consist of six interbedded petals. Chionodiox bulbs differ in egg-shaped and light color. In an adult plant, they can reach a length of 1.5-3 cm. Hoonodox flowers bloom early in the spring and wither in the height of summer.
The henonodox breeds (photos are clearly demonstrated by its grace and beauty) most often by bulbs. In this case, the plant can blossom the next year. However, if desired, you can try to grow hyonodoxes from seeds. But with this method it will bloom only after 3-4 years. In one place this flower can grow without loss of decorative qualities for quite a long time. Transshipment and seating should be done about once every five years. Very often, these interesting flowers begin to spread around the site "independently." The fact is that their ants like to pull ants. However, in this case the flowers grow "wild."
Selecting a place for landing
So, you made the decision to plant on your site a plant like a Hoonodox. Planting and caring for her are procedures that require certain knowledge and skills. First, you need to choose the right place under the flower bed. Hyonodoxes love windswept areas and well-lit areas. In the shade, they can also grow, but the bloom will not be so abundant. Best of all, this beauty feels in wet areas. Very good look Hionodox on the Alpine hills, in flowerbeds, rosaries and even on lawns. Sometimes they are planted under the apple trees. The fact is that while the latter will release leaves that create a shadow, Hionodoxes already have time to fade.
Soil preparation
Thus, you now know where it will be best to feel a Hionodox. Planting and caring for her will be successful only if the soil is properly prepared. In this respect, the hionodox is a rather whimsical plant. The soil must be very nutritious and friable. Under the bed, you have to arrange drainage. The fact is that if there is water on the flower bed, bulbs simply can easily rot. Drainage can be made from ordinary rubble. Its layer is covered with permeable dornite and covered with earth. In order to make the soil more loose, it can add a little sand. With regard to nutrition, the quality of the soil is enhanced by the addition of humus. Of course, all the stones and roots of weed plants should be removed from the bed .
Planting material
Hyonodox is a flower that gives about 2-4 bulbs per season. Dig them out on the planting in September-October. Leaflets should already start to turn yellow. The excavated planting material is stored in a cellar or basement at a temperature of +17 о С, in boxes under a layer of sand. Plant the bulbs in a week or two. You can put them in early spring. However, they will bloom in this case later.
How to plant
Before planting the soil should be loosened. Depth of embedding depends on the size of the bulbs. Usually it is about 6-8 cm. The distance between the holes is about 5 cm. After planting, the bed should be carefully covered with polyethylene. And if there are mice on the site, it is recommended to lay the lapnik on top of the film. This will prevent rodents from spoiling the bulbs. In early April, lapnik and film will need to be removed.
Care for Hionodox
The plant of the Hionodox (a photo of varieties of different colors you can see on this page) does not differ with a special whim. However, of course, a flower bed with flowers will need to periodically weed and loosen (once a week). As for watering, it needs a lot of water. Soil under henonodoksami humidify once in two days. The first top dressing is done immediately after the sprouting of the sprouts. Increase the nutritiousness of the soil under the plants, simply scattering a thin layer of nitrogen fertilizer around the flower bed. Sometimes feeding is done even in the snow.
Hoonodox transplantation
Transplant Hionodox, as already mentioned, once in about 5 years. In this case, the bulbs should be excavated at the end of July. You need to store them in the cellar. The flower is cooked exactly the same way as for planting. Plant bulbs in the soil in mid-October.
Dyeing flowers
For the production of beautiful flowers in winter period, pasturing is used. Hionodox, like all bulbous, for this purpose is very good. In early spring, larger bulbs take bulbs from healthy plants. Plant them in pots, deepening for 5-8 cm. The soil is prepared in the same way as when planting in a garden. Bulbs are buried 2-3 cm so that they are completely covered with soil. Soil from above slightly prininayut. Pots with planting material are buried in the shady place of the site. In November they must be moved to a cellar or cellar. Two months later, the containers are taken out and placed in a sunny place in a cool room. Leaves begin to develop in plants. After a while they will release peduncles. After hyonodoxes bloom, watering is reduced. Further bulbs are dug and transferred to the basement. They are stored in the same way as the usual planting material before landing in the ground.
Diseases of the plant
Hionodox flowers are very sick and infected with insects quite seldom. However, sometimes such trouble happens. Usually they suffer from the same diseases as other bulbous ones. First of all, it's gray rot. Also these flowers can be infected with bulbous rot or achelenchoides. The last disease is especially dangerous. Bulbs of infected plants become brown and begin to decay. At the bottom you can see light brown spots. In the section, however, annular rot is visible. The diseased plants considerably lag behind in development from healthy ones and practically do not bloom. Damaged bulbs must be destroyed. Healthy as a planting material can be used, however only after disinfection. To do this, they are treated with ordinary hot water (45 ° C).
Types of Hoonodox
There are only five main varieties of this plant:
- Hionodox of lucily. This species comes from Asia Minor. Its name was received by the name of Lucille Boissier. It grows up to 20 cm tall. Leaflets in her grooved linear. On one plant there can be two or three. This species blooms in April, less often in May. The flowering lasts about 20 days. They breed lucilia in orchards and gardens for a long time - since 1764. Garden forms can be white or pink. White lucils in the inflorescence usually have 3-4 brushes and bloom for about two weeks. Pink is distinguished by a purple hue. Bulbs they have much more than white (up to 3.5 cm in diameter). The most famous brand of pink lucilia is Pink Pink.
- A gigantic hionodox. This species grows in the Alpine mountains. This is a small plant with an ovoid bulb. It is distinguished by narrowed up leaflets. The flower stem can reach 10 cm in height. In the inflorescence grows one to five flowers. The petals of this variety are distinguished by a purple hue. Giant this Hionodox is named for the size of the bud - 3.5-4 cm in diameter. This species will blossom before lucilia for several days. As a cultural plant it began to breed in 1878.
- Hionodox of Mrs. Locke. This is a very beautiful plant with blue flowers. Buds are quite small - only 1-2 cm in diameter. In the inflorescence, 2-4 flowers are usually collected.
- Hinodox Forbes. In nature it is found mainly only in Turkey, and then high in the mountains. In comparison with other varieties, it began to breed not so long ago - in 1976. The petals of the Forbes chemodox are blue with a white area around the eye. In height, this species can reach 25 cm. On the peduncle, an inflorescence of 15 flowers is formed. The dimensions of the latter reach 1-3.5 cm. The inflorescence looks very interesting, since its height is greater than the width. They meet this species with white and pink flowers. The main distinguishing features include the fact that it multiplies only by bulbs. In appearance, this species is very much like lucilia.
- Hionodox is whitish. It is distinguished by white-pink inflorescences with a slightly lilac shade. The flowers of this species are also small - about one centimeter in diameter. In the inflorescence usually 1-3 buds, and in height it reaches 10-15 cm.
This is actually a very interesting plant - the Hionodox. Planting and caring for her - the procedures are not troublesome and even pleasant. In the event that you will do everything right, you will necessarily grow healthy, abundantly flowering beautiful plants.
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