Homeliness, Landscaping
Arches for flowers in the dacha with their own hands
Each owner of the land plot wants to equip it in such a way that it was not only functional and convenient, but also beautiful and pleasant. One of the most successful decorative elements for decorating homestead space, giving the landscape its originality and originality, is the arch for flowers. At the dacha, according to many, as well as in the house, everything should be perfectly and comfortably. Today's new design solutions create an excellent opportunity to easily decorate the site. And not the last place in the list of all possible options are the arches for flowers.
In the country
Photos of these amazingly beautiful designs can be seen not only in the relevant literature, but also in many glamorous magazines. And this is not surprising. After all, the special atmosphere of the holiday at any events creates exactly the arch for flowers. The photo of the newlyweds on her background was seen by everyone in her life. But in order to admire such beauty, it is not necessary to organize an event.
Arches for flowers at the dacha - today a fairly fashionable trend of landscape design. At the same time, they not only have truly perfect decorativeness. Such surprisingly beautiful floral designs also make it possible to create cozy places on the sites for recreation, zoning space.
Separately standing arches, according to designers, are a spectacular accent in the garden area. A tunnel or an amazingly beautiful gallery, a wall of flowering tapestries, arbors, hidden places for rest and solitude can all be created with the help of an arch for flowers in the country. Practically every specialized magazine has a photo of such landscape solutions. In addition, with the help of such flowering designs, you can hide and not too presentable subsidiary buildings.
Species diversity
Arches for flowers at the dacha are two, and sometimes three or four vertical racks with a bar at the top. The form of the latter can be very diverse. The main purpose of such structures on the site is to create a support for climbing plants, zoning space or creating places for recreation. Sometimes arches arrange for registration of an input on a site.
The structures of these compositions have a variety of forms. The most popular are the arched and arched arches that connect the two lattices. There are also trellis options, which are most often used for decorating wedding events, as well as pergolas - three-dimensional structures with recurring details.
Very simple in the manufacture of rectangular arches create the effect of a deep perspective in space. Bright accents of such a composition can give not only climbing plants, but also lawns, tracks from rubble or flowers in flower pots.
Sturdy structures with stone supports and trellised vault, braided lianas, make it possible to create original shady arbours, inside which you can comfortably rest on the bench.
Today, you can find various variants of ready-made arches. This is a variety of wooden structures - from complex to simple, inexpensive plastic or forged blanks. The latter, although they have a higher cost, however, thanks to the thin, elegant lines are particularly beautiful. They are very effective even when the plant has not yet fully adhered to the arch.
Selection Requirements
When deciding to buy a finished product or making a pergola with their own hands, the site owner should keep in mind some of the nuances. First, the design should be as strong as possible, since the total weight of climbing plants that rely on the structure is significant.
In addition, this landscape element should be made of durable material, because it affects all year round such natural factors as rain or snow, sun, etc. In addition, like any decorative element, the arch should fit well into the common space.
In addition, there are requirements for size. The arch should have a height above the height of the person, so that it is convenient to pass under it, without bending down. The width must also be at least one hundred and twenty centimeters. This is due to the fact that the climbing flowers for the arch on the dacha are greatly expanding, and with narrow dimensions there is a feeling of inaccuracy and crowding.
The choice for them today is very large. It can be wooden slats, bars and lattices, plastered brick or plastic, even a vine. In large spaces, stone structures will look great. A very popular option today are metal arches for flowers. You can buy forged structures in many shops that sell products for the garden. Virtually all of them are made of materials resistant to aggressive external environment and covered with varnishes or paints, which protect the metal from corrosion.
Some designs from designers can combine different variants of elements. Much of the choice of material depends not only on the appearance and type of construction, but also on what plants are supposed to be used for braiding.
Choice of colors for the arch
After the design is installed, it's time to decorate it. To do this, you need to decide in advance which flowers to plant. For the arch on the dacha, it is more advantageous to use the long-curving Chinese magnolia vine, clematis or clinging rose. Look good on the pergola of wisteria, grapes or honeysuckle.
Quite suitable and such annuals, like sweet peas, hops, curling nasturtium and ordinary ivy. You can choose other varieties. But at the same time it is necessary that they are curly plants with lush greenery and beautiful flowers, the whips of which can grow to three or four meters. It is also important to compare the choice with the climatic conditions of the area. This is especially true when planting perennials, since some plants require special conditions for a successful growing season.
Care of flowers
Some curly varieties, for example, a climbing rose or a garden grapes, should be sheltered for winter, since they are very sensitive to winter frosts and temperature changes. Plants should be planted as close to the base of the arch structure as possible.
At the same time, it must be remembered that perennials develop very slowly, so in the first two years their growth is slightly less noticeable. Therefore, it is not necessary to initially expect a special decorative effect. An arch for flowers in the country - made or bought in the store - must be correctly decorated with flowers. If the owner doubts his knowledge, it is better to invite a specialist who will competently select plants and plant them. But if there is at least some skill in working in the garden, decorating the arch with curly flowers will not be difficult. You just need to include the fantasy and arrange it according to your taste, observing the agrotechnical requirements for the chosen varieties.
You can, for example, plant perennials and such annual climbing plants, like sweet peas or ipomeyu purple. They already in the first year give a bright color to the graceful design of the arch. Another original version of the design of this garden structure are suspended pots or plants in pots - begonia, pelargonium and petunia. So the designs will get a picturesque look, and, most importantly, the grower will not have to wait until the clematis or cleaved roses grow . But when these plants completely wrap around the structure, the arch will become the most wonderful place on the site - beautiful and at the same time creating a shadow. Creating such a landscape structure, do not forget about one important factor - the care and maintenance of an attractive species of plants, which is braided arch for flowers in the country.
With your own hands
Photos of these amazing compositions, pleasing to the eye, can be seen in many prestigious magazines. But do not think that the flowering pergola or tapestry design is the lot of the elect. You can, of course, buy an arch for your garden or dacha in the store, but if there is a desire, it can be built with your own hands. And, it should be noted that often the design, assembled independently, looks no worse than what was acquired. The main thing is to know how to make an arch.
At the dacha for flowers, many use the simplest building materials that are at hand. These can be metal pipes, wooden poles or bars.
It is always more pleasant to create beauty in your own area on your own. The arch can be located both along the path and in the corner, separating it from the rest zone.
Sequence of work
Of the wooden material, the arch is the easiest to make. To do this, you need four or six poles or bars with a height of about two meters and a width of ten centimeters. Mounted vertically, they will be the support for the future pergola. To them it will be necessary to attach lateral cross beams, and to the last - crossbeams from the edging board in the size of 20x200 millimeters.
Posts need to be installed in previously prepared pit depths from 0.5 to 1 meter. Depth should be chosen depending on the type of soil: for loose soil, it should be greater. It is necessary to check the verticality of the installation with the help of a building level. In order for the plants on the arch to grow well and tightly braided, twine can be stretched between the pillars. And if you stuff a rake between them, then this pergola will look especially beautiful.
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